--知识就是力量 • 快乐有益健康
夏威夷旅游(3)- Shopping Centers, State Building, City Hall, Downtown Aloha Tower
本网记者 August 8-15, 2018
King's Village Shopping Center
位于131 Kalulani Ave,Honolulu, 坐Bus#2到Kalulani Ave/Kuhio Ave,走两分钟就到了。
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Guard Museum is located within the King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center 原来有真人卫兵换岗仪式,现在换成了假卫兵。
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King's Village Shopping Center
King Kalakaua was the last king and penultimate monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi.
During his reign, the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 brought great prosperity to the kingdom. Its renewal continued the prosperity, but allowed the United States to have exclusive use of Pearl Harbor.
The statue is very close to King's Village Shopping Center
King Kalakaua statue
Princess Kaiulani's full name is Victoria Kawēkiu Kaʻiulani Lunalilo Kalaninuiahilapalapa Cleghorn (October 16, 1875 – March 6, 1899). She was heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Hawaii and held the title of Crown Princess. Kaʻiulani became known throughout the world for her intelligence and determination. After the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy in 1893, she visited the United States to help restore the Kingdom; she made many speeches and public appearances denouncing the overthrow of her government and the injustice toward her people. While in Washington, D.C., she paid an informal visit to U.S. President Grover Cleveland and First Lady Frances Folsom Cleveland Preston, but her efforts could not prevent eventual annexation.
Princess Kaiulani's statue is near King's Village Shopping Center.
Princess Kaiulani's statue所在的一块草地面积不过10㎡,被命名为 “Princess Kaiulani三角地”。
International Market Place 位于2330 Kalakaua Ave, Honolulu, 坐Bus#2到商城门口。是檀香山市著名商城和旅游景点。共三层,各层都能见到花草树木。
International Market Place
International Market Place
International Market Place
International Market Place
International Market Place
International Market Place
International Market Place
International Market Place
International Market Place
International Market Place
International Market Place
International Market Place
International Market Place
International Market Place
International Market Place 三楼
International Market Place三楼
International Market Place 三楼
International Market Place三楼
International Market Place三楼
Kalakaua Ave
Kalakaua Ave相当于纽约的5th Ave, 名店林立。
Kalakaua Ave
Kalakaua Ave
Royal Hawaiian Center是Kalakaua Ave上的另一个著名商城,在2201 Kalakaua Ave.
Royal Hawaiian Center
Royal Hawaiian Center
Royal Hawaiian Center。 我们在这里用的午餐。
Royal Hawaiian Center对面就是喜来登酒店
Kalakaua Ave
Kalakaua Ave
Hawaii State Art Museum 位于250 South Hotel St, Second Floor, Honolulu。
Hawaii State Art Museum
Hawaii State Art Museum
Hawaii State Art Museum
Hawaii State Art Museum
Hawaii State Art Museum
Hawaii State Art Museum
Hawaii State Art Museum
Hawaii State Art Museum
Hawaii State Art Museum
Hawaii State Art Museum
Hawaii State Art Museum
Hawaii State Art Museum
The most recognized Kamehameha statue stands in front of Aliiolani Hale (home to the Hawaii State Supreme Court) across from Iolani Palace and a short walk from historic Kawaiahao Church and the State Capitol. 地址: 447 S King St, Honolulu
Dedicated in 1883, this was actually the second statue created after the ship delivering the original statue from Europe was lost at sea near Cape Horn. This original statue was later found and was erected in North Kohala on the island of Hawaii near King Kamehameha's birthplace. The third statue of him is located in Hilo on the island of Hawaii, and the fourth is in Washington D.C.
