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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House Daily


Friday, July 24, 2015


Follow Along: The President's Day
3:35 AM
The President arrives in Ramstein, Germany and Air Force One refuels
Local Event Time: 
9:35 AM CET
Ramstein Air Base
Travel Pool Coverage
5:35 AM
The President departs Ramstein Air Base en route Nairobi, Kenya
Local Event Time: 
11:35 AM CET
Germany, Ramstein Air Base
Travel Pool Coverage
1:10 PM
The President arrives in Nairobi, Kenya
Local Event Time: 
8:10 PM EAT
Jomo Kenyatta International Airport
Open Press

Readout of the Vice President’s Call with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, 7/24/2015

Vice President Joe Biden spoke today with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. The two leaders discussed ongoing U.S. security assistance for Ukraine, Ukraine's anti-corruption efforts, energy security, and the urgency of seeking justice in the Malaysia Airlines MH-17 tragedy. The Vice President welcomed the recent reform laws that were passed by the Rada and noted the need for keeping the pace with Ukraine’s reform agenda, particularly on combatting corruption. The two leaders also discussed the implementation of the Minsk agreements, and the Vice President welcomed President Poroshenko's proposal to create a 30-kilometer zone free of tanks, artillery and mortar systems along the line of contact in eastern Ukraine, to be monitored by the OSCE. Both leaders agreed that Russia and Russia-backed separatists had still failed to fully implement the first few steps under the February 12, 2015 Minsk Implementation Plan calling for a ceasefire and the removal of heavy weapons from the line of contact.





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