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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Monday, April 6, 2015


Where Does Your Tea Come From?

For tea lovers in 30 different countries, the answer might just be Portland, Oregon.

Tom Lisicki is the President of the Portland-based Stash Tea Company, a small business that sells specialty teas across the United States and the world. He is just one of the many small business owners that depend on trade in order to expand, hire more employees, and spread their Made in the USA product to more regions of the globe.

That's why President Obama invited Tom and other small business leaders to the White House last month for a roundtable to discuss how the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would help lift trade barriers.

Watch the highlights from the roundtable and learn more about the President's plan.

Listen to what small business owners told the President at a roundtable on trade.

  Top Stories

It All Started with a Letter: Six Special Guests at the Easter Egg Roll

The President and First Lady are hosting the 137th-annual Easter Egg Roll today, a White House tradition full of music and activities. Throughout the day, more than 35,000 visitors will pass through the South Lawn -- and six of these visitors began their journey to the White House by writing a letter to the President.


President Obama Offers Easter and Passover Greetings

In a special video message, President Obama offered his warmest wishes to people across the country and around the world celebrating the Easter and Passover holidays. The President also encouraged all Americans to "pause and give thanks for the chance to live in a country where everyone has the right to worship and pray and love as they choose."


Weekly Address: Reaching a Comprehensive and Long-Term Deal on Iran's Nuclear Program

In this week's address, the President described the historic understanding the United States -- with our allies and partners -- reached with Iran. If fully implemented, this will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and will make our country, our allies, and our world safer.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:30 AM: The President and the First Lady attend the 2015 White House Easter Egg Roll and deliver remarks

12:00 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest






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