King Kamehameha statue
Hawaii State Capitol
Hawaii State Capitol
Hawaii State Capitol门口
Hawaii State Capitol门口的Queen Lili'UoKalani Statue
Hawaii State Capitol门口的Queen Lili'UoKalani Statue
Hawaii State Capitol门口的Queen Lili'UoKalani Statue
Queen Lili'UoKalani Statue
Hawaii State Capitol House of Representatives
Hawaii State Capitol Senates
Queen Lili'UoKalani Statue
Queen Lili'UoKalani Statue
Hawaii State Capitol building
Hawaii State Capitol building
檀香山市府位于530 S King St, Honolulu
The Mission Memorial Auditorium (MMA) is one of the three buildings that comprise the Mission Memorial Building Complex located in the Honolulu Civic Center facing King Street. This complex of buildings served as the headquarters of the Hawaii Evangelical Association, part of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society, a non-profit educational institution and genealogical society whose membership is comprised of descendants of the first American Protestant missionaries to Hawaii.
Mission Memorial Auditorium
The Liberty Bell of Aloha in front of the Mission Memorial Auditorium
The Liberty Bell of Aloha
Statue in front of the Mission Memorial Auditorium
Mission Memorial Auditorium 周围的建筑
Mission Memorial Auditorium 周围的建筑
Kawalaha'o Church 位于957 Punchbowl Street,Honolulu.
The church, along with the Mission Houses, comprise the Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site, which was designated a U.S. National Historic Landmark (NHL) in 1962. In 1966 it and all other NHLs were included in the first issuance of the National Register of Historic Places.
Kawalaha'o Church
Kawalaha'o Church
Kawalaha'o Church. The body of King Lunalilo, who preferred burial in a church cemetery to burial in the Royal Mausoleum, is buried in a crypt along with his father near the front courtyard.
King Lunalilo, born William Charles Lunalilo (January 31, 1835 – February 3, 1874), was the sixth monarch of the Hawaiʻi from January 8, 1873 until February 3, 1874. Due to his popularity and status as Hawaii's first elected monarch, he became known as "The People's King".
Kawalaha'o Church
Kawalaha'o Church大门
Kawalaha'o Church大门
Kawalaha'o Church大门
Kawalaha'o Church园内
Kawalaha'o Church园内
Kawalaha'o Church大门
Kawalaha'o Church
S. King Street, Honolulu
S. King Street
S. King Street
S. King Street, Honolulu
S. King Street, Honolulu, Hawaii State Supreme Court
S. King Street, Honolulu, Hawaii State Supreme Court
King Kamehameha statue stands in front of Aliiolani Hale, home to the Hawaii State Supreme Court
King Kamehameha statue stands in front of Aliiolani Hale, home to the Hawaii State Supreme Court
Hawaii State Supreme Court
Hawaii State Supreme Court
King Kamehameha statue stands in front of Aliiolani Hale, home to the Hawaii State Supreme Court
S. King Street 和 Mililani Street路口
S. King Street, Honolulu
S. King Street, Honolulu
S. King Street, Honolulu
S. King Street, Honolulu
S. King Street, Honolulu
Downtown Honolulu
Downtown, Ford Street
Downtown, Ford Street
Downtown, Ford Street
Walking towards Aloha Tower
Downtown, Ford Street
Downtown, Ford Street
The background is Aloha Tower
The background is Aloha Tower
The background is Aloha Tower
The background is Aloha Tower
The background is Aloha Tower
The background is Aloha Tower
Spring at the end of the Ford Street
Waking towards Aloha Tower
It is located by the end of the Ford Street
At the corner of the Ford Street
At the corner of the Ford Street
At the corner of the Ford Street
The spaghetti restaurant is located between Ford Street and Aloha Tower
Aloha Tower
It is part of the Aloha Tower Market Place. Address: 155 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu, HI 96813
Height: 184′
Area: 43,560 ft²
Aloha Tower
Aloha Tower
Sculpture in front of the Aloha Tower
Aloha Tower 顶层
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
Aloha Tower 顶层瞭望台所见
此大学是Aloha Tower Market Place的一部分
Downtown building
Downtown Building
Aloha Tower前面的Spaghetti Restaurant
Downtown building
Downtown building
Walking Street near the Aloha Tower
Walking Street near the Aloha Tower
此步行街名“Merchant Street"
Fort Street
Fort Street
Fort Street
Fort Street
在檀香山见到了两个Walmart, 这个在Downtown
Downtown Ross廉价衣服店