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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Weekly Address: Giving Every Child, Everywhere, a Fair Shot

In this week's address, the President laid out his plan to ensure more children graduate from school fully prepared for college and a career.

Our elementary and secondary schools are doing better, as demonstrated by the news this past week that our high school graduation rate has hit an all-time high, but there is still more that can be done to ensure every child receives a quality education. That's why the President wants to replace No Child Left Behind with a new law that addresses the overuse of standardized tests, makes a real investment in preschool, and gives every kid a fair shot at success.

He reminded everyone that when educating our kids, the future of our nation, we shouldn't accept anything less than the best.

Watch the President's Weekly Address here.

Watch President Obama's address here.

  Top Stories

President Obama, a Selfie Stick, and

There are things that everybody does but doesn't talk about: sounding out words, taking selfies, doodling. In a video on BuzzFeed on Thursday, President Obama proved he's just like us -- in order to spread the word about the health care enrollment deadline tomorrowFebruary 15.

See what these 10 letter-writers told the President.

Watch the hilarious video -- and if you still need to get covered, sign up at beforetomorrow's deadline.


Progress in the Battle Against Ebola

Since the first cases of the current Ebola outbreak surfaced last March, there have been more than 22,500 reported cases in West Africa, and more than 8,900 people have died from this devastating disease. To effectively protect the American people, we must confront this outbreak at its source.

That's why the U.S. has not only launched a government-wide approach to strengthen our preparedness here at home, but is also leading the fight on the frontlines of the epidemic in West Africa. Thanks to these efforts, and the work of countless others from around the world, the number of people who are contracting Ebola has declined sharply in the last few months.

Find out more about our progress on Ebola.


"One of Our Strongest Allies"

This week, President Obama held a bilateral meeting and working lunch with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany -- a nation that the President called one of America's strongest allies.

Along with talking about economic growth, international trade, and climate change, the two leaders spent time discussing Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the ongoing fight against ISIL.

Find out more about Chancellor Merkel's visit.


To see more of the week's highlights, check out the latest edition of West Wing Week.






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