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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House Daily


Saturday, October 3, 2015


Follow Along: The President's Day

Weekly Address: Congress Should Do its Job and Pass a Serious Budget

In this week's address, the President emphasized that we need to do everything we can to strengthen economic growth and job creation. This week, despite the fact that more than half of Republicans in Congress voted to shut down the government for the second time in two years, Congress managed to pass a last-minute bill to keep the government open for another ten weeks. That means that in December, we could face yet another Republican threat to shut down the government.

The President emphasized that Congress needs to stop kicking the can down the road and do its job. He stressed that Republicans and Democrats need to work together to pass a budget that fully funds the government and reverses the harmful sequestration cuts, and vowed that he would not sign another shortsighted spending bill like the one Congress sent him this past week.

Watch the President's Weekly Address.

Watch the Weekly Address.

  Top Stories

President Obama's Statement on the Shooting in Oregon

The President delivered a statement on Thursday's shooting in Roseburg, Oregon. And one thing he said is certainly ringing in the minds of Americans across the country right now, no matter their politics: "We are the only advanced country in the world that sees these shootings every few months." As the details surrounding Thursday's tragedy continue to unfold, this is something every American should watch.

President Obama's Statement on the Shooting in Oregon


Why Diplomacy Matters: President Obama's Trip to the 70th UN General Assembly

This past week, President Obama attended the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to diplomatically resolve conflicts. From renewing sustainable development goals to combating violent extremism, learn about what the President did at this year's UNGA.

President Obama Delivers Remarks to the 70th UN General Assembly


West Wing Week: 9/25/15 or, “Our Common Home”"

In a very special Papal edition of West Wing Week, the White House was abuzz with preparation for the Pope’s arrival and the China State Visit, back-to-back ceremonies that kept the President and his staff very busy. That’s September 18th to September 24th or, “Our Common Home.”

Watch West Wing Week here







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