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The best way to prevent plaque buildup in arteries; Blood Pressures;Magnesium

《Quora》 December 2, 2021

  1. Exercise regularly. This produces HDL cholesterol, which dissolves plaque in the arteries.
  2. Take omega-3 fatty acid supplements (molecularly distilled) daily. It keeps the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio balanced and prevents LDL elevation.
  3. Eat 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil per day.(Healthy Olive Oil - Medical Articles by Dr. Ray.)
  4. Keep your body mass index between 21.0 and 22.0. To achieve this, you probably need to cut out sugar and cut down carbs significantly. Also keep your fat intake in the low to medium category.
  5. The best diet is a Mediterranean diet consisting of vegetables, fruit, fish and the occasional organic chicken.
  6. Some supplements are helpful: CoQ-10, 400 mg daily. Probiotics. Vitamin K2 200 micrograms daily, vitamin D3, 5000 to 6000 IU daily.
  7. Third Misconception About High Blood Pressure: It's OK As Long As One Number Is Normal

    You may notice that when your doctor measures your blood pressure, the reading includes two numbers, one written on top of the other. These numbers can be confusing. The top number is called your systolic blood pressure. This number represents the force of blood through your blood vessels during your heartbeat.

    • 119 or below is normal systolic blood pressure
    • 120-129 is considered elevated
    • 130 and greater is high blood pressure

    The bottom number is called your diastolic blood pressure. This number represents the force of blood through your blood vessels in between heartbeats, while your heart is resting.

    • 79 or below is normal diastolic blood pressure
    • 80 and greater is hypertension

    Many people pay more attention to the systolic rate than the diastolic, but experts say that the heart can tolerate a high top (systolic) number better than a high bottom (diastolic) number. As you age, though, the systolic number tends to take on additional significance as the risk of heart attack and especially stroke increases. 

    Blood pressure does change throughout the day, depending on your activities. Blood pressure changes over time, as well. Systolic blood pressure tends to rise as you get older. Diastolic blood pressure may decrease as you get older.

    If either of your blood pressure readings is consistently above normal, then you need to take action right away. You and your doctor can develop a plan to treat high blood pressure or even prehypertension before damage to your organs occurs.

Your arteries are the largest blood vessels in your body, and they are responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to every organ, tissue, and cell. To say that keeping these vital channels in good working order is important for your health is an understatement. Foods that help unclog arteries include:


Organic spinach is a great source of natural magnesium. Every cell in your body requires magnesium to function properly.

This essential nutrient is required for muscle tissue and nerve repair, glucose metabolism, insulin response regulation, and is especially important for the heart.

This is because magnesium is involved in the biochemical reactions that cause your heart to beat.

According to research, people with higher magnesium levels have fewer cases of hypertension, stroke, and diabetes.

Magnesium deficiency, on the other hand, has been linked to an increased risk of arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat), atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), endothelial dysfunction (damage to the arterial lining), and sudden cardiac death (SCD).

One serving of spinach contains nearly 40% of your RDV and is also high in other nutrients. Experts believe that up to 80% of the population in the United States is magnesium deficient.

Pumpkin seeds, lima beans, almonds, avocados, and dark chocolate with 75-85% cocoa are also high in magnesium.

Green Tea.

This is the only drink you'll ever need for complete body wellness. This ancient beverage does more than just improve brain function, protect against neurodegenerative disease, and fight cancer.

Any type of green tea will do, as long as it's loose leaf and organic. Black tea and oolong tea are also good for your heart.

According to the findings of a study of 40,530 Japanese adults, people who drank more than five cups of green tea per day had a 26% lower risk of death from heart attacks and strokes than those who drank less than one cup per day.

Catechins, which are polyphenols found in tea leaves, fight oxidative stress and inflammation, which are major underlying causes of many diseases, including heart disease. Green tea's main active catechin is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

Three cups per day has been shown to reduce artery hardening, cholesterol levels, and overall inflammation.







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