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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Monday, April 27, 2015


"Welcome to the Fourth Quarter of My Presidency"

On Saturday night, President Obama attended his sixth White House Correspondents' Dinner -- an evening to celebrate the importance of journalism and the dedication of reporters.

In recent decades, the Correspondents' Dinner has also given Presidents a chance to show off their comedic side. This year, the President gave us a preview of what to expect from the "fourth quarter" of his presidency -- and enlisted the help of comedian Keegan-Michael Key (better known as Luther from Comedy Central's "Key and Peele") to be his "anger translator."

Watch the President's full remarks from this year's Correspondents' Dinner here.

President Obama delivers remarks at the 2015 Correspondents' Dinner.

  Top Stories

Weekly Address: Fighting for Trade Deals that Put American Workers First

In this week's address, the President laid out why new, high-standards trade agreements are important for our economy, our businesses, our workers, and our values. The President has been clear: Any deal he signs will be the most progressive trade agreement in our history with strong provisions for both workers and the environment. It would also level the playing field -- and when the playing field is level, American workers always win.


See the New "Kailua Blue" Obama State China

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe arrives at the White House tomorrow for bilateral meetings and a state dinner. The black-tie dinner will be the debut of the President and First Lady's State China, which was manufactured in Illinois and features an 11-piece setting. Take a look at the new china and see the President's and First Lady's reactions.


West Wing Week: "The Savage Splendor of a Swamp"

Last week, the President hosted the Italian Prime Minister, three different sports teams, and a bipartisan group of members of Congress. He also visited the Everglades in balmy Florida to celebrate Earth Day with Bill Nye the Science Guy. See more in the latest edition of West Wing Week.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:00 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:00 AM: The Vice President swears in Loretta Lynch as U.S. Attorney General

12:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest

3:00 PM: The Vice President ceremonially swears in Danny Marti as the U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator






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