【附】What is the best method to suppress an appetite
校友提供 2/18/14

今年轟動台湾的No.1養生新法也反映了這項潮流!身為乳房專科醫師及醫學博士的南雲吉,不僅出生在具有心肌梗塞病史的! 醫生世家,他自己也由於長期行醫的工作壓力,出現心律不整、便秘和肥胖,終於在45歲那年決定開始了自由式的「一日一餐飲食法」。 現年57歲的南 雲 醫師,卻擁有26歲的血管年齡,28歲的骨質年齡,腦年齡則是38歲!這些「內在健康」的外顯,讓他看起來像30歲!
能夠讓南 醫師如此深信執行的「一日一餐」生活方式,主要來自於對於人類演化的觀察發現。你一定發現自己吃太飽的時候容易昏昏欲睡。漫長的17萬年來,人類就是在飢餓時代求生存,身體有著能夠在少量食物中盡可能吸收营養的能力,食物也能有效率地變成脂肪來儲存。在空腹的時候,體內的「生命力基因」(長壽基因)會開始運作,掃描人體內50兆個細胞,修復被破壞或受損的基因。當這種基因活化,就能為我們帶來與健康。
而人類能吃飽的時代也不過是這100年來的事,我們的身體其實還無法立即適應飽食,也因此產生許多相關疾病,例如血糖失控、代謝症候群等等,其實連「近視」都是因為對於環境適應劇變的結果。 「自由式一日一餐飲食法」,就是一天選擇進食一餐,以一湯一菜為主,中間若覺得飢餓可以補充水果、點心等,因此實施起來不會太難。例如注意幾個關鍵:用「一湯一菜」減重,不用忙碌計算卡路里. 將飯碗和餐盤換成較小尺寸,例如小孩用的餐具,以咖啡杯碟子盛菜。
「完整食物」,攝取完全营養,也是人類飲食的原點連皮吃水果;一顆雞蛋含有一隻小雞的所有 I養素;
早睡早起. 珍惜僅在PM10:00-AM2:00的. 內在健康,數日後即開始外顯. 體臭消失、皮膚光滑、身形變瘦、腹部緊實,抗老化、頭腦年輕化! 連續52天,身體細胞全面修復,由內而外煥然一新!
左手大魚際就是隨身攜帶的救心丸 . 如果突然心悸、心絞痛、胸口憋悶,特別不舒服,請馬上用大拇指的指尖掐揉大魚際。用重力狠狠地掐九下,最好是把大拇指倒立過來,利用這樣一個強力刺激來緩解心臟的壓力。用這個方法急救,絕對勝似吃6顆救心丸。
心臟不好的人每天必做的安心之法。心臟不好的人最怕刺激,那麼平時的時候您就要多做一些讓自己安心的事情。如果家裏人有誰心臟不太好的,我教給您一個方法,您每天給他做十幾分鐘,效果絕對好。【取穴】 由太淵穴,直上約一大拇指橫指處。試摸有小圓骨與第一掌骨,兩骨之間凹陷處是穴位。大魚際(拇指下肉厚的部分)。方法:每天堅持按揉大魚際,直到不酸不痛為止。
有一位朋友,患早醒的毛病好多年了,淩晨3、4點就醒來,很多地方的專家都看過,治失眠的藥也吃下去不少,可效果就是不明顯。看了《求醫不如求己》之後,他就自己試著堅持揉大魚際,還真將早醒的毛病給治好了。 怎麼解釋這個原理呢? 大魚際其實是一個節點。每個人的身體上多多少少都有那麼點小毛病,就跟蒼蠅似的,滿屋子飛來飛去,很煩,但也不會過於干擾您的生活。打這個蒼蠅時,用槍可能根本沒什麼效果。對付蒼蠅,就得一蒼蠅拍,利其器才可以擊中要害。大魚際就是這個「蒼蠅拍」,它是專治早醒的節點,專門打「早醒」這只「蒼蠅」。
中醫認為,早醒一般是肺火旺導致的。您如果經常在淩晨三點左右醒來,那肯定是心肺上火了。而心肺這兩條經都經過大魚際那兒,所以心肺之火它都能祛除。 人的手掌正面拇指根部,下至掌跟,伸開手掌時明顯突起的部位,醫學上稱其為大魚際。 大魚際肌肉豐富,伸開手掌時明顯突起,占手掌很大面積。大魚際與呼吸器官關係密切。
What is the best method to suppress an appetite (when intermittent fasting)?
Author Angela Dimos 2/10/2023
Fasting will naturally suppress your appetite, as your body becomes more and more accustomed to the process. There will be times when you do become a lot more hungry, and this is normal too. Our bodies are always shifting and changing their course, and it’s to be expected. There are several ways in which you can suppress hunger when fasting. Let’s go through them in a bit of detail
6 ways to stop hunger pangs when Intermittently fasting
- Drink plenty of water, and always keep a bottle with you.
Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger. Although we are fasting and we are most definitely hungry, It’s always a good idea to fill up on water during the day, with regular intervals. If you do exercise, then more water will be needed. I find that adding a lemon or lime wedge helps, as well as some ice. This makes your water a lot more refreshing to drink. Add some ginger slices. This can also be heated if you are in colder months of the year. Keep a bottle with you at all times, and sip away. Try to make it filtered water.
- Having coffee to boost your energy, and curb your hunger.
I love my black coffee! There are a lot of stevia alternatives that do not break the fast, so do read labels carefully when picking. Coffee will jolt you out of a slower part of the day, as well as curb those hunger pangs. Try a cup before your workout, followed by BCAA - to really give your body the boost it needs, whilst retaining muscle mass during your session. If you don’t like coffee, green tea is a perfect option. Use the antioxidant properties that green tea contains, to your best advantage. Both of these beverages can be consumed during the course of your day. Just don’t add milk to them!
