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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House Daily


Thursday, August 4, 2016


Title: 214 Americans

Follow Along: The President's Day

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:00 am: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

12:30 pm: The President and the Vice President meet for lunch

2:30 pm: The President and the Vice President hold a National Security Council Meeting on the counter-ISIL campaign

4:15pm: The President holds a press conference


Norman Was Granted Clemency by President Obama: Here's What He's Learned

Watch Norman's video

In case you missed it: Yesterday, 214 federal inmates across the country received a message from the President: your application for clemency has been granted.

The President granted clemency to 214 Americans incarcerated under outdated and unduly harsh sentencing laws -- the most commutations in a single day in more than a century.

Norman, one of the people who received news of a commutation last year, shares his advice with the Americans transitioning back to their communities.



  More from 1600 Penn

Empowering Changemakers at the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI)

"I've worked to transform America's relationship with Africa -- so that we're equal partners." --President Obama addressing fellows at the Young African Leaders Initiative

Yesterday the President took questions from young leaders across Africa at the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) town hall. President Obama first launched YALI in 2010 to support an emerging generation of African leaders as they work to drive economic growth, enhance democratic governance, and strengthen the civil society structures that will help the continent grow and prosper.Check out the President's remarks.

Young African Leaders Initiative.

Follow Along: Our Trip to the 2016 Olympic Games

Delegation to Rio

Liz Allen and Ellie Schafer, both members of the 2016 Presidential Delegation led by John Kerry, will be taking over the White House Snapchat and Instagram to give you an inside peek of the 2016 Olympic Games. You can follow along on their trip as they tour the Olympic Village, attend the opening ceremonies, and cheer on Team USA as events kick off this Saturday.

Add 'WhiteHouse' on Snapchat and follow @WhiteHouse on Instagram to follow along on their trip!

  Throwback Thursday

Six years ago we celebrated the President's 49th birthday with First Lady Michelle Obama and daughter Sasha at a barbecue on the South Lawn of the White House. Help us wish #44 a Happy 55th!

President Barack Obama celebrating his 49th Birthday August 4, 2010.

President Barack Obama celebrating his 49th Birthday August 4, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)







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