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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House Daily


Saturday, July 25, 2015


Follow Along: The President's Day

Weekly Address: Wall Street Reform Is Working

In this week's address, the President spoke to the progress we have made in making our financial system stronger, safer, and more fair in the years since financial crisis.

Five years ago this week, our country enacted the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act -- rules that have substantially reduced recklessness and abuse in our financial system that predated the crisis. As a result of Wall Street reform, our banks are less reliant on unstable funding and less likely to engage in risky behavior, the independent Consumer Financial Protection Bureau works to protect American consumers, and our financial system is significantly better-regulated.

Dodd-Frank is working, and the President emphasized that he will continue to fight any challenges to the law and veto any effort to unravel the new rules governing Wall Street.

Watch the President's Weekly Address here.

Watch the Weekly Address.

  Top Stories

President Obama Celebrates 25 Years of the ADA

On Monday, President Obama celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) at the White House.

See the President's remarks here.

The President honored those who made the ADA the law of the land -- the activists, congressional representatives, and stakeholders who worked tirelessly to ensure that millions of Americans with disabilities had the chance to make their contributions to the world.


The First Lady Hosts the "Beating the Odds" Summit

On Thursday, the First Lady welcomed 140 college-bound students to the White House for the Reach Higher "Beating the Odds" Summit.

Watch her full remarks here.

These young people represented a wide range of communities -- urban, rural, foster, homeless, immigrant, special needs, and more. All of them have overcome great odds to go to college, and many are even first in their family to pursue further education after high school.

The summit celebrated these students' accomplishments, while also providing them with tips and resources to better prepare them for when they step on campus this fall.


Want to Know More About the Iran Deal?

This week, we launched @TheIranDeal -- a Twitter account dedicated to delivering the facts about the Iran nuclear deal and how it enhances American national security.

Follow @TheIranDeal.


To see more from the past week, watch the latest edition of West Wing Week here.






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