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布碌仑老妇周末庆103岁生日 想去赌场玩老虎机

《倍可亲网》 January 7, 2018

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[ 据侨报纽约网报道/消息 ] 一位布碌仑老妇即将迎来103岁生日,谈及长寿秘诀时,老妇说道少吃糖,忙碌起来,要积极乐观。

  据dailynews报道,1915年1月7日,托蒂斯科(Mary Todisco)在布碌仑区公园(Borough Park)出生,那年威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)当选美国总统,距离女性拥有选举权利还有5年的时间。


  目前,托蒂斯科居住在布碌仑羊头湾(Sheepshead Bay)城堡康复护理之家(Chateau Rehabilitation Nursing Home),得到护工们的细心照顾,生活的很好。




  1930年,托蒂斯科夫人在布碌仑音乐学院(Brooklyn Academy of Music)舞台上,第一次见到托蒂斯科先生,于是两人一见钟情,后来在1934年结婚组建家庭。


  据悉,托蒂斯科先生(Pietro Todisco),在电影《情人与陌生人》和《教父》中都有演出,他于1970年因心脏病去世。


  丈夫去世后,托蒂斯科夫人就独自抚养着她的3个女儿,并在布碌仑市中心(Downtown Brooklyn)莱恩•布莱恩特(Lane Bryant)公司,担任主管工作30年。

  托蒂斯科夫人最小的女儿,75岁的古佐利诺(Diana Cuzzolino)说:“我妈妈90岁的时候,做了髋关节置换手术,手术很成功她活了下来。她还做了乳房切除手术,他还有心脏病,装了心脏起搏器,她是个奇迹,她的乐观精神感染了所有人。”

  托蒂斯科夫人的女儿,81岁的索伦蒂诺(Lucille Sorrentino)说:“我们会带她去赌场的,因为她想去赌场玩老虎机,她的幸运号码是7。”


Brooklyn centenarian reveals secrets to her longevity ahead of 103rd birthday

A positive attitude goes a long way — and in the case of one Brooklyn woman, it goes 103 years.
When Mary Todisco was born in Borough Park on Jan. 7, 1915, Woodrow Wilson occupied the White House and women were still five years away from having the right to vote.

“I never thought I’d live so long, never in my life. I had five big operations,” Todisco said Wednesday from the Chateau Rehabilitation Nursing Home in Sheepshead Bay.

“The last one, the Lord said, ‘You still have things to do down there, we don’t want you yet.’ ”The sassy centenarian — mother to three, grandmother to seven and great-grandmother to 16 — credits her longevity to keeping busy, observing a low-sugar diet and not taking life too seriously.

“I watch my weight — no sugar, honey,” she said. “If (life’s) not good today, forget about it. Tomorrow, it will be better. Look at it that way. Let it go by. Keep that mind going.”

Reminiscing about her remarkable life while sporting a glittery gold sweater and a pink corsage, the buoyant woman said she never let tough times get the best of her — not even when she was left to raise her younger siblings at the age of 18.

“My mother passed away when I was young and left me with seven children to watch,” she said. “Life was very bad years ago, but you made the best of it.” It was love at first sight when a young Mary first spotted her soon-to-be-husband Pietro Todisco onstage at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in the early 1930s.

Mary Todisco was born in Borough Park on Jan. 7, 1915, and she's never been one to let life get her down.

“He was an actor, and a lot of people were jealous of him because he was a good actor. He fell in love with me and we got married,” she said. “Me and him got along wonderful — wonderful — I can’t explain it. This was it.” The lovebirds tied the knot in 1934 and started their family shortly thereafter. “Right away I had children,” she said. “He wanted a boy so badly, but I gave him three nice daughters.”

Pietro Todisco appeared in the 1970 film “Lovers and Other Strangers” and was offered a part in “The Godfather” just before he died of a heart attack in 1970.

“He went out, lit a cigarette and dropped dead,” Todisco said.

Along with raising her three daughters, the family matriarch also worked for 30 years as a head supervisor at Lane Bryant, a women’s clothing store in downtown Brooklyn.

She volunteered at St. Columba Church in Marine Park, where she was known for making the perfect cup of coffee in a time when it was hard to come by.

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Todisco laughs with her daughter, Diana Cuzzolino, 75, who says her mom has survived a slew of health woes.

“Sure enough, the coffee I made, the men would kiss my hands and say, ‘Mary, it’s not piss water! It’s coffee,’ ” she said.

Todisco’s positive energy rubs off on all who surround her.

“She’s a survivor,” said her youngest daughter, Diana Cuzzolino, 75. “She had a hip replacement at 90. She had a mastectomy, she had a heart attack, she has a pacemaker. She’s a spiritual woman, it’s a spirituality.”A social butterfly at the Sheepshead Bay rehab center, where she’s lived for the past year, Todisco plans to celebrate her birthday weekend with friends and family — and a trip to the slot machines.

“We’re taking her to the casino. She wants to go to Resorts Casino,” said her daughter, Lucille Sorrentino, 81. “Her lucky number is seven.”

The bubbly Brooklyn woman has some advice for those aiming for a century-long life. “Keep yourself occupied and busy. Do that all the time,” she said. “And you’ll be all right. You’ll be like me — 103.” 




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