*2014年元旦曼哈顿 *
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纽约警察乐意与游客聊天照相,与意大利警察的冷漠不同。这种亲民作风值得世界警察,包括中国警察,学习。 01/01/2014.


时代广场地标-New York Times Tower or simply Times Tower, built 1904 (completed). It was the headquarters of the New York Times for 10 year, 25 storey, 120 metre-high skyscraper.

Ads on the lower storeys of the Times Tower

The Xinhua News Agency put ads over there, too.

Times Square is a good place for all kinds of shows

Times Tower ads, Xinhua News Agency is the second one from top


Walt Disney Mickey Mouse

Walt Disney Mickey Mouse

At the foot of the Times Tower is a temporary stage for New Year Eve celebration - Big Apple dropping and all shows to welcome in the New Year at 12:00 AM

An artist is painting a portrait for a young client

You can find quite a number of portrait artists along the sidewalk in the busiest park of Manhattan, all of them are Chinese. They were all well-trained in top art institutes back in China in their prime years. "Serve the world people" is their slogan.

Another one is painting a portrait of a Islamic family or five friends

Here is Rockefeller Center, New Years Day 2014

Rockefeller Center, New Years Day 2014

Rockefeller Center, New Years Day 2014

Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, New Years Day 2014

The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. It is a large Christmas tree placed annually in Rockefeller Center in mid-town Manhattan, the Rockefeller Center, in New York City. The tree is erected and lit in late November or early December. In recent years, the lighting has been broadcast live nationwide on NBC's Christmas in Rockefeller Center show and scheduled for the Wednesday after Thanksgiving. The tree, usually a Norway spruce 69 to 125 feet (21 to 38 m) tall decorated with about 45,000 multi-colored LED lights (in 2013), has been put up every year since 1933.

Rockefeller Center Christmas toy soldier decoration, New Years Day 2014

Rockefeller Center Ice Skating Rink, New Years Day 2014

The Rockefeller Center skating rink is guarded by the famous gilded statue of Prometheus Bringing Fire to Mankind by sculptor Paul Manship.

The Rockefeller Center skating rink is guarded by the famous gilded statue of Prometheus bringing fire to mankind by sculptor Paul Manship.

Christmas toy soldier decoration in Rockefeller Center

Christmas toy soldier decoration in Rockefeller Center

The statue of Youth. Flanking the statue of Prometheus are the statues of Youth and Maiden. They are the first humans created by Prometheus out of clay.

The statue of Maiden. Flanking the statue of Prometheus are the statues of Youth and Maiden. These are the first humans created by Prometheus out of clay. - Photo by Suhas Tavkar

On the sidewalk of Rockefeller Center
