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- 知识就是力量 • 快乐有益健康 量子糾纏
甘草校友 December 9, 2024 因為〔量子糾纏〕的真實存在,今後請您只想高興的事!簡直太可怕了,以後千萬不要再想那些不好的事情了。第六感,心靈感應,心念,靈魂,吸引力法則,等等等等,這些東西,竟然真的存在。去年的〔諾貝爾物理學獎〕,頒發給了〔量子糾纏〕,就已經證實了這一點。 人類科技的進步,不但顛覆了我們的認知,還極有可能在現實中,操作大腦中的虛幻世界。他證明了心想真的會事成,命運真的是由心造。人真的可以掌握自己的命運。如果你在心裡上,堅信自己很健康很順利,身體大概率也會作出相應的配合。你的人生也會越來越順利。 如果你整天愁眉苦臉想不開,那麼大概率也會出現身心問題,人生也會不斷的遭遇坎坷。過去,大家都有體驗,很多時候,我們都是怕什麼來什麼。一件事越往壞處想,真的就有可能越來越糟糕。如果你整天想那些倒楣的事兒,那麼你遇到的事,肯定也好不到哪裡去。所以〔千萬不要小看一個小小的念頭〕,他真的〔會產生非常巨大的能量〕。 有的人得了不治之症,非常害怕,不久嚇就嚇死了;而有的人得了同樣的病,卻根本沒往心裡去,結果卻活了很多年,甚至還完全痊癒了。這不就是信念的力量嗎?所以在現實當中,如果你的人生不順利,身體不舒服,千萬不要心灰意冷,千萬不要悲觀,也不要告訴任何人。別人問你的時候,你永遠只需要回答:〔很好〕,就可以了。 千萬不要到處跟人〔喋喋不休的〕講你家裡那些糟糕的事,更不要去抱怨,那樣的話,你自身週圍只能積蓄越來越多的負能量。 Choosing Love in the Quantum Entanglement of LifeWe are navigating an era marked by deep disconnection, a time when division and ‘otherness’ seem more prevalent than unity. Yet, at the heart of our being, a longing for wholeness throbs, a longing that is not just emotional but mirrors the intricate structure of our universe itself. The revolutionary concept of quantum entanglement demonstrates this beautifully. In this quantum dance, two particles become so intimately connected that the state of one instantaneously influences the other, regardless of the distance between them. This “unmediated action at a distance, without crossing space, without decay, without delay,” as physicist John Bell described, is not an element of science fiction but a reality interwoven into the very fabric of our existence. Such a concept deeply resonates with the implicate order suggested by theoretical physicist David Bohm, which proposes an underlying unity beneath the apparent fragmentation of our world, an indivisible wholeness at the heart of reality. From this perspective, two energy systems appear to be shaping our world. The first is powered by fear, a constrictive energy that pulls us inward, fueling scarcity and tribalism, feeding an unvirtuous cycle of division and violence. This is a system that leaves us isolated, amplifying our sense of separateness. But there exists another system. Born from Love, this second energy system expands and embraces, fostering the generative and unitive force known as agape. This co-creative force mirrors the dynamic between God, humanity, and nature, aligning with the harmony of quantum entanglement and Bohm’s implicate order. Imagine a family dinner table where lively discussions often descend into heated debates, and differences in opinion create rifts within relationships. Each moment we encounter presents us with a choice. Neuroscience shows us that when we change our thoughts — when we choose love — we alter our brain’s wiring, influencing our behaviors and nurturing more compassionate actions and positive interactions. Even more fascinating are the implications of quantum physics, suggesting that our conscious intentions can influence the material reality around us. By choosing love, we may be tuning into a frequency that resonates with the harmonious dance of particles in the quantum realm. Thus, every time we choose love, we are not merely building emotional bridges but actively participating in co-creating a healthier, more harmonious reality. We are mending the fabric of our shared existence, thread by thread, through the transformative power of love. Every choice we make that reinforces division leads us toward entropy and the precipice of the sixth mass extinction. However, it’s crucial to realize that it is not truly a choice in this dance of energies. The path to a meaningful, sustainable existence can only be paved with love. A shallow or naïve interpretation of love will not suffice; it is a profound, far-reaching love that aligns with our intrinsic interconnectedness within the universe that is needed. This love extends beyond us and permeates every interaction, and every decision, promoting unity and fostering life. This is my call to humanity: to awaken and embrace the co-creative nature of love. It’s a call to transition from fear to love, from division to unity, from entropy to life. Let’s embody love and find our path to unity and each other through it. In the quantum entanglement of life, love is not just a choice; it’s the only choice. A Heart’s Cry In the dance of the cosmos, where stars are born, Echoes a plea, both fierce and forlorn. Listen, O Heart, to this tender decree, For Love, only Love is our sanctuary. In the entanglement of the quantum sphere, In silence and whispers, let’s draw near. To that which binds, which makes us whole, The eternal Love-song of the soul. Oh humanity, awake! Let Love unfurl, As a beacon of hope in this precious world. For in every moment, with every breath, We choose between life and the shadow of death. Fear scatters light, and Love brings it home, In the heart’s sacred cathedral where Love roams. Choose Love, dear ones, let’s dare to be, Co-creators in life’s divine symphony. Love is not just a fleeting choice, It’s the drumbeat of life, it’s our soul’s voice. In the quantum entanglement of life, here’s the key, Love is not just a choice, it’s our destiny.
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