本网记者 May 26, 2017

2017年5月26日我们看了美国西部位于Wyoming州的Devils Tower (魔鬼峰)。 Devils Tower於1906年,在老羅斯福總統的任內宣布成立為美國史上第一個National Monument。 Devils Tower is a laccolithic butte composed of igneous rock in the Bear Lodge Mountains (part of the Black Hills) near Hulett and Sundance in Crook County, northeastern Wyoming, above the Belle Fourche River. It rises dramatically 1,267 feet (386 m) above the Belle Fourche River, standing 867 feet (265 m) from summit to base. The summit is 5,112 feet (1,559 m) above sea level.
Devils Tower was the first declared United States National Monument, established on September 24, 1906, by President Theodore Roosevelt. 美国著名导演Steven Spielberg看中了魔鬼峰这特別的地質形狀, 以此为背景拍攝了「第三類接觸」“Close Encounters of the Third Kind” (1977),获巨大成功。 The monument's boundary encloses an area of 1,347 acres (545 ha).
In recent years, about 1% of the monument's 400,000 annual visitors climbed Devils Tower, mostly using traditional climbing techniques.

Devils Tower : 魔鬼峰位於Wyoming州的東北角,算是Black Hills的最外圍(Black Hills大部份的區城在東南邊的South Dakota州)。在平緩的丘陵地Devils Tower突兀地矗立著,任何開車到附近的人都会看到这突兀独立的山。

Devils Tower的形成:大約五千萬到六千萬年(50-60 million years)前,地下的岩漿侵入(igneous intrusion)上面的沉積岩層。岩漿冷卻的時候,因為體積收縮而形成了一整片的多邊形石柱。再經過多年的風化,原本的沉積岩都消失了,只剩下這些石柱了。石柱高有近400多公尺,海拔5,112英尺 (1,559米)從遠處看就已很壯觀了,来到山腳下看,更感到它的龐大雄伟。

位於Wyoming州的Devils Tower(魔鬼峰) National Monument 與Mount Rushmore總統山一樣,它不是國家公園(National Park)等級的單位,但是它今天的名氣不見得小於某些國家公園。之所以有名,一大部份原因要歸功於史匹柏(Steven Spielberg)的70年代科幻經典“Close Encounters of the Third Kind”「第三類接觸」。

Devils Tower留影

Devils Tower停车场留影

Devils Tower木屋接待室外面享受五月的阳光



Devils Tower








2017年5月26日参观的第二个景点是位于南达科他州的山上四位总统雕像,人称总统山。Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore, a batholith in the Black Hills in Keystone, South Dakota, United States. Sculptor Gutzon Borglum created the sculpture's design and oversaw the project's execution from 1927-1941 with the help of his son, Lincoln Borglum. Mount Rushmore features 60-foot (18 m) sculptures of the heads of four United States presidents: George Washington (1732–1799), Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826), Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919), and Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865).

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial。 The memorial park covers 1,278.45 acres (2.00 sq mi; 5.17 km2)[3] and is 5,725 feet (1,745 m) above sea level.

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial留影

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial留影

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial留影

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial留影

总统山创建人Gutzon Borglum雕像。其子Lincoln Borglum继承父业,最终完成了雕像工程。Lincoln 还为其父制作了这幅雕像。John Gutzon de la Mothe Borglum (March 25, 1867 – March 6, 1941) was an American artist and sculptor. He is most associated with his creation of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial at Mount Rushmore, South Dakota. He was associated with other public works of art, including a bust of Abraham Lincoln exhibited in the White House by Theodore Roosevelt and now held in the United States Capitol Crypt in Washington, D.C..

参与总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial这项伟大工程的人纪念墙

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial留影

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial留影

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial留影

前来参观总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial,人流如织。

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial 留影

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial 留影

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial 留影

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial留影

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial留影。

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial留影

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial

雕刻总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial的工程师们工作的情形

雕刻总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial的工具

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial: 黑山民间环境保护兵团

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial创作原始模型

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial创造原始模型

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial黑山民间环境保护兵团的广告

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial室外剧场留影

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial室外剧场留影

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial 室外剧场

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial室外活动路标

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial室外位于路边的“总统小路”和捐建者铜牌

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial:行走在“总统小路”

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial:“总统小路”路牌


总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial:在总统小路旁看到的画面

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial:总统小路旁有每位总统的简单介绍牌

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial:总统小路旁有每位总统的简单介绍牌

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial:总统小路留影

总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial

杰佛逊总统爱好冰淇淋。总统山Mount Rushmore National Memorial餐厅专卖卖杰佛逊总统配方冰淇淋



2017年5月26日下午我们参观了位于南达科他州的还在建造中的The Crazy Horse Memorial印第安人领袖疯马纪念堂。 It is a mountain monument under construction on privately held land in the Black Hills, in Custer County, South Dakota, United States. It depicts the Oglala Lakota warrior, named Crazy Horse, riding a horse and pointing into the distance. The memorial was commissioned by Henry Standing Bear, a Lakota elder, sculpted by Korczak Ziolkowski. It is operated by the Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation, a nonprofit organization.

The memorial master plan includes the mountain carving monument, an Indian Museum of North America, and a Native American Cultural Center. The monument is being carved out of Thunderhead Mountain, on land considered sacred by some Oglala Lakota, between Custer and Hill City, roughly 17 miles (27 km) from Mount Rushmore. The sculpture's final dimensions are planned to be 641 feet (195 m) wide and 563 feet (172 m) high. The head of Crazy Horse will be 87 feet (27 m) high; by comparison, the heads of the four U.S. Presidents at Mount Rushmore are each 60 feet (18 m) high.
The monument has been in progress since 1948 and is far from completion. If completed, it may become the world's largest sculpture as well as the first non-religious statue to hold this record since 1967 (when it was held by the Soviet monument The Motherland Calls.)


The Crazy Horse Memorial

The Crazy Horse Memorial留影

The Crazy Horse Memorial

The Crazy Horse Memorial留影

The Crazy Horse Memorial展厅外的雕塑

The Crazy Horse Memorial展厅内的雕塑

The Crazy Horse Memorial展厅内的雕塑

The Crazy Horse Memorial展厅内的雕塑

The Crazy Horse Memorial展厅外的雕塑

The Crazy Horse Memorial展厅外的雕塑留影

The Crazy Horse Memorial展厅外的雕塑

The Crazy Horse Memorial展厅外的雕塑

The Crazy Horse Memorial

The Crazy Horse Memorial展厅问讯处

The Crazy Horse Memorial旅游宣传画

The Crazy Horse Memorial旅游宣传画

The Crazy Horse Memorial旅游宣传画

The Crazy Horse Memorial旅游宣传画



CHINESE 一字是由如下字的字首组成的:
Confident (有信心)、
Honest (诚实)、
Intelligent (有智慧)、
Noble (高尚)、
Excellent (卓越)、
Sympathetic (有同情心)、
Elegant (优雅)
把以上这些英文字的第一个字母放一起就是:CHINESE ━ 中国人
