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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Weekly Address: It's Time to Confirm Loretta Lynch

In this week's address, the President called on Republicans in Congress to stop playing politics with law enforcement and national security and confirm Loretta Lynch as Attorney General of the United States.

Loretta is an independent, career prosecutor who deserves to be confirmed as soon as possible. She has proven herself time and again throughout her 30-year career, yet come Monday, the amount of time her nomination will have languished on the floor of the Senate will total more than that of the past seven Attorney General nominees combined.

In his address, the President asked Republicans in Congress to stop denying a vote on the nomination of Loretta Lynch and end the longest confirmation process for an Attorney General in three decades.

Watch the President's Weekly Address here.

Watch President Obama's address here.

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Look and Listen: 10 Reasons Why We Can't Afford to Cut Education Funding

Earlier this week, the House Republicans released their Fiscal Year 2016 budget, which severely cuts funding to education. Their budget would cut funding for pre-k through 12 education by $3.1 billion -- including a $1.2 billion cut for Title I funding. This is troublesome for school districts throughout America, which is why school leaders came to the White House to talk about the importance of proper education funding.

Listen to what school official had to say about cuts.


The First Lady's Travel Journal: Coming Together on Girl's Education

The First Lady departed the White House on Tuesday en route to Japan and Cambodia for a week-long trip centered around her new Let Girls Learn initiative. For the First Lady, this visit is part of a journey that began decades ago -- a journey focused on education, equality, and empowerment. Since arriving in Japan, the First Lady has met with leaders, visited schools, and launched key partnerships for the Let Girls Learn initiative. You can follow the First Lady's trip on social media and by keeping up with her travel journal.

Follow the First Lady's Travel Journal.


To see more of the week's highlights, check out the latest edition of West Wing Week.






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