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Here's What's Happening Here at the White House


Monday, June 15, 2015


Follow Along: The President's Day

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:00 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

2:05 PM: The President participates in the White House Mentorship and Leadership Graduation Ceremony

See the President and Vice President's full schedule here.

  From the Photo Office

The President Meets with Senior Advisors:

The President meets with advisors in the Oval Office.

President Barack Obama meets with Amy Rosenbaum, Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs, National Economic Council Director Jeffrey Zients, Christina Goldfuss, Managing Director, Council on Environmental Quality, Senior Advisor Brian Deese and Chief of Staff Denis McDonough in the Oval Office, June 12, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

See more from our "Photo of the Day" gallery here.

  More from 1600 Penn

Join a Virtual Stop on the "Lead on Leave" Tour

Today, Labor Secretary Tom Perez, Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, MomsRising Executive Director Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, and small business owner Molly Moon Neitzel are taking part in a Google+ Hangout on paid leave. During the conversation, they'll share an important announcement and updates on the action across the country to help more working families succeed.


Weekly Address: Stand Up for American Workers and Pass TAA

In this week's address, President Obama reiterated that his top priority is to grow the American economy and ensure that every hardworking American has a fair shot at success. The President also urged the House to pass Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) without delay so that more middle-class workers can earn the chance to participate and succeed in our global economy.


Dr. Jill Biden Sponsors and Christens the USS Gabrielle Giffords

On Saturday, Dr. Jill Biden took part in the christening ceremony for the USS Gabrielle Giffords (LCS 10), named after former Congresswoman and Navy spouse Gabby Giffords. The ship is expected to be delivered to the Littoral Combat fleet by 2017.


  Quote of the Day

"If we do not act now, this program which has provided a lifeline to over 2.2 million workers will expire at the end of the fiscal year."






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