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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


MAP: How Two Tax Plans Would Impact You

President Obama's budget helps working families make ends meet. This is an essential part of middle-class economics -- the idea that the economy works best when it's working for everyone.

Unfortunately, House Republicans have a different idea for America. Their budget gives an average tax cut of more than $3 million to 5,400 of America's wealthiest households -- costing taxpayers $270 billion over the next 10 years. Under the President's budget, 44 million middle-class families would get an average tax cut of nearly $600.

Check out our interactive map and see how these drastically different plans would impact people in your state.

MAP: Take a look at how the plans would impact your state.

  Top Stories

Q&A with the First-Ever White House Chief Digital Officer: People with Purpose, Puff Daddy, and The Hulk

Last month, Jason Goldman moved across the country to become the first-ever White House Chief Digital Officer. You're likely already familiar with Jason's past work if you've been on Twitter, Medium, or Google Blogger. Listen to our interview with Jason and learn more about this new role at the White House.


In Photos: The President's Trip to Jamaica and Panama

President Obama traveled to Central America and the Caribbean last week to meet with international leaders and speak with students. While in Jamaica, the President met with Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller and held a town hall with the Young Leaders of the Americas. The President then traveled to Panama City for the Summit of the Americas. Take a look at these photos from the President's trip.


Weekly Address: Tuition-Free Community College

In this week's address, the Vice President laid out his and the President's plan to make two years of community college free for responsible students. A better-educated citizenry is necessary to ensure that the United States continues to out-compete the rest of the world. Making two years of community college free is good for workers, good for companies, and good for our economy.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:25 AM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi; the Vice President also attends

12:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest

2:00 PM: The Vice President delivers remarks at the University of Notre Dame Leaders Symposium

7:25 PM: The President and the First Lady host “In Performance at the White House”; the Vice President and Dr. Biden will also attend






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