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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Countering Violent Extremism

This week, the White House is hosting the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism, a gathering of governments, civil society groups, and community leaders from more than 60 nations in Washington, D.C.

When we think of violent extremism, we often imagine the terrorists who kill innocent people -- in America, Europe, the Middle East, and across the world. But as President Obama noted this week, violent extremism runs deeper than the barbaric acts it breeds. It's the ideologies, the propaganda, the recruitment, the funding -- the entire infrastructure that extremists use to radicalize and recruit people to commit violence.

Watch the President's remarks from the summit, and find out how we can come together as a nation to counter violent extremism.

President Obama speaks at the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism.

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Let's Get Every Kid in a Park

President Obama is committed to giving every kid the chance to explore America's great outdoors and unique history. That's why he launched the Every Kid in a Park initiative today, which calls on federal agencies to help more children experience what our great outdoors have to offer. From helping to offset transportation costs to offering free admission to every fourth-grader and their families, the President is making our public lands more accessible.


President Obama: "Writing the Rules for 21st Century Trade"

Trade has an important role to play in supporting good-paying, middle-class jobs in the United States. In fact, exports supported more than 11 million jobs in 2013. That's why President Obama is working with Congress to secure the Trans-Pacific Partnership -- the most progressive trade agreement that will ensure our workers benefit from trade that is both free and fair.


More Than 11 Million Americans Are Signing Up for Health Care Coverage

During the latest Open Enrollment period under the Affordable Care Act, 11.4 million Americans signed up or re-enrolled for quality, affordable health insurance. As the President said after hearing the news, "It gives you some sense of how hungry people were out there for affordable, accessible health insurance. And that's really the top-line message: The Affordable Care Act is working."


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:00 AM: The Vice President and Secretary Foxx deliver remarks on the importance of investing in America's infrastructure

10:30 AM: The President delivers remarks as part of the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism

11:20 AM: The President designates the Browns Canyon National Monument

11:50 AM: The President departs the White House

12:05 PM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews

1:55 PM: The President arrives Chicago, Illinois

2:55 PM: The President delivers remarks

7:10 PM: The President departs Illinois

8:45 PM: The President arrives Joint Base Andrews

9:00 PM: The President arrives the White House





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