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既就而复居之。梅女夜至,展谢已,喜气充溢,姿态嫣然。封爱悦之,欲与为欢。瞒然而惭曰:“阴惨之气,非但不为君利,则生前之垢,西江不可潘矣。会合有时,今日尚未。”问“何时?”但笑不言。封问“饮乎?”答曰“不饮。”封曰:“坐对佳人,闷眼相看,亦复何味?”女曰;“妾平生贱计,惟谙打马。但两人寥落,夜深又苦无局。今长夜莫遣,聊与君为交线之戏。”封从之。促膝戟指,翻遍良久,封迷乱不知所从,女辄口道而颐指之,愈出愈幻,不穷于术。封笑曰:“此闺房之绝技。”女曰:“此妾自悟,但有双线,即可成文。人自不自察耳。”更阑颇怠,强使就寝。女曰:“我阴人不寐,请自休。妾少解按摩之术,愿尽技能,以侑清梦。”封从其请。女叠掌为之轻按,自顶及踵皆遍;手所经,骨若醉。既而握指细擂,如似棉絮相触状,体畅舒不可言。擂至腰,口目皆慵;至股,则沉沉睡去矣。 及醒,日已晌午,觉骨节轻和,殊于往日。心益爱慕,绕屋而呼之,并无响应。日夕,女始至,封曰:“卿居何所?使我呼欲遍。”曰:“鬼无所,要在地下。”问:“地下可容身乎?”曰:“鬼不见地,犹鱼不见水也。”封握腕曰:“使卿而活,当破产购致之。”女笑曰:“无须破产。”戏至半夜,封苦逼之。女曰:“君勿缠我,有浙娼爱卿者,新寓邻,颇风致,明夕招与俱来,若何?”封允之。次夕,果与一少妇同至。年近30以来,眉目流转,隐含荡意。三人狎坐,打马为戏。局终,女起曰:“嘉会方殷,我且去。”封欲挽之,飘然已逝。两人登榻,于飞甚乐。诘其家世,则含糊不以尽道,但曰:“郎如爱妾,当以指弹壁,微呼曰‘葫芦子’,即至。三呼不应,可知不暇,勿再招也。”天晓,入壁隙而去。次日女来,封问爱卿,曰:“被高公子召去侑酒,以故不得来。”因而剪烛共话。女每欲有所言,吻已启而辄止。固诘之,终不肯言,欷歔而已。封强与作戏,四漏始去。自此二女频来,笑声彻宵旦,因而城社悉闻。 典吏某,亦浙之世族,嫡室以私仆被黜,继娶顾氏,深相爱好,期月夭殂,心甚悼之。闻封有灵鬼,欲以问冥世之缘,遂跨马造封。封初不肯承,某力求不已。封设筵与坐,诺为招鬼妓。日及曛,扣壁而呼,三声未已,爱卿即入,举头见客,色变欲走。封以身横阻之。某审视,大怒,投以巨碗,溘然而灭。封大惊,不解其故,方将致诘。俄暗室中一老妪出,大骂曰:“贪鄙贼!坏我家钱树子,三十贯要偿也!”以杖击某,中颅。某抱首而哀曰:“此顾氏,我妻也,少年而殒,方切哀痛,不图为鬼不贞,于姥何与?”妪怒曰:“汝本浙江一无赖贼,买得条乌角带,鼻骨倒竖矣。汝居官有何黑白?袖有三百钱便尔翁也!神怒人怨,死期已迫,汝父母代哀冥司,愿以爱妻入青楼,代汝偿贪债,不知耶?”言已又击。某宛转哀鸣,方惊诧无从解救,旋见梅女自房中出,张目吐舌,颜色变异,以长簪刺其耳。封惊,以身障客,女恨不已。封劝曰:“某即有罪,倘死于寓所,则咎在小生,请稍存投鼠之忌。”女乃曳妪曰:“赞假余息,为我顾封郎也。”某张皇鼠窜而去,至署患脑痛,中夜遂毙。 携至延安,访之,果有展孝廉,生一女,端好,但病痴,又常以舌出唇外,类犬喘日。年16岁,无问名者。父母忧念成痗。封到门投刺,具通婚阀。既退,托媒。展喜,赘封于家。女痴绝,不知为礼。使两婢扶曳归所。群婢既去,女解衿露乳,对封憨笑。封覆囊呼之,女停眸审顾,似有疑思。封笑曰:“卿不识小生耶?”举之囊而示之。女乃悟,急掩衿,喜共燕笑。诘旦,封入谒岳。展慰之曰:“痴女无知,既承青眷,君倘有意,家中慧婢不乏,仆不靳相赠。”封力辨其不痴,展疑之。无何女至,举止皆佳,因大惊异。女但掩口微笑。展细诘之,女进退而惭于言,封为略述梗概。展大喜,爱逾越于平时,使子大成与婿同学,供给丰备。年余,大成渐厌薄之,因而郎舅不相能,厮仆亦刻疵其短。展惑于浸润,礼稍懈。女觉之,谓封曰:“岳家不可久居。凡久居者,尽阘茸也。及今未大决裂,宜速归。”封然之,告展。展欲留女,女不可。父兄尽怒,不给舆马。女自出妆资貰马归。后展招令归宁,女固辞不往。后封举孝廉,始通庆好。 Mr. Mei’s Daughter
After the house was re-built, Feng again lived there. The girl went to him at night, expressed to thank him and looked very merry and attractive. Feng loved her and wanted to have romance with her. She blushed to decline, saying: “The gloomy spirit not only is bad for you, but doing so, I can never clear my criminal name before I died. There will be the time we intercourse, but it isn’t today.” He asked: “When?” She didn’t answer but only smiled. “Do you drink?” Feng asked. “No.” she answered. “Facing a beautiful girl without any talking, what a flavor we enjoy?” “The skill I had before I live was only playing card; but two people can’t play this game. Now, during this long night only we two are very lonely. Shall we play weaving-thread game? Feng agreed. Then they sat face to face and wound the thread on their fingers to alternately change. The transform was infinitive and Feng frenzied and didn’t know what to do. The girl often explained and showed with eyes. Thus the change was more and more complicated. ‘Is this a kind of unique skill of the boudoir? He said with smiling. The girl said: “This is my invention. Double threads can make games. The players can not know the key.” Then the night was late and both the two got quite tired, Feng asked her to go to bed. The girl said “I’m a spirit and don’t sleep. Please do yourself. I know a little massage skill, I am willing to do it to help you rest.” Feng agreed. Then she overlaid her two palms and lightly massaged him from his head to feet. He felt like intoxicated while she did so. Then she clenched her fists and lightly pounded like a group of cotton while her clenches touched him; too comfort to speak out. While she was touching the waist, he got asleep, touching his thighs, he had got sleep already. When he woke, it was the morning next day already. He felt extraordinary relaxed all body; thus still more loved her and called her name all over the house, but there wasn’t any response. In the evening, the girl came. He asked “where do you live? I have called you many times all over the house.”