孙毅兵(学名孙学诗 ) 孙毅兵,天津人,我们班的副班长。毕业后分配到天津外国语学校,后调入天津外国语学院(现天津外国语大学),1992-1993年作为高级访问学者在英国诺丁汉大学和爱丁堡大学;2000-2001年以高级访问学者身份在加拿大曼尼托巴大学访学。先后担任天津外院英语系教学副主任、英语系主任、研究生部主任, 校学术委员会委员和学校学位评定委员会副主席,英语教学研究所所长;英语语言文学专业 教育方向学术带头人、教授、研究生导师。曾任联合国驻日内瓦办事处翻译。曾获天津市人民政府颁发的普通高等学校教学成果二等奖 。爱好排球运动至今。崔永禄教授夫人。 崔永禄孙毅兵夫妇于2010年11月23日到瑞士日内瓦联合国总部工作
小诗集 孙毅兵 二月二 二月二, 问候 特殊年,特别情, 抗疫 一日宅家一日安, 不急不燥度平安, 配合政府来检测, 迎来曙光和春天。 新冠无情人有情, 微信无菌送安宁。 阳春佳节 (藏头诗) 阳光普照鸿运来, (2024.03.02.津石作) 春之歌 春暖花开绿染枝, (2024.3.18) 暮春雷雨 暮春之際炸雷響, (2024.04.22) Lunacy of the English Language 著作及翻译:
Alfred Edward Housman usually known as A. E. Housman, was an English classical scholar and poet, best known for his cycle of poems A Shropshire Lad. Lyrical and almost epigrammatic in form, the poems were mostly written before 1900. Their wistful evocation of doomed youth in the English countryside, in spare language and distinctive imagery, appealed strongly to late Victorian, Edwardian and Georgian taste, and to many early twentieth century English composers (beginning with Arthur Somervell) both before and after the First World War. Through its song-setting the poetry became closely associated with that era, and with Shropshire itself. Housman was counted one of the foremost classicists of his age, and has been ranked as one of the greatest scholars of all time. He established his reputation publishing as a private scholar and, on the strength and quality of his work, was appointed Professor of Latin at University College of London and later, at Cambridge. His editions of Juvenal, Manilius and Lucan are still considered authoritative.