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--- 知识就是力量 • 快乐有益健康 告别失眠 How does the 4 7 8 sleep method work?When talking about the 4 7 8 breathing technique, Dr Weil explained how, “this exercise is subtle when you first try it, but gains in power with repetition and practice.” The 4 7 8 sleep method works by activating your parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS). Psychologists describe the PSNS as the system responsible for rest and relaxation, and for switching off the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) – the one that kick-starts your stress response and ‘fight or flight’ mode. Through deep, rhythmic breathing, this powerful technique helps you fall asleep faster while reducing any anxiety and stress you might be feeling. Here’s how to use it tonight… 4 7 8睡眠法是如何工作的? 在谈到4 7 8呼吸技巧时,威尔博士解释道,“当你第一次尝试时,这种练习很微妙,但通过重复和练习会增强力量。” 4 7 8睡眠方法通过激活你的副交感神经系统(PSNS)来工作。心理学家将PSNS描述为负责休息和放松的系统,并关闭交感神经系统(SNS)——启动你的压力反应和“要么战斗,要么逃跑”模式的系统。 通过有节奏的深呼吸,这种强大的技术可以帮助你更快地入睡,同时减少你可能感到的焦虑和压力。以下是今晚的使用方法… How to use the 4 7 8 sleep method1. Get into a comfortable position and relax your body. 2. Place the tip of your tongue against the tissue behind your upper front teeth. 3. Exhale through your mouth, making a whooshing sound. 4. Close your mouth and inhale through your nose for 4 seconds. 5. Now hold your breath for 7 seconds. 6. Exhale fully through your mouth for 8 seconds, making a whooshing sound as you breathe out. 7. That counts as one cycle of breath. Repeat this cycle 3-4 times, twice a day. If you find it hard to hold your breath for that long to begin with, you can speed up the count in the beginning as long as you stick to the 4:7:8 ratio per breath. It may take four to six weeks to notice any big changes, but with twice-daily practice you’ll soon be falling asleep faster and feeling more peaceful when drifting off. And if you wake up often at night, you can also use the 4 7 8 sleep method to get back to sleep quickly. Here’s Dr Weil on how to use this breathing technique and what it sounds like when you do it right: How does deep breathing help us fall asleep fast?Deep breathing is a natural sleep aid and, best of all, it’s completely free and easy to do. Research has shown that it can be effective for people with insomnia, and how slow, deep breathing – especially when used with sleep hygiene techniques – can help people initiate sleep faster. Deep breathing is also one of the best ways to quickly lower stress in the body as, according to guidance shared by the University of Michigan Health, ‘it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message to your body.’ The 4 7 8 sleep method takes no time to practice, so try it twice a day for the next four to six weeks and see how it benefits your sleep. If you have any concerns about your quality of sleep though, speak to your healthcare professional to see what help is available to you. Also, don’t forget that your bed can impact how well you sleep, so make sure you have the best mattress for your body. If you aren’t ready for a new mattress just yet but your bed needs a big comfort boost, try a thick mattress topper instead. 早晨看见一则健康消息:说一位哈佛大学毕业的医生安德鲁分享了一个名为「4-7-8呼吸法」的帮助睡眠方法,不需要药物或设备,只要照着这个方法做,你就能在60秒内入睡啰! 读后大乐,因为这与我的经验大同小异,尽管俺不是名牌大学毕业的。 俺的方法是: 1.闭上双目微笑着让身体放松,四肢自然摆放不要重叠交叉就好。 2.先用鼻子尽量用最可能的长度吸气同时让气充分的到达腹部,再用尽可能的长度憋气同时意念让气在体内慢慢地转上二圈,最后再尽量慢慢地让废气自体内从四肢和口腔排出。 3.重要的说明:吸气的时候要想着自己记忆里最美好的白云蓝天红日,空气是天地间最洁净的从头部口腔进入,排气时要想着体内四肢里的病气脏气都跟着排出。这样可以排除胡思乱想的杂念,让思想单一纯净。 这方法对俺非常有用,已是俺每晚的入睡常规,快三年了,每晚二下三下俺就云里雾里见周公去了,连夜半上卫生间后用这法子也是无障碍入睡。这样不仅是帮助睡觉,也是睡前瑜伽的功课。 记得有一次生气不快乐时吸气时竟感觉肺部有阻碍,但几次后又畅通了。 但失眠更多的是睡觉时思想没静:人只要活着便有今日永远也做不完的事情,工作上的,家里的,游玩的和关于孩子们的……同时,人只要活着便有明天,后天……不要故意拖欠今日之事,也不要急躁的想一天就完成一生的事情。每天将尽时平静的审视自己内心的健康,不要想得过多过杂,遵循自然规律,有梦无梦安睡如婴,静好的迎来新的明天。 「4-7-8呼吸法」的帮助睡眠方 最近一位哈佛大学毕业的医生安德鲁就分享了一个名为「4-7-8呼吸法」的帮助睡眠方法,不需要药物或设备,只要照着这个方法做,你就能在60秒内入睡啰! 方法很简单,只要利用鼻子吸气4秒,憋气7秒,最后再呼气8秒,做3次循环后你就能感受到睡意,一开始做可能不熟没睡意,但只要坚持一天做2次,持续6-8周习惯之后,就能迅速的在60秒内安稳入睡啦! 这招主要是来自于古印度的呼吸调节方法,透过深深的吸气吐气让更多的氧气进入肺部并在里面流动,使交感神经放松,有助于减轻压力,让人真正的平静下来并放松身体好入眠。 |
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