. “As a ghost, I don’t live at any fixed place; generally under the ground.” “Are there any leaks for you?” he asked. “Yes, for the ghost, the ground is like the water for the fish.” Feng grasped her wrist and said: “If you could revive, I’m willing to help at the cost of my whole family property.” “No, it needn’t.” she said with smiling. Playing till to midnight, Feng urged her to go to bed together with him. She said: “Please don’t persecute me, here there is a prostitute from Zhejiang province called Ai-qing, quite coquettish, newly lives here. Tomorrow evening I’ll take her here to replace me. How do you think of it?” Feng agreed. Next evening, really she took a young woman, about 30 years old with eyes circulated, quite looked lewd. The three sat close and played cards. After the game finished, the girl stood up. Said: “Merry time is up, I’ll leave.” Feng wanted to keep her, but she soon disappeared. Then the two went to bed and happily enjoyed sexual intercourse. When he asked what her family stock was. She vaguely didn’t answer, but said: “If you love me, please knock at the wall and called “gourd”, then I’ll present before you. If you call three times and no respond. That means I am busy, please don’t call any more.” When the dawn came, she went into the wall leak and disappeared. The next evening, he asked Mea where was Ai-qing, she answered “she was called by Mr. Gao for accompanying drinking.” Then the two chatted in the cut candle light. But it seemed that the girl had something wanted to say but difficult to do. He insisted to ask her why, but she kept silence, only sobbed. Feng forcedly played with her, she left when dawn came. Form then on the three often came, talked and laughed all night, which caused all the neighbors known. The police chief said above was also from an aristocratic family of Zhejiang province. His first wife was divorced because of illicit intercourse with his servant. The stepped one, he loved her very much, but died after they married only one month. He mournfully missed her very much. When he got to know that Mr. Feng had a ghost lover, he wanted to know the loving chance in the other world; so he went to visit Feng with regard to that matter. At first, Feng didn’t recognize that he had any ghost female lover, but the police chief persisted in asking him to help. Feng had to give a banquet to receive him and promise to call the ghost prostitute. When evening came, he knocked at the wall and called her. Ai-qing immediately appeared when three times of calls were not finished. Seeing the police chief, at once she discolored and wanted to leave. Feng prevented her from leaving with his body. The police chief got great angry and hit her with a big bowl, immediately she disappeared. With great alarmed, Mr. Feng didn’t know why and was going to ask the reason. Soon an old woman came from the wall leak and loudly cursed: “Miserable evil fellow, damage my money tree, 30 strings of coins you must pay for my loss.” Saying so, she hit him at the head. The police chief supplicated with hands holding head: “This is Gu, my late wife died young. I am always sad for her and don’t think she betrays so shameless. What’s the matter with you?” The old woman angrily said: “Originally you were a rogue thief of Zhejiang province; afterward bought a police chief’s post and put on the airs of a mandarin.. As a police chief you are but only a clown; can you distinguish between black and white, justice and un-justice? Everyman can make you be his pug dog by feeding you with a little money. Now you have caused the God’s anger, man’s hate and your death is drawing near. Your parents piteously beg god to prolong your life and showed that they are willing to sell your wife to a prostitute court to earn money for repaying your corruption income. You know it, don’t you?” She again hit him after saying so. The police chief moaned bitterly again and again. While fearing no one saved him, he saw Mei’s daughter come from the inner room with tongue outside of the mouth and prick his ears with a long hairpin. Mr. Feng alarmed and protected the police chief with his body. The girl didn’t stop being angry. Then Mr. Feng advised: “Even he is guilty, if he dies here, then I’ll be influenced. Please calm your angry a little. ” Owing to this advice, the girl pulled the old woman by the sleeve and said: “Please be calm off a little on account of my Dear Mr. Feng.” Thus the police chief hurriedly got away like a rat and died of headache in his office at midnight. At next night, Mei’s daughter came, happily said: “Happy, happy, very happy! My hatred anger vents at last!” “What anger?” Feng asked. “I have told you before. The man who received bribe and slandered me is no other than the police chief. I have hated him for a long time. I often hope you to help me redressing the