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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House


Friday, June 5, 2015


Follow Along: The President's Day

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:30 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

See the President and Vice President's full schedule here.

  From the Photo Office

Behind the Lens: Photographing an American Hero

State of the Union guests applaud Army Ranger Cory Remsburg.

First Lady Michelle Obama and the First Lady's other box guests applaud Army Ranger Cory Remsburg, who was recognized by President Barack Obama in the State of the Union address in the House Chamber at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., Jan. 28, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In the newest edition of "Behind the Lens," Chief Official White House Photographer Pete Souza shares a series of photos featuring Cory Remsburg -- an Army Ranger who has fought his way back from a severe brain injury caused by a roadside explosion in Afghanistan.

The collection of photos spans almost six years -- from when the President first met Cory in June 2009 in Normandy, before the injury, to this past March when the President visited Cory at his new home in Arizona.

See the full collection in the latest "Behind the Lens."

  More from 1600 Penn

Why the President's Trade Deal Is the Best Ingredient to Empower Women in Business

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), President Obama's high-standard trade agreement, puts a premium on protecting the American worker. Our trade policy is actually vital to empowering women entrepreneurs and workers, both here at home and abroad -- and here are four reasons why.


5 Photos: The President Awards the Medal of Honor to Sergeant William Shemin and Private Henry Johnson

On Tuesday, in a ceremony at the White House, President Obama awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously to Army Sergeant William Shemin and Army Private Henry Johnson for conspicuous gallantry during World War I.


Our Continued Commitment to America’s Foster Youth

Last month was National Foster Care Month. It provided us an important opportunity to highlight the many ways that the Administration has worked to stem the often disproportionate, unfair, and heartbreaking challenges facing our foster youth, and to provide them the equal opportunity for success that they deserve. We want them to know they are not alone.


  Quote of the Day

"I'm taking my talons to the South Lawn of the @WhiteHouse!"

  Question of the Week

Tell Us: Why Do You #ActOnClimate?

The effects of climate change can no longer be denied or ignored -- 2014 was the planet's warmest year recorded, and 14 of the 15 hottest years on record have happened this century.

Climate change poses risks to our national security, our economy, and our public health. The President has already taken steps to address climate change, but there's more that the United States and the international community can do. And every single one of us has an important part to play.

Here's what you told us about why you're acting to protect our climate:

"Because climate affects us all. Our planet is something that everyone should hold dear. It effects us spiritually, mentally, and physically. The way we have let corporations dictate policy on our planet needs to end. We need to approach this issue together, as people who have a moral and ethical responsibility to take care of where we live.

-- Lawrence A. from Raleigh, NC

"To save our natural resources and provide for a more healthy environment for our future generations to come."

-- John H. from Denton, TX

"We are here briefly and are stewards of our planet's resources. We are one community, one ecosystem. We need to protect it for each other, our future generations, and our own well-being."

-- Kim T. from South Bend, IN

If you're taking steps to protect our climate, share with us why this issue is important to you -- and join the conversation online using #ActOnClimate on your social media channels.






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