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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Monday, January 26, 2015


"The Sacred Place Where Life Begins"

Yesterday, President Obama announced his plans to ask Congress to designate the Coastal Plain and other core areas of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as wilderness.

Known as "The Sacred Place Where Life Begins," this area sustains the most diverse array of wildlife in the entire Arctic -- from the Porcupine caribou and polar bears, to gray wolves and muskoxen. Bird species from the Coastal Plain also migrate to all 50 states of the country, which means that no matter where you live, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is part of your landscape.

Find out how the President wants to protect one of the country's most pristine places.

See what the President is doing to preserve the Arctic Refuge.

  Top Stories

Weekly Address: Middle-Class Economics

In his weekly address, the President shared his plan to give hardworking families the support they need to make ends meet by focusing on policies that benefit the middle class as well as those working to reach the middle class.


West Wing Week: "B is for Believe"

The White House was a flurry of activity during the lead-up to -- and aftermath of -- the President's State of the Union address. The President took follow-up trips to Kansas and Idaho, we hosted the second-annual "Big Block of Cheese Day," and YouTube stars brought their personal flair to the East Room to interview the President.


How the President Will Help All Working Families With Young Kids Afford Child Care

President Obama stopped by the University of Kansas to lay out his plan to help middle-class families who are working hard while trying to raise young children.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

3:00 AM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest and Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes

4:30 AM: The President meets with Congress Party Leaders

5:35 AM: The President and First Lady attend a reception with President Mukherjee

7:05 AM: The President and Prime Minister Modi participate in a CEO roundtable

8:10 AM: The President and Prime Minister Modi deliver remarks at a U.S.-India business summit

9:30 AM: The Vice President hosts a multilateral meeting with Caribbean leaders

11:30 AM: The Vice President hosts a working lunch with Caribbean leaders

2:00 PM: The Vice President delivers the keynote remarks at the Caribbean Energy Security SummitWATCH LIVE

5:45 PM: The Vice President delivers remarks to the Major County Sheriffs' Association/Major Cities Chiefs Association 2015 Joint Winter Meeting WATCH LIVE





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