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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House Daily


Thursday, August 20, 2015


Follow Along: The President's Day

"Letters to President Obama"

Today, we launched a new Tumblr account called "Letters to President Obama," highlighting some of the letters that people across America have written to the President.

Every day, the Office of Presidential Correspondence receives thousands of letters, and every night the President personally reads 10 of them. By letter and by email, Americans write in about the issues that affect them and their families.

It's one of the ways the President can hear directly from Americans about their lives, and it's one of the ways that the stories and voices of Americans across the country directly inform policymaking by the President and the White House.

Follow our new Tumblr account, and see some of the letters that Americans have written to President Obama.

Read some of the letters here.

A letter from Natoma Canfield, a woman from Ohio that President Barack Obama met who didn’t have health insurance, hangs on the wall in the hall between the Oval Office and the President's Private Office in the West Wing. June 28, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

  More from 1600 Penn

A Six-Month Update on How We've Been Using Data, and How It Benefits All Americans

Yesterday, U.S. Chief Data Scientist DJ Patil wrote a memo detailing how his team is helping federal departments and agencies use data to benefit all Americans -- in areas ranging from precision medicine to criminal justice -- and to use data responsibly.


The Next Big Idea: Supporting Startups Across America

Companies across the country are connecting with members of Congress for Startup Day Across America, a chance to discuss how we can support a startup economy.


Here's How Pittsburgh Took Action Through a Local and Federal Partnership to Make Lives Better:

Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto recently signed a new sick leave policy into law -- making Pittsburgh the 20th American city to do so on its own.


  Quote of the Day

"I'm so grateful to have a President who truly cares about the people that he serves."






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