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洛神赋 黄初三年,予朝京师,还济洛川,古人有言,斯水之神,名曰宓妃,感宋玉对楚王神女之事,遂作斯赋,其辞曰: 予从京域,言归东藩,背伊阙,越轘辕,经通谷,陵景山,日既夕倾,车殆马烦.尔乃税驾乎蘅皋,秣驷乎芝田,容与乎阳林,流眄乎洛川.于是精移神骇,忽焉思散.俯则未察,仰以殊观:睹一丽人,于岩之畔.乃援御者而告之曰:"尔有觌于彼者乎?彼何人斯,若此之艳也?"御者对曰:"臣闻河洛之神,名曰宓妃,然则君王所见,无乃是乎?其状若何?臣愿闻之." 予告之曰:其形也,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙.荣曜秋菊,华茂春松.仿佛兮若轻云之蔽月;飘飘兮若流风之回雪.远而望之,皎若太阳升朝霞;迫而察之,灼若芙蕖出渌波,襛纤得衷,修短合度.肩若削成,腰如约素.延颈秀项,皓齿呈露,芳泽无加.铅华弗御,云髻峨峨.修眉联娟,丹唇外朗;皓齿内鲜,明眸善睐;靥辅承权.瑰姿艳逸,仪静体闲;柔情绰态,媚于语言.奇服旷世,骨像应图.披罗衣之璀粲兮,珥瑶碧之华琚;戴金翠之首饰,缀明珠以耀躯.践远游之文履,曳雾绡之轻裾;微幽兰之芳蔼兮,步踟蹰于山隅.于是忽焉纵体,以遨以嬉.左依采旄,右荫桂旗.攘皓腕于神浒兮,采湍濑之玄芝. 予情悦其淑美兮,心震荡而不怡.无良媒以接欢兮,托微波而通辞.愿诚素之先达兮,解玉佩以要之.嗟佳人之信修,羌习礼而明诗.抗琼珶以和予兮,指潜渊而为期.执眷眷之款实兮,惧斯灵之我欺.感交甫之弃言兮,怅犹豫而狐疑.收和颜而静志兮,申礼防以自持. 于是洛神感焉,徒依彷徨.神光离合,乍阴乍阳.竦轻躯以鹤立,若将飞而未翔.践椒涂之郁烈,步蘅薄而流芳.超长吟以永慕兮,声哀厉而弥长.尔乃众灵杂遢,命俦啸侣.或戏清流,或翔神渚,或采明珠,或拾翠羽.从南湘之二妃,携汉滨之游女.叹匏瓜之无匹兮,咏牵牛之独处.扬轻袜之猗糜兮,翳修袖以延伫.体迅飞凫,飘忽若神.陵波微步,罗袜生尘.动无常则,若危若安.进止难期,若往若还.转眄流精,光润玉颜.含辞未吐,气若幽兰.华容婀娜,令我忘餐. 于是屏翳收风,川后静波.冯夷鸣鼓,女娲清歌.腾文鱼以警乘,鸣玉鸾以偕逝.六龙俨其齐首,载云车之容裔.鲸鲵踊而夹毂,水禽翔而为卫.于是越北沚'过南岗.纡素领,回清阳.动朱唇以徐言,陈交接之大纲.恨人神之道殊兮,怨盛年之莫当.抗罗袂以掩涕兮,泪流襟之浪浪.悼良会之永绝兮,哀一逝而异乡.无微情以效爱兮,献江南之明珰.虽潜处于太阴,长寄心于君王.忽不悟其所舍,怅神宵而蔽光. 于是背下陵高,足往神留.遗情想像,顾望怀愁.冀灵体之复形,御轻舟而上溯,浮长川而忘反,思绵绵而增慕.夜耿耿而不寐,沾繁露而至曙.命仆夫而就驾,吾将归乎东路.揽騑辔以抗策,怅盘桓而不能去. Ode of the Fairy of the Luo River In the third year of Huangchu (222) after I went to Luoyang, the capital, to pay respect to the emperor, I returned to my feud Yancheng city. On my way back, I crossed the Luo River (now the Luo River of Luoyang city). It is said that "the fairy of that river is called Madam Mi." Moved by the love tale of Prince Chu and the fairy of Mt. Wu written by Song Yu, I write the following lines. From the capital Luoyang, I returned eastward to my feud, left Yique, trmped over Mount Huanyuan, passed through Tong Valley and climbed Mt. Jing. Then the sun was setting, my cart-horses were tired and my cart went slow. So at the highland beside thebank of the Luo River where sweet grasses grew. I unhitchedthe horses, let them eat grasses and I leisurely walked in the woods, where I looked far at the beautiful scene of the Luo River, which made me quite ease. Suddenly I fainted and my attention got diffused. Lowering head I found nothing and when I raised my head, a wonderful scene appeared before my face. I saw a beautiful maid standing at the side of the cliff. I asked my attendant: "Have you seen her? Who is she and so beautiful?" He answered, "I have heard about that Emperor Huangdi's daughter is called Madam Mi. Then what Your Prince see isn't her? How beautiful is she? I, your servant, should like to know." I told him: "Her moving step is graceful just like that of the startled swan, and as elegant and swift as that of the swimming goddess fish. Her figure is full of life like that of the thriving chrysanthemum and well developed like the thriving spring pine; now appearing and now disappearing like the thin clouds shield the moon and changeably flowing like the snowflakes dnace in the hazy mist. Examining her from far distance, you may find she is as bright as the morning rising sun. Examining from the near place, you may find that she is as pretty as the lotus flower just rising from under the clear water; her body is properly fat and thin, neither tall nor short with fine lines of shoulders and graceful waist just like being wound by a strip of fine silk; her neck is slender with exposed delicate and clean skin. Naturally beautiful she is without using any face powder and cream. Her hairdo is like floating clouds; eyebrows are