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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Saturday, January 31, 2015


Weekly Address: A Path Towards a Thriving Middle Class

In this week's address, the President described the progress our economy has made, laying a foundation for a future that prioritizes middle-class economics.

This week, the President will send a budget to Congress centered on the idea that everyone who works hard should have the chance to get ahead. His plan will reverse harmful sequestration cuts and instead make paychecks go further, create good jobs here in the United States, and prepare hardworking Americans to earn higher wages.

The President made the case for his budget, and affirmed his commitment to doing everything he can to ensure more Americans can get ahead in this new economy.

Watch the President's Weekly Address here.

Watch President Obama's address here.

  Top Stories

A Historic Visit to India

"Chalein saath saath." It means "forward together we go," and it perfectly sums up the President's recent trip to India.

The President and First Lady traveled to India this week -- their first time visiting since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was sworn in on May 26, 2014. President Obama also made history as the first sitting U.S. president to visit India twice.

See more from the President's trip to India.


The Precision Medicine Initiative

Yesterday, President Obama launched his Precision Medicine Initiative, which would invest in the emerging field of medicine that takes into account individual differences in people's genes, microbiomes, environments, and lifestyles.

While most of today's medical treatments are designed for the average patient, Precision Medicine delivers the right treatment to the right patient at the right time. This approach is already saving lives, giving those in the medical field better options, and helping keep families healthy.

Find out more about Precision Medicine.


Protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Last Sunday, President Obama announced his plans to ask Congress to designate the Coastal Plain and other core areas of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as wilderness.

Known as "The Sacred Place Where Life Begins," this area sustains the most diverse array of wildlife in the entire Arctic -- from the Porcupine caribou and polar bears, to gray wolves and muskoxen. Bird species from the Coastal Plain also migrate to all 50 states of the country, which means that no matter where you live, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is part of your landscape.

Find out more about the President's announcement.


To see more of the week's highlights, check out the latest edition of West Wing Week.





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