injustice wrong, but too ashamed to ask you owing to that I’ve done nothing good for you. Last night, I heard noising, peeped in the inner room and didn’t think the police chief was no other than my foe.” Feng surprised said: “Is he the fellow that has slandered you?” “Yes. He has been a police chief for 20 years and I have suffered a wrong for 18 years.” “What is the old woman?” he asked. “An old prostitute, “she answered. “Where is Ai-qing?” again he asked. “Fall ill.” Then she frankly asked: “I’ve told you that we’ll combine with each other some day. Now, the day is drawing near. You have told me that you will help me at the cost of your family property. Do you remember?” “Surely, till now.” he answered. “To tell you the truth, I was re-bourn to Zhan Xiaolian’s of Yanan the day I committed suicide, because I haven’t avenged myself and canceled my hatred, I linger here. Please make a new silk bag for me to live in. Then you bring it with you to Zhan Xiaolian’s and propose to me from his family. It will succeed.” Feng feared that it was possibly in vain owing to different walk of life. The girl said: “No matter, do as I tell.” Feng agreed. Again the girl said: “Don’t call me in the journey till at the night when we live in the bridal, then put the bag at my head and immediately call ‘Don’t forget, don’t forget!’” No sooner had Feng promised than the girl jumped into the bag. Feng brought the bag with him and went to Yanan city. Through investigating, he found really there was a Xiaolian named Zhan, who had a daughter quite pretty, but was born dementia and often stretched her tongue out of mouth. At that time she was 18 years old but no man proposed to her. For this, her parents were much worried. Feng provided his calling card and introduced himself to Zhan. After this, he asked a go-between to make a proposal to Zhan’s daughter. Mr. Zhan was pleased and asked Feng to marry into and live with his family. The girl was demented, her parents ordered two mail servants to take her to the bridal chamber. After the servants went out, the girl took off her coat, expressed her breast and rustically smiled to Feng. Feng untied the bag and called her name. The girl gazed at him seemed to think about some matter for a little while. Then he said with smiling: “Don’t you recognize me?” and showed her the bag. Soon the girl came to her senses, hurriedly covered her breast and merrily talked with him. Next morning, Feng went to pay respect to his father-in-law, the latter comforted him saying: “My daughter is ignorant, now that she gets your tenderness, I should like to give some compensation. I have a few of pretty maid servants in my house. If you like anyone of them, I’ll present her to you without sparing.” Feng did his best to explain that his daughter wasn’t foolish. Zhan still doubted what he said. Soon his daughter appeared, he was greatly surprised to find that she was much different from what she used to in ordinary days. She only smiled covering her mouth with hands. Zhan asked her why, but she was bashfully to speak out. Then her husband explained the sketch in place of her. Mr. Zhan was greatly pleased, extraordinarily loved them, made his son to study together with him and supplied him with quite rich living goods. Thus for more than one year, his son gradually disgusted him, so the two were on bad terms and the servants also began to spoke ill of him before Zhan. So, Mr. Zhan was wondered by and treated Feng slightly. Zhan’s daughter perceived this and said to her husband: “At your father-in-law’s you shouldn’t live long. He who lives there long will cause trouble. Now, while in the time when no obvious broken relationships takes place, shall we leave for our own home as soon as possible?.” Feng agreed and said good-by to his father-in-law. Mr. Zhan wanted to hold his daughter, but she refused. Both her father and brother were so angry that didn’t give them any expense for returning home. Thus his daughter took out her own savings for it. Afterward, Mr. Zhan asked her to go back to pay respects to her parents, but she refused. Till the day when Mr. Feng passed the provincial exam and obtained the title of Xiaolian, they started to resume their kinsman relatives. (Written by Pu Songling) |
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