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How To Manage Coronavirus COVID-19 Symptoms At Home

Khang T. Vuong, GW Milken School of Public Health April 3, /2020

As of March 31, COVID-19 testing for suspected individuals who are under the age of 60 and with mild symptoms is no longer recommended by Departments of Health around the country.

Because there is no specific treatment for COVID-19 available and test results could take a few days for turnaround time, getting tested could help inform decision making but it does not make you feel better because there is no treatment if you are positive.

Should I Go To The Hospital For COVID-19?

According to the World Health Organization guideline published March 17, 2020, for those with mild clinical presentation, hospitalization may not be needed due to the burden created for the local healthcare system.

In any of these situations, patients with mild symptoms and without underlying chronic conditions − such as lung or heart disease, renal failure, or immunocompromising conditions that place the patient at increased risk of developing complications − may be cared for at home.

What Should I Do At Home If I May Have Coronavirus COVID-19?

First, are you living with someone that has a higher risk for health complications (>60, managing chronic disease, health workers)? If the answer is yes, isolating or removing yourself entirely from the living space should be the first step. Though this could be difficult for family members, it is necessary to prevent unwanted consequences.

Stay home, unless symptoms become severe. With or without testing, if you have symptoms and suspect you do, assume you are positive for COVID-19. Stay within your living vicinity and actively monitor your conditions to see if symptoms are getting worse or getting better. If you are feeling severely worse, seek medical attention immediately or 911 immediately.

If you are on medication(s), stock up 30-day supply. Because quarantine can extend up to 14 days or a month, having adequate medical supply is essential. Many insurers already relaxed rules on prescription refills and allow members to acquire several weeks of supply for certain chronic conditions.

Practice good hygiene. Alcohol based hand sanitizers could be in short supply, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds periodically to prevent spreading.

Practice social disancing, stay home, stock up on medication, and practice good hygiene

Is There A Treatment?

The Center for Disease Control specifies that there is no antiviral treatment for COVID-19. The main way for you to feel better is to manage and help relieve symptoms.

There are multiple drugs being closely studied, but none of them has yet made it through the rigorous review process to determine there are no side effects associated when used to treat COVID-19.

Drink plenty of fluids, practice social distancing - avoid close contact, and keep a positive mindset that things will get better.

Advice From Dr. Carrie Lam, A Board-Certified Family Medicine Physician

There are three common symptoms associated with COVID-19: fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath.

From Dr. Carrie Lam, Board-certified Family Medicine Physician: If suspected or tested positive for COVID-19, but able to manage symptoms at home because they are still mild, make sure to get plenty of rest, sunshine, stay hydrated, and have good supportive care. Use a humidifier or hot shower to relieve chest congestion, gargle saltwater if having a sore throat.

Take Tylenol as needed for fever, try to stay away from NSAIDs like Ibuprofen or Aspirin for now. Make sure to quarantine yourself at home to ensure you do not go out and infect others. Wash hands often.

If you become short of breath and can't seem to catch your breath and your fevers are getting worse and not improving despite taking Tylenol, call your doctor (or 911). They would be able to triage and see if you need to go to the emergency room. COVID-19 could affect the lungs very quickly and you might need to get hospitalized to have pulmonary support if it comes to that. I would also recommend taking high doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin D to help boost the immune system. Said Dr. Lam.

Dr. Carrie Lam, Family Medicine, Board-certified

How About Supplements?

According to Dr. Lam, supplements won't eliminate the Coronavirus, but they can help boost the immune system. This will help your body fight off any virus that you're exposed to. Some of the best supplements for this are:

  • Vitamin C - oral or IV both help eliminate lung fluid and prevent neutrophil accumulation.
  • Zinc - helps support immune cell proliferation.
  • Turmeric - helps with inflammation in the body.
  • Olive Leaf - enhances immune functioning and aids in the management of fevers.
  • Vitamin D - a natural hormone and steroid in the body to help boost immune function.
  • Cordyceps - a useful anti-inflammatory supplement to reduce inflammation in the lungs.
  • Beta-glucan - reduces the severity of influenza.
  • N-Acetylcysteine - helps glutathione production and thins the mucus.
  • Colloidal silver/Argentyn 23 - a potent antiviral.

What Medications Should I Avoid?

Corticosteroids. According to the Center for Disease Control, corticosteroids have the potential for prolonging viral replication as observed in MERS-CoV patients, unless indicated for other reasons.

Ibuprofen. As of March 19, the WHO does not recommend ibuprofen to treat COVID-19 symptoms. According to a 2011 study, people with pneumonia experienced worse symptoms and prolonged illness after taking an NSAID, including buprofen. In the UK, the NHS is advising patients to take paracetamol instead, unless told otherwise by a pharmacist.

Antimalarial drugs, chloroquine, and hydroxychloroquine (warning). According to the Wall Street Journal, health officials are issuing a warning over the use of any antimalarial drug to treat Coronavirus.

Keep Your Emotional Health In Check

Being in isolation for an extended period of time can have a very negative impact on your overall wellbeings. In parallel with recovering physically, it is essential to have a routine to keep your emotional health in check.

Though you can't see family members in person, it is recommended that you keep in contact with them every day, either via phone call or video call. Having that little boost of support can make a huge difference in how one is coping with reality and get better

Keep a positive mindset is key

How Long Should I Expect To Feel Better?

According to Harvard Medical School Publishing, depending on your symptoms, most individuals with mild symptoms have covered within 7 to 14 days.

Severe cases, like those hospitalized, recovery can take more than two months. According to the most recent estimates, about 1% of infected persons will die from the diseases.

When Can I Go Out In The Public Again?

Several research have shown that viral genetic materials could still be detected several weeks after someone recovered from COVID-19.

Will I Be Immune After Having The Coronavirus?

It is not known for certain whether one could immune from the virus after recovering from it. It is safe to say that you should listen to the local Department of Health's daily advisory even if you have already contracted Coronavirus COVID-19.

Healthcare Can Be Confusing, Here Are More Resources:





| Contact 联系 | Last Revised 06/03/2020 |