New England Tour (6)
Provincetown & Plimoth Plantation
东山摄影/报道 10/31/2012
2012年8月27日至29日我们参加了个三天两夜游,到美国东北部新英格兰地区的麻萨诸塞州,首先看该州东南部一个名叫Martha's Vineyard的小岛,然后到距Martha's Vineyard90英里的鳕鱼角(Cape Cod)半岛最北端的Provincetown参观. 最后参观了波士顿以南45英里的Plimoth Plantation。
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Plimoth Plantation is a living museum in Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA, that shows the original settlement of the Plymouth Colony established in the 17th century by English colonists, some of whom later became known as Pilgrims. Plimoth is about 44 miles south of Boston, MA.