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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


"Chalein Saath Saath"

It means "forward together we go" -- and it perfectly sums up the President's recent trip to India.

The President and First Lady traveled to India this week -- their first time visiting since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was sworn in on May 26, 2014. The United States and India are true global partners, both in strengthening economies and strong democracies. From a beautiful parade to a pledge on fighting climate change, the trip was full of important moments.

Take a look at the amazing highlights and photos from the trip, and see how our two nations are moving forward together.

Watch highlights from the President and First Lady's trip to India.

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  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

12:25 AM: The President delivers remarks in New Delhi; the First Lady attends

2:50 AM: The President and First Lady depart New Delhi en route Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

7:25 AM: The President and First Lady arrive Riyadh

8:05 AM: The President and King Salman introduce their delegations, hold a bilateral meeting and have dinner

11:30 AM: The President and First Lady depart Riyadh en route Ramstein, Germany

12:00 PM: The Vice President attends a funeral service for former Senator Wendell Ford

5:45 PM: The President and First Lady arrive in Ramstein, Germany and Air Force One refuels





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