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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Friday, January 16, 2015


What Would You Ask the White House?

The State of the Union is coming up soon: Next Tuesday, President Obama will head to the Capitol and address the nation.

On January 21, we're doing something you might remember from last year: opening up the (digital) doors to the White House and answering your questions online, all day. It's the second annual Big Block of Cheese Day, named after President Jackson's 1837 open house (featuring a 1,400-pound block of cheese).

Watch the video -- then find out how you can participate next week.

Watch: Announcing Big Block of Cheese Day.

  Top Stories

West Wing Week: 1/16/15 or, "The Little Circle Thing"

This week, the President continued to preview some of the big ideas that he'll propose in his State of the Union address on January 20. He made announcements on education, on cybersecurity, and on access to reliable broadband Internet across the country. For all of you who just can't bear to wait until the State of the Union, this one's for you.


These 3 Women Talked with the President About Paid Leave

President Obama took a quick trip to Charmington's Café in North Baltimore, Maryland to talk with three women -- Amanda, Vika, and Mary -- before he announced new steps his Administration is taking to help working families across the country.


State of the YOUnion: YouTube Creators Interview President Obama Live from the White House

After President Obama addresses the nation, he’s once again turning to YouTube to discuss the policies laid out in the speech and answer your questions. We’re inviting a handful of YouTube creators to the White House to talk with the President in person, and you can watch it all live onThursday, January 22.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:00 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:05 AM: The President and the Vice President hold a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Cameron

12:20 PM: The President and Prime Minister Cameron hold a joint press conference

1:30 PM: The Vice President tours the Anacostia River Tunnel Project to discuss the importance of investing in our nation's infrastructure

5:30 PM: The President hosts a screening of Selma at the White House





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