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Resolutely fight to defend peace!
伍语生(川迟) 2016年1月8日 纽约
人类历史的经验,Experience of human history,
已经清楚地告诉了全世界的人民:has clearly told the people of the world:
人类热爱和平,需要和平、Human being loves peace, needs peace,
人类不需要战争!Humans do not need war!
建立起一个理想的 To establish an ideal
至高无上的和平世界,Supreme peace of the world
是人类美好理想的灵魂。Is the beautiful ideal of human soul.
弱肉强食 The stronger preying upon the weaker
那是丛林中的动物世界,It was jungle law of the animal world
早已为人类所不齿。It has long been held in contempt for humanity.
建立起一个美好的、To establish a good,
理想的和平世界。Ideal peaceful world.
才是人类理想的灵魂!It is the ideal soul of mankind!
但是假如法西斯蒂幽魂不散 But if fascists ghost lingers
强行要把战争这个肮脏的屎盆子 Forcing to take this dirty shit of war
扣在人类的头上。 Onto the head of our human being.
怎么办呢?What then we should do?
回答只有一个:Only one answer:
全世界爱好和平的人民站起来 Peace-loving peoples of the world, all stand up
坚决地为捍卫和平而斗争! And resolutely fight to defend peace!