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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Thursday, March 19, 2015


QUIZ: What Would You Do With America's Budget?

What we choose to spend money on has a direct impact on Americans' health, livelihood, education, and access to the American Dream. Your elected officials have strongly-held beliefs when it comes to drafting a budget. Now it's your turn to voice your beliefs. If you were in charge of the nation’s budget, what would you do?

Take the quiz to find out.

What would you do with America's budget?

  Top Stories

Leading by Example on Climate Change: Our New Federal Sustainability Plan

President Obama signed an executive order this morning that will help us cut greenhouse gas emissions and set a bold example to other nations. Today's order positions the federal government to cut their carbon pollution emissions by 40% over 10 years. This would save taxpayers up to $18 billion in energy costs and increase the share of electricity the federal government uses from renewable sources to 30%.


The President's Trip to Ohio: "This Progress is No Accident"

Yesterday, President Obama traveled to Ohio to tour the Manufacturing and Growth Network's (MAGNET) Innovation Center and take questions from The City Club of Cleveland. The President spoke about the House Republicans' proposed budget and how it would fail to move America forward. "I’m offering a different path," the President said. "The budget I've put forward is built on middle-class economics."


Look and Listen: 10 Reasons Why We Can't Afford to Cut Education Funding

Earlier this week, the House Republicans released their Fiscal Year 2016 budget, which severely cuts funding to education. Their budget would cut funding for pre-k through 12 education by $3.1 billion -- including a $1.2 billion cut for Title I funding. This is troublesome for school districts throughout America, which is why school leaders came to the White House to talk about the importance of proper education funding.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:00 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:50 AM: The President signs an executive order, Planning for Sustainability in the Next Decade

11:15 AM: The President attends an event at the Department of Energy

12:30 PM: Press briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest

2:05 PM: The President meets with Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall; the Vice President also attends






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