shapely; lips rosy; teeth white, eyes bright and full of affection; under her cheeks there are dimples well nice and fharming. Her posture is graceful and extraordinary gorgeous;manners quiet and refined; expression soft; posture elegant; speaking charming and touching. Her dress and adornment are wonderful and unrivalled; her physical shape as beautiful as the beauty pained on the picture. She weara gaily silk clothes and earrings make of precious jade. Her head is decorated with golden and emerald green ornamend and body decorated brilliant pearls. Wearing exquisite embroidered travel shoes and tugging long skirt made of thin silk, she leisurely walks at the foot of the hill, giving out slight orchid sweetness. After a while, she casually dances and elegantly plays with a colored flag at her left side and a cassia branch flag at her right side, then rolls up sleeves and picks the orchid from the swift water with her white arm." I deeply loved her for her beauty and purity and got much excited. What a pity! No proper go-between introduced for us. I had to express myself by casting flash amorous glances and was willing to first show my truly affection to her, so I untied my jade pendant and gave her for pledge of love. Oh! She was much perfect, not only knew etiquette, but also had a familiar acquaintance with poetry and essay. Seemly understood my meaning, she answered me by unholding a piece of fine jade and showed me to meet her in her dwelling under water. With a profound affection feeling feeling and sincere love, I feared that she would cheat me; besides, because of memorizing the story of Zheng Jiaofu, who was dallied by two fairies who gave up the jade he had presented to them, I was much disconsolate and hesitated. I stayed my soft and light expression, made my excited feeling calm and controlled myself by decaring the traditional Chinese manners between man and woman. So the fairy was moved and agitated and her shadow was partly hidden, partly visible, now open and now covert. She shrugged her light body like the crane that just wants tp fly but still stays, somethimes stepped on the spiced path where strong fragrant air gives out, and sometimes leisurely walked on the flourishing and fragrant grasses. She melancholy whistled, the voice was long, sad and shrill, by which expressed her last love. So,many goddesses came. They greeted one another. Some of them played in the clear flowing water; some of them flew above the sandbank; some of them fished bright pearls and some of them picked emerald green feathers; even Madams E-huang and Nu-ying---two madams of Emperor Shun---and the faires of the Han River came one after another. The fairy of the Luo River was much symphathized with my single life as Altair and Vega (Chinese fairy tale says they are an affectionate couple but forced to live far apart). Her skirt flapped in the breeze and she gazed far with her long sleeve covering her neck. Her body was extraordinarily slim and graceful as that of the flying seagull. She walked on the water surface , and her silk socks made the waves splashed like the flying dust. Her steps changed without any rule, sometimes seemed dangerous but sometimes turned danger to safety. Where she advanced or retreated was also difficult to suppose, sometimes seemed to leave, and sometimes seemed to return. Her eyes eyes flashed like lightening. Her feature was as bright and glossy as that of white jade. While speaking, a gust of orchid flavour would