- 知识就是力量 • 快乐有益健康 How do I live longer to 100 and stay healthy?
- My top 5
《 文学城网》 October 2, 2022 I’ve celebrated the 20th anniversary of my 50th birthday and plan to live to 100. I’ll keep you posted. 1. Stop backwards. The majority of people over 70 are overweight, sedentary, and eat junk. Add to that smoking anything and consuming excess alcohol and it’s no wonder people die young. Instead, before anything else, stop heading backwards and start walking forward. And it’ll take you a long way towards 100. 2. Natural health. The majority of people over 70 in the U.S. take prescription drugs. The most prescribed include drugs to control cholesterol, blood pressure, pain, type 2 diabetes and indigestion. And all have listed potential serious side effects. Instead, learn how to build health naturally instead of pharmaceutically. And head towards 100. 3. Purpose. The majority of people over 70 are retired. They spent a lifetime with a purpose to live. Then they retire, struggle with boredom and often have little purpose to live a long time. And too often die young. Instead, keep working at something you enjoy which gives you purpose and a reason to live long. And keep living to 100. 4. Love. Many people over 70 live lonely lives. Their spouse may be gone. Their children live at a distance. Friends have passed. And they find themselves lonely with little motivation to live long. Instead, engage with those you love and make new friends. Loved people live long. And love living to 100. 5. Expect. Many people over 70 sort of shut down in life. They figure life is short anyway so they might as well do exactly what they want. Watch TV, eat and drink what they want and not do anything they don’t feel like doing. Unfortunately their expectation becomes their reality. Instead, expect you can live long if you live smart. Then, more than likely, your expectation will become reality. And hopefully to 100. Certainly, living to 100 isn’t guaranteed for any of us. But pursuing the wrong things will probably guarantee you won’t. It’s your choice. And I’m planning to live to 100. I’ll keep you posted. Longevity, for most, is determined far more by plan than by luck. 请大家一起呼吁:祖国文明建设应从央视和国营媒体禁刊酒类广告做起。酒,从精神到肉体已经伤害了无数国人! |
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