Letter from Ke Wenli & Hou Meixue (1961 class) February 3, 2013 Dear Mr. Gao Donshan and your colleagues, We are glad to know that we are admitted into the NKAlumni Email Group group. And thank you very much for the messages sent to us recently. We've just come to know Ourenglish.org through an article written by Professors Wu Zetian and Gu Qinan in the Nankai Anumni Communication and what you've done for the alumni. We would like to express our congratulations on your success, and hope you would continue to do your bit for Nankai. We'll try to contribute what we think might be useful and conducive to your effort. As the Chinese traditional Spring Festival is drawing on, we would like to express our best greetings through Ourenglish.org to all Nankai alumni both in and out of China alike. We wish them happy and healthy always. Meanwhile, we are greatly shocked to hear the passing away of our schoolmates Mr. Zhao Xing and Mr. Zhao Hongbo. Their images in the early days still remain vivid in our minds. Please convey our griefs and condolences to their families and relatives on our behalf. Thanks again. Ke, Wenli (柯文礼) and Hou,Meixue (侯梅雪) (Editor's note: Both Mr. Ke Wenli and Mrs. Ke Hou Meixue are retired professors of Nankai University.)
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