二首 四言诗
【注释】1915年5月7日,日本为独占中国,向袁世凯政府提出 必须接受五项二十一条卖国秘密条款的最后通牒。消息传出,举国上 下群情激愤,皆认为中国之奇耻大辱。1916年7月25日,他在 写给萧子升(萧瑜1894-1976)的信中说:“大隈阁有动摇之说,然无论何人执政,其对我政策不易。思之思之 ,日人诚我国劲敌!感以纵横万里而屈于三岛,民数号四万万而对此 三千万者为之奴;满蒙去而北边动,胡马骎骎入中原;况山东已失, 开济之路已为攫去,则入河南矣!二十年内非一战不足以图存,而国 人犹沉酣未觉,注意东事少。愚意吾侪无他事可做,欲完自身以保子 孙,止有磨砺以待日本。吾之内情,彼尽知之,而吾人有不知者;彼 之内状,吾人寡有知者焉。吾愿足下看报纸,注意东事。” 历史证 明了毛泽东的预见。 1931年日本发动918事变侵吞了我国东 北;1937年在京郊发动卢沟桥事变,开始企图占领全中国的全方位侵华战争。
【注】:①焦裕禄当年为了防风固沙,帮助农民摆脱贫困,提倡种植泡桐 .如今,兰考泡桐如海,焦裕禄当年亲手栽下的幼桐已长成合抱大树 ,人们亲切地叫它“焦桐”.
②焦裕禄临终前说“我死后只有一个要求,要求党组织把我运回兰考 ,埋在沙丘上.活著我没有治好沙丘,死了也要看著你们把沙丘治好 !” 《念奴娇·追思焦裕禄》写於1990年7月15日,作者习近平同 志当时在福建省福州市工作。原载一九九〇年七月十六日《福州晚报 》一版。 Recalling Jiao Yulu
- To the tune of Niannujiao
Composed on July 15, 1990
By Xi Jinping
(At midnight, reading the article "People Calling for Jiao Yulu", the silver moon clear of all the clouds, remembering him in my poem.... )
Your soul has flown thousands of miles high and far away,
You are longed for to come back.
The same rivers, the same mountains, and the same places,
People all love the same kind of officials as you.
By the paulownia trees named Jiao by folks my tears pouring like rain, ①
You lived hard working on the sand dunes,
And when you died you were buried by the dunes as you wished,
Heart and soul, living or dead, you went all out for the people. ②
In twilight snow or in morn frost,
The heroic character of yours had never altered!
The moon is still as clear and bright as ever,
Thinking of you day and night,
My will and wish are always inspired by you.
The road ahead is still long and far away,
Remaining uncorrupted as ever,
Working as the local head official for one term,
For the people's benefits of this place ,
The will and wish of my life are fulfilled.
The green trickles and drops of ours
Will be converging into thousands ares of azure sea.
(Published on Fuzhou Evening News, July 16, 1990.)
(原载《海外南开人》112期,12/26/2016) |
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