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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


What Would You Fight to Protect?

President Obama will celebrate Earth Day tomorrow by traveling to the Everglades -- one of our country's most unique and treasured National Parks. Unfortunately, climate change is negatively impacting the Everglades and its natural beauty each day.

The President is taking steps to reduce the causes of climate change and prepare our communities for its impacts -- but you can also help make this real for your friends, family, and followers on social media. We all have a place like the Everglades that we're personally connected to, and we can change how people think about climate change by connecting it to the spaces we love.

Share a photo of your favorite outdoors spot that you'd fight to protect -- then share it with your followers on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with the hashtag #ActOnClimate.

President Obama travels to the Everglades tomorrow for Earth Day.

  Top Stories

Roundup: Editorial Boards from Around the Country Call on America to Lead on Trade

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade proposal gives us the greatest opportunity to level the playing field for American businesses and their employees, ensures the rights of workers around the world, protects endangered species and the environment, preserves a free and open Internet, and would hold our trading partners accountable. That's why editorial boards from across the country have expressed support for the TPP and authorizing President Obama to lead America forward on trade.


Join Us: White House Demo Day

We're inviting a diverse group of entrepreneurs from all across the country to join us for the first-ever White House Demo Day. Throughout the day, participants will have the opportunity to talk about their big ideas and share the stories of their individual innovation journeys to date. Apply to attend or nominate someone you know -- the deadline is April 24.


Weekly Address: Climate Change Can No Longer Be Ignored

In this week's address, the President spoke about his commitment to combating the threat of climate change and to keeping ourselves and future generations safe. Climate change poses risks to our national security, our economy, and our public health. That's why tomorrow, on Earth Day, the President will visit the Florida Everglades and speak about the threat that climate change poses to our economy and to the world.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:00 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:40 AM: The President tapes an interview with Chris Matthews

12:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest

2:30 PM: The Vice President tours a facility at PECO and delivers remarks; Secretary Moniz also attends

2:40 PM: The President welcomes Kevin Harvick and his Stewart-Haas Racing team members to the White House to honor his 2014 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series championship

4:25 PM: The President meets with Secretary of Defense Carter

5:15 PM: The President holds a reception for supporters of H.R. 2, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 WATCH LIVE






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