美国女子中大奖 想到为母亲盖房
美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市一名待业妇女购买彩票时,店员错给她另外一种彩票,结果中得2500万美元大奖。 凯茜·斯克鲁格斯现年44岁。她先前在一处彩票销售点想购买“超级百万”彩票,结果店员错打出一张“强力球”彩票,她于是两张都买下。佐治亚州彩票部门官员说,斯克鲁格斯中得9月14日期“强力球”彩票,奖金额2500万美元。 斯克鲁格斯本月3日前往亚特兰大市的佐治亚州彩票部门总部领取奖金,她选择领取现金。 美联社报道,斯克鲁格斯待业在家,如今打算用这笔钱购买一辆车、出门旅行以及帮助其他无家可归者。“我将首先给妈妈和祖母盖栋房子,”她说。 Georgia Woman Wins $25 Million Lottery Due To Clerk's Mistake By Phil Villarreal on October 6, 2011 9:45 AM0 views
It takes an incredible amount of lock to win a lottery jackpot, and still greater fortune to win on a ticket you didn't even intend to purchase. A Georgia woman who was looking for a job won out on both fronts when she won on a ticket a clerk gave her by accident. According to the AP, the woman asked for a Mega Millions ticket, but the clerk accidentally printed up a Powerball entry with the same numbers, along with the ticket she requested. The woman was in the mood to double down so she didn't try to return the Powerball ticket and ask for a refund. That's why she won the $25 million prize, which she chose to cash out with the $15.1 million pre-tax lump sum option. The story says the winner wants to build a house for her mother and grandma; then travel, buy a car and help others. Hopefully she adds "give error-prone clerk humongous tip" to that list.
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