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--- 知识就是力量 • 快乐有益健康 每天坚持的五件事
【附】What is the best tip for staying healthy? 校友提供 06/22/2014 据《印度时报》报道,美国长寿专家丹·布特纳尔发现,生活中遵循一些简单的习惯,就能达到长寿的目的。布特纳尔本人曾考察过世界各地人们的长寿秘诀,并进行了提炼归纳。在他的专著《蓝色区域:从长寿人群中吸取的生活经验》一书中,布特纳尔表示:“做到5个坚持,你就可以多活10年。” 1.每天保持1.5小时的无意识体力活动,而不是刻意的体育锻炼。最长寿的人往往生活在生活条件并不便捷的地区,然而就是这种艰苦的生活环境让他们获得了最满意的回报。他们需要步行去商店、回家和拜访朋友,这就让他们获得了大量活动身体的机会。生活在长寿地区的人群无一不遵循着以生产生活性劳动为主的运动方式。比如意大利撒丁岛的男性百岁老人仍能耕作。 2.与关爱老人的子女生活在一起。长寿老人都生活在一个关爱老年人的大家庭中,与子孙们生活在一起。这不仅仅是为了获得更好的照料,长寿老人也为大家庭顺畅运转做出了贡献。如他们种植蔬菜、烹饪一日三餐和清理房屋等。这就显现出一种强大的双重效应:他们的子孙可以从长辈的勤劳和智慧中受益,百岁老人也从后代的青春活力中获得了保持身体活跃的动力,他们绝不呆在家中无所事事。 3.有明确的生活目标和乐观的生活态度。大部分的长寿老人都会有精神信仰,即使是不信奉宗教的长寿老人,开朗乐观的心理状态也让他们很少出现抑郁情绪,免疫力更强和心脏病的发病率较低。他们往往拥有强大而广泛的社会交往和社会支持,有明确的生活目标。 4.多吃豆少吃肉。对于长寿老人来说,肉更像是一种佐料,每周一两次,量很少,只相当于一副扑克牌的大小。他们以植物性食物为主,大量摄取豆类食品和坚果。长寿老人通常早餐摄入较多的食物和营养,而晚饭的量是最小的;一天中的食物量呈倒金字塔分布。 5.放慢生活节奏,抽空就休息。长寿老人的生活节奏保持“慢半拍”,吃饭细嚼慢咽,做事不慌不忙,不让自己陷入过度忙碌,并且保障每天休闲娱乐的时间。压力是对人体健康最有害的因素。慢性压力会引起慢性炎症的形成,导致人体过早老化。 What is the best tip for staying healthy? 1 . Sleep early, rise early from bed. Human body is not a machine. It needs rest . But the amount of rest you give to your body and mind depends on the quality not quantity. The time frame of your sleep depends on at what time you go to bed and at what time you wake up. However it's better to sleep early ,have complete sleep and get up early, breathe the fresh air. Let pure oxygen regenerate your blood. 2 . Avoid junk foods, street foods, packed dry foods and all kind of fast foods. In nowadays world people are too busy. They don't have time to cook the traditional food that grandma has taught before she left this planet. Returning from office people stop by a snack found on roadside. There they buy fast food to take along to their home. The children will also eat this food. Most often these kind of foods are pre cooked and when people come to buy ,they are heated in microwaves and served as if they cooked on spot . On the other hand people buy anything, from grilled meat, which are soaked in carbon from smoke coming from the charcoal used in grills for cooking. Furthermore packed dry food like noodles, contains preservatives which are harmful to our body. People must avoid consuming these products to stay in good health. 3 . Exercise your body. Practice some exercise everyday. Do some 45 minutes work out. Or go for a jogging in early morning. If not, know some yoga tips, then do this ,even zumba will do . Go for swimming ,trekking, hiking etc.. 4 . Avoid soft drinks and some energy drinks and alcoholic drinks. Soft drinks include all drinks which contain cola, preservatives and acidic properties. There are a lot of drinks that are declared and sold as energy drinks and most of them are harmful to the health of a person. Not consuming alcoholic drinks will optimize your chances of being in good health. 5 . Avoid stress. Too much stress is not good for health. In order to stay in good health, a person must not put too much stress on his mind. Stress is one amongst other catalysts which increases the excretion of gastric acid in our body especially in our stomach. I am adding this as well; 6 . Avoid too much fat and oily foods If you stay in good health and your body not to become fat and lazy, then avoid consuming too much fat and oily foods. Through fats and oily foods you acquire cholesterol and diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease etc . Oily foods and too much consumption of fats are harmful, they are hazardous not good for health ,fruits are good for health foods. They contain fibres and other vitamins. 8 . Drink a lot of water . According to the need of a human body, a person should drink about 3 litres of water everyday. Water has the properties to cure several kind of diseases. 9 . Take bath twice a day and keep your body clean and healthy. There is no hard and fast rule to take more than one bath in a day., 10 . Do not eat snacks after meals. A person must not take snacks after meals. Don't sit in front of your TV set and eat snacks after or between meals. Slowly but surely they affect your health. 11 . Laugh and smile Laughter is one of the best things that we make man happy and smile. This way man can stay healthy.
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