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What Are the Possible Treatment Options for COVID-19?

《Medicare》January 10, 2023

【附】Stop Midnight Snacks

1Talk with your doctor or health care provider today.

  • If you have COVID-19 symptoms, take an at-home test or get tested.
  • If you test positive for COVID‑19, you may be eligible for medication to help you recover.
  • Act fast—you should start taking the medication as soon as possible and within the treatment window after you have your first symptoms.
  • Need help now? Learn more about the Test to Treat initiative.
Test to Treat

Oral Antivirals: Paxlovid and Lagevrio (Molnupiravir)

Oral Antivirals: Paxlovid and Lagevrio (Molnupiravir)

Treat COVID‑19 from the comfort of your home.

WHAT are oral antivirals?

Oral antivirals are pills that stop the virus that causes COVID-19 from making copies of itself in your body. One oral antiviral is called Paxlovid, and the other is called Lagevrio (also known as molnupiravir).

WHO is eligible to use oral antivirals?

  • Paxlovid: Adults and children (12 years of age and older, weighing at least 88 pounds [40 kg]), who are at high risk for getting very sick from COVID-19 and who have mild to moderate symptoms.
  • Lagevrio: Adults 18 years and older who are at high risk for getting very sick from COVID-19 and who do not have access to other COVID-19 outpatient treatment options, or other treatment options are not appropriate for them and who have mild to moderate symptoms.

WHEN do you have to use oral antivirals?

Start using oral antivirals as soon as possible after you test positive for COVID-19—no later than 5 days after your first symptoms appear. These pills are taken at home two times a day for 5 days.

HOW do you get oral antivirals?

Oral antivirals are available with a prescription from a health care provider and through the Test to Treat program. Paxlovid may also be prescribed by a state-licensed pharmacist.

1Suggested Questions for Your Doctor:

Will Paxlovid interact with any other medicines I’m taking?

  • Do I need to worry about my renal impairment?
  • Do I need to worry about my hepatic impairment?
  • Will taking an oral antiviral affect my birth control?
  • I am pregnant or breast feeding, is it okay to take an oral antiviral?

IV Antiviral: Veklury (Remdesivir)

Veklury fights the coronavirus and can help you recover.

1WHAT is Veklury?

Veklury is a COVID-19 treatment given intravenously (by IV or drip). Like oral antivirals, Veklury helps stop the virus that causes COVID-19 from making copies of itself in your body.

WHO is eligible to receive Veklury?

  • Adults 18 and over
  • Children who are 28 days of age or older and weigh at least 7 pounds (3 kg)

AND who:

  • Have tested positive for COVID-19
  • Have mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19
  • Are at high risk for getting very sick from COVID-19
  • Are outpatients (not staying in the hospital) or inpatients (staying in the hospital)

WHEN do you use Veklury?

Veklury should be given as soon as possible after you test positive for COVID-19—no later than 7 days after your first symptoms appear.

class="Font20">HOW do you get Veklury?

Veklury requires a prescription. The treatment is given as an intravenous (IV) infusion once a day for 3 days.

1  Suggested Questions for Your Doctor:

Will Veklury interact with any other medicines I’m taking?

  • Do I need to worry about my renal impairment?

  • Do I need to worry about my hepatic impairment?

  1. Stop watching TV, phone one hour before going to bed
  2. Read books which are positive like spiritual books or philosophical books.
  3. Drink water if you are thirsty about 1 hour before sleep.
  4. Meditate and do deep breathing for about 15 mins before sleeping.
  5. Just before lying down thank the almighty for all the good things that happened that day. If you can recall them even better
  6. Thank your parents and grand parents, ancestors before sleeping.
  7. Strictly no meal after 8pm
  8. No liquid that contains added preservatives and sugar.
  9. Brisk walking for half an hour after dinner.
  10. Sleep comfortably in a dark room.
  11. Keep your mobile & any other devices with blue light away well before 2 hrs going to sleep.
  12. Make sure you are asleep during 11pm-3am ( best time for body to repair itself )
  13. Sleep at least 7–8 hrs. Anything below 6 hrs is bad for fat loss.
  14. Try high intensity exercise to utilize afterburn effect.
  15. Don't eat any snacks/junk at night. ( Drink water to fill yourself up )
  16. Try to sleep uninterrupted and stress free continuously.




1 请大家一起呼吁:祖国文明建设应从央视和国营媒体禁刊酒类广告做起。酒,从精神到肉体已经伤害了无数国人!

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starHow Alcohol Affects Your Body 酒精如何伤害你的身体 (英/中)




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