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本网消息 August 12, 2012


The 90-year old is the father of Earl Bell, who won a silver medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. William Bell is still jumping three times a week at his son's training facility in Jonesboro, Arkansas. He has held pole vault world records in the age groups 75-79, 80-84, and 85-89.


2这名老伯名叫威廉·贝尔(Dr. William Bell),今年已经90岁了,按照中国传统说法,正是耄耋的年纪。一般到了这个年龄,行动恐怕都会有所不便,但威廉·贝尔的身子骨可是依旧非常硬朗。作为撑杆跳高的爱好者,威廉·贝尔在老年项目上的地位堪称男版的伊辛巴耶娃,此前75-79年龄组、80-84年龄组、85-90年龄组的撑杆跳高世界纪录都是由他保持的,但老爷爷似乎还不满足,他又以7英尺2英寸(2米18)的成绩,打破了由他自己保持的90岁年龄组撑杆跳高世界纪录!





从图片中我们可以看出,威廉·贝尔爷爷虽然头发、胡子都已经完全白了,但身材依旧保持得不错,双臂的肌肉还依稀可见。岁月或许在他的脸上写满了痕迹,但老爷子的眼神仍和年轻人一般坚毅。只见他助跑、起跳、跃杆、落地……成功了!威廉·贝尔创造了新的世界纪录!周围的家人、观众纷纷挥臂鼓掌,为不服老的威廉· 贝尔欢唿。

【Obituary]Dr. William K. Bell, Sr., 98, of Jonesboro died peacefully at the Flo and Phil Jones Hospice House on Sunday August 23, 2020. He was born March 19, 1922, to the late Guy Gifford and Lila Hogue Bell in Benton, Arkansas. He was orphaned in 1931 in the depths of the Great Depression, but then proceeded to live an amazing life. He graduated from Medical School at UAMS, and then served during World War II as an U.S. Army Physician in the Panama Canal Zone. There he met and married the late Yola Zimmerman Bell. After the war he practiced medicine in Benton, Arkansas and the raised four sons, Billy, Danny, Guy, and Earl. They relocated to Jonesboro in 1960 where he served as the first pathologist ever at St. Bernard’s Hospital. He then began his remarkable career as a pole vaulter in the Senior Olympic competition. He set multiple world records from 75 years old all the way to 95, that still stand, and maybe always will. He is survived by four sons, and their wives.

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What should you never try in life?
Posted in 《Quora》 by Elia Juniana May 22, 2023
  1. Never try to love someone you cannot have sex with. And Vice Versa, Never Love someone only For sex.
  2. Never go for a relationship just because someone is physically beautiful.(Character!)
  3. Never cheat in relationship. (someone who truly loves you, will get hurt badly.)
  4. Never ever shout at your Parents.
  5. Never ever try alcohol or cigarettes! It might look cool at first but once you get addicted it will be very hard to come out of it.
  6. Never try to end your life. You're only bringing pain to your loved ones.
  7. Never compare your lifestyle with anyone else in this world. You're where you are for a reason.
  8. Never beg for Money, Love, Attention, Help, favour. Earn it!!
  9. Never waste time on people who can’t accept you for who you are.
  10. Never listen to other who doubt on you.
  11. Never lose hope in yourself whenever you start, start something new.
  12. Never give up on your dreams.
  13. Never stop reading, keep improving. Search on youtube “ The Mastery Guide Youtube Channel “ or you can search “Improvement Source” here you will get many books summary on animated format.



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