Celebrity Equinox Cruise 地中海游记
( 10/16-11/3/2013 )- Pompeii Ruins(Italy)
Ourenglish Correspondent 12/07/2013

10/24去庞贝古墟参观。 一路上我们见到意大利道路两旁种植的伞形松树,导游称它们“umbrella pine",不但常年翠绿,


For taking pictures with tourists.

we visited the Donadio Corals Cameos Factory.

Veteran technician is working on a shell.

Final products

He is very happy with his works.

On the way to the major parts of the Pompeii Ruins.

On the way to the major parts of the Pompeii Ruins.

On the way to the major parts of the Pompeii Ruins.

On the way to the major parts of the Pompeii Ruins.

On the way to the major parts of the Pompeii Ruins.

On the way to the major parts of the Pompeii Ruins.

On the way to the major parts of the Pompeii Ruins.

On the way to the major parts of the Pompeii Ruins.

On the way to the major parts of the Pompeii Ruins.

On the way to the major parts of the Pompeii Ruins.

This is where the guided tour of the Pompeii Ruins began.

The guide told us that All standing walls and columns are the original, all the roofs and wooden doors were added by archeologists.

Very good guide.

The guide said this is an election ad of a local dignitary.

The guide said thes marble pavement is original.

Fossils found in Pompeii Ruins

Fossils found in Pompeii Ruins

Fossils found in Pompeii Ruins

Fossils found in Pompeii Ruins

The guide said this is a bedroom, ancient people were shorter than modern men.

The guide said this is a toilet.

Guided tour of Pompeii Ruins ended. Below were what we saw on the way back to the bus.
