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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House Daily


Monday, June 27, 2016


Title: This past weekend marked the one year anniversary of Obergefell v Hodges

Follow Along: The President's Day

10:30 am: The President and The Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:40 am: The President participates in an Ambassador Credentialing Ceremony

12:30 pm: The President and The Vice President meet for lunch

4:50 pm: The President welcomes the 2015 WNBA Champions, the Minnesota Lynx, to honor the team and their WNBA championship victory. Watch it live here. 



Yesterday marks one year since the Supreme Court ruled that marriage equality would be the law of the land in the Obergefell v. Hodges case. On Friday, President Obama designated a new national monument at the historic site of the Stonewall Uprising in New York City to honor the diversity of the LGBT equality movement. And yesterday, in New York City, San Francisco and around the country, people marched in the streets with friends and family to celebrate LGBT pride.

In celebration of our journey towards greater equality and justice for all, read these stories from members of the LGBT community to see what pride means to them.

Celebrating Pride

The President also designated Stonewall Inn, and the area surrounding the establishment, as the newest addition to America's national parks system and as the first national monument to commemorate the struggle for LGBT rights. The events of Stonewall, as the uprising is most commonly referred to, marked a major change in the struggle for "homophile rights" in the U.S., with lesbian women, gay men, bisexual and transgender people beginning to vocally and assertively demand their civil rights. Stonewall is regarded by many as the single most important event that led to the development of the modern LGBT civil rights movement.

Celebrating Pride

To read more about the history and enormous significance of Stonewall, visit Stonewall's profile on the National Park

  More from 1600 Penn

Calling All Student Filmmakers

Have hopes for the future? Thoughts on how your generation will bring them to life? Love to make films? Or ever just secretly wished to give it a shot? Well, this is your chance!

From now through July 15th, 2016, we'll be accepting submissions for the third annual White House Student Film Festival. The theme is "The World I Want To Live In" and we're inviting U.S. students, grades K-12 (including seniors from class of 2017), to participate. Tell us what you hope the future will hold for us in the form of a short film. It can be fictional, animated, live-action documentary, or anything else you dream up. We're just excited to see what you make!

White House Film Fest

2016 Global Entrepreneurship Summit

Last Friday, the President sat down with three global entrepreneurs and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg during the 2016 Global Entrepreneurship Summit held at Stanford University to discuss the spirit of entrepreneurship and its promise of opportunity, prosperity, and security.

To watch the entire panel, click here.

White House Film Fest

  Quote of the Day

"It was a powerful symbol here at home, where more Americans finally felt accepted and whole"







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