- Engage your mind in some highly powered activities.
When I’m fasting for prolonged periods of time, I love to engage in some very highly complicated activities. This can be researching a topic, and writing a blog post on, working on complicated and thorough e book creations, developing business objectives and goals, and doing some educational tutorials. These activities become so engaging, and I use all my concentration most easily, and better than I would when I’ve had a meal. It’s so intriguing how focused and sharp the mind is when you fast. Instead of doing endless activities, which make you even more hungry, use your brain power to it’s best advantage within this moment. You will be amazed at the amount of progression you will make, in a shorter period of time (without procrastination!)
- Go for a walk in nature with a sense of gratitude - preferably with a dog.
I love going for a short, leisurely walk when I’m fasting (or quite hungry). Nothing too strenuous, just a walk to listen to my audio book, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and count my blessings for how grateful I am in this moment. Instead of being torn down by hunger, minimise your focus on it, and instead, see the wonder and beauty around you. Sit in the sun, and enjoy the wind in your hair, and how thankful you are to be alive. Fasting over time, will help your sense to ignite, and tap into your inner being a lot more. Fresh air, sun and beautiful animals are some of the most beautiful aspects of life. Enjoy them.
- Weight train - Do some heavy and strenuous lifting.
I love training in a fasted state. The results will amaze you! Focus your weight training on conditioning your body into a fit, athletic and lean shape. Fasting can get you there a lot faster, and even without food! When you fast, human growth hormone is magnified beyond what you will even understand, therefore, your ability to put on muscle and lose body fat are even more prevalent! This is why it’s such a powerful option to weight train in this state, even performing HIIT. One very essential tip to making this work in your favour, is to make the conscious effort of eating enough protein when you are feeding, so that you can make the gains you wish to, and keep your body’s metabolism running high. The last thing you want to do is lose muscle mass. Make protein a top food priority.
- Remember what benefits this is actually doing for your body and soul.
Always remember that abstaining from food is allowing your body to rest, heal and rejuvenate. Yes, the fad right now is the huge amounts of body fat you can lose, but there are also so many more profoundly positive changes IF does for our bodies. We calm inflammation, reverse and diminish the rate at which we age, cleans our body and soul, make us more sensitive to insulin, and re-set our metabolism. There is no dietary lifestyle plan that is quite like this one, and with this many benefits. The hunger is only for such a short period of time, compared to diets that are calorie restricted.
If you would like to keep in touch during your journey, please do contact me on these various platforms if you need further assistance. I have plenty of other material on my blog or join me on facebook and instagram account. Please feel free to upvote this answer.



 

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