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What vitamin or supplement to take to increase my energy?

Quora May 24, 2020

If B vitamins just aren’t doing it, it could be your mitochondria. Your mitochondria are like the batteries that power your cells. To do anything we need the energy producing power plants of our cells - the mitochondria. As we age so do our mitochondria.

Supplements For Healthy Mitochondrial Function

1. BioPQQ & CQ10 (Ubiquinol)

According to human trials BioPQQ (polyquinoline quinone) create new mitochondria. Rejuvenating Mitochondria with PQQ

More mitochondria means more energy.

CQ10 prevents oxidation of cholesterol and protects against cell membrane damage.

2. Magnesium

Magnesium is nutrition for mitochondria.

Magnesium-l-threonate is the only magnesium known to be able to cross the blood-brain barrier.

3. B-Vitamins

Niacin or niacinamide or Nicotinamide or vitamin B3 is especially known to support healthy mitochondria function while all of the other B vitamins are also essential for healthy mitochondria.

4. Nitric Oxide Boosters

L-Arginine is another supplement linked to mitochondrial health. L-Citrulline also increases NO.

5. Alpha-lipoic-Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid functions at the cellular level creating energy production. ALA supports healthy mitochondrial aging.

6. Vitamin C

Mitochondria are the “canary in the coal mine” for cellular stress - Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number Correlates with Self-Rated Health in Older Adults

What You Really Need to Know About Your Mitochondria


September 7 update:

According to latest research …. Although it has long been thought that stem cells do not rely on mitochondrial function, additional observations in adult stem cells from other tissues suggest that mitochondria can be fundamental for stem cell self-renewal. Progressive loss of function in mitochondria is implicated in aging and many age-related diseases,

According to Dr. Mercola “The ability to live a long, active life boils down to the health of your mitochondria and the integrity of the genetic material housed within your cells”. Mitomix Ketogenic Blend - Mitochondrial Health Sauce

Dr. Mercola speaks about fasting and your mitochondria health in the link above. Intermittent fasting costs nothing for mitochondria health:-)

….mitochondria also become more globally dysfunctional with age, leading to higher levels of oxidative stress, and an energy crisis in muscles and brain. New evidence also shows that mitochondrial dysfunction causes telomere shortening, chronic inflammation, and problems in T cells. There is far less of consensus on why this mitochondrial dysfunction occurs or how to tackle the problem. Specific details are still being uncovered, such as loss of ADP sensitivity, or a role for the mitochondrial transition pore.





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