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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House Daily


Wednesday, March 8, 2016


Follow Along: The President's Day

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

3:30 am: The Vice President and Prime Minister Netanyahu will deliver brief remarks at the Offices of Prime Minister Netanyahu

3:45 am: The Vice President will hold a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu at the Offices of Prime Minister Netanyahu

6:00 am: The Vice President and President of Israel Reuven Rivlin will deliver brief remarks at the Residence of the President

6:15 am: The Vice President will hold a bilateral meeting with President Rivlin

10:00 am: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

1:10 pm: The Vice President will hold a bilateral meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at the Muqata Presidential Compound

3:15 pm: The President meets with Secretary of the Treasury Lew


International Women's Day: Women Who Inspire Our Work

The White House recognizes some of the brave women who were pioneers of equality and continue to inspire the work of this administration.

International Women's Day: Women Who Inspire Our Work


  More from 1600 Penn

"We're in this together. Because these girls are our girls."

"#OneDayIWill see a world where every child can go to school and fulfill their boundless potential." --First Lady Michelle Obama on International Women's Day



Notes from the Road: The Vice President and Dr. Biden's Trip to the Middle East

This week, the Vice President and Dr. Biden are traveling through the Middle East: from the United Arab Emirates to Israel to the West Bank to Jordan. "It's only when women are empowered that families are empowered," Dr. Biden said while celebrating ‪#‎InternationalWomensDay‬ in Dubai.

The Vice President and Dr. Biden's Trip to the Middle East

"Today, on International Women's day-and every day-we must stand with the women and men that are committed to a future in which our daughters and sons have equal opportunities to thrive. We must do more to ensure that all girls and boys are able to pursue their passions and be treated with respect, regardless of gender; to make sure women have a seat at the table, recognize their value and welcome their contributions. If we do that, then tomorrow we will see an even brighter future for our communities, our countries and the world." -Dr. Biden spoke with students today at a school in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in celebration of #InternationalWomensDay.


  Quote of the Day

"When women are free to pursue their dreams, nations are more safe, more secure, and more prosperous."






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