--- 知识就是力量 • Flowers Good for Houston September 27, 2023 国
Many flowers do well in Houston, Texas, including native plants, heat-tolerant flowers, and drought-tolerant plants: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
1)Texas Lantana
A drought-tolerant native plant that performs well in containers or gardens. It prefers full sun and well-draining soil, and its flowers come in a range of colors. [1, 2]
2)Black-eyed Susan
A native wildflower that's low-maintenance and drought-tolerant. It has bright yellow petals and a dark central cone, and it blooms in late summer and early fall. [8, 9]
3)Eastern Purple Coneflower
A drought-tolerant native plant with soft lavender petals and an iridescent cone. It prefers full sun to partial shade and well-draining fertile soils. [5]
4)Yaopon Holly Yaupon Holly is a shrub native to the Houston area that is known for being evergreen and deer resistant. This is a popular plant for landscaping due to low hedge. They are drought tolerant and have resistance to insects and diseases. It’s a tough and hardy plant that tolerates a range of soil conditions. 5)Esperanza Esperanza is another Texas native summer perennial that tolerates high temperatures and draught conditions very well. They prefer full sun and grow 4-6 ft tall. They grow beautiful yellow trumpets that bloom in the summer. It’s best to plant these early spring after the threat of the last freeze. 6)Hibiscus A tropical plant with large, colorful flowers that thrives in Houston's warm climate. It grows well in full sun from early spring to late fall. [7, 10]
A heat-loving perennial with star-shaped flowers in various colors. It blooms from spring to fall and can grow from one to three feet. [3, 4]
Both red and yellow Columbines do well in the Texas heat. [6]
9)Coreopsis The Lance-leaf Coreopsis has yellow, daisy-like blooms and does well in both sun and part shade. [6]
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