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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House


Friday, May 29, 2015

Follow Along: The President's Day

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:00 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

3:35 PM: The President meets with Attorney General Lynch

See the President and Vice President's full schedule here.

  From the Photo Office

@POTUS Answers Your Questions on Climate Change

See the recap of the @POTUS Q&A here.

President Barack Obama participates in a Twitter Q&A at the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida, May 28, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Yesterday, President Obama jumped on Twitter to answer a few of your questions about climate change -- along with other topics, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and whether J.R. Smith can lead the Cleveland Cavaliers to a championship over the Golden State Warriors.

If you missed yesterday's Q&A with @POTUS, check out the recap here.

  More from 1600 Penn

Connecting Generations to Engage on July 13

Yesterday, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell announced that the 2015 White House Conference on Aging will be held on July 13. The conference aims to embrace the transformative demographic shift occurring in the United States to recognize the possibilities of aging.


Reasons We Need the Clean Water Rule

This week, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army finalized a Clean Water Rule to protect the streams and wetlands we rely on for our health, our economy, and our way of life. Find out exactly why this rule is so important.


Memorial Day 2015: Honoring Our Soldiers Who Paid the Ultimate Sacrifice

On Memorial Day, President Obama traveled to Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia to pay solemn tribute to the men and women of our armed forces who have made the ultimate sacrifice.


  Quote of the Day

"The best climate scientists in the world are telling us that extreme weather events like hurricanes are likely to become more powerful. When you combine stronger storms with rising seas, that's a recipe for more devastating floods... And that's why we are seeking to work with Congress to make sure that we are focused on resilience and the steps we can take to fortify our infrastructure in these communities."

  Question of the Week

Tell Us: What's Your Stake in Clean Water?

One in three Americans get their drinking water from areas that don't have clear pollution protection.

But this week, after hundreds of meetings and reviewing more than 1 million comments from Americans, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers are taking steps to fix the problem. Together, they're releasing a Clean Water Rule that strengthens and expands protections for bodies of water that more than a third of Americans rely on for their drinking water.

Throughout the week, we've asked you to share with us why clean water is important to you -- and here's what you've told us:

"Clean water is important to me because my family -- myself, [my] partner, and [my] two children -- are all vegan. As we eat a plant-based diet, we appreciate the fact that water is there to grow the foods that humans need to survive."

-- Eleanor T. from Livermore, CA

"Healthy clean water sources provide for healthy communities. I shared once before that healthy water sources are influenced by environmental challenges. While too much water is a flood in one part of the nation, too little water is a drought in another. In some areas environmental impact has to do with the wrong chemicals in water sources, and in other areas environmental impact is through natural sources and what is added to the water as water travels down stream."

-- Carol G. from Newport Beach, CA

"One word... health!"

-- Mike G. from Celina, TN

If you haven't yet, tell us why you think clean water is important, and join the conversation online using #CleanWaterRules on your social media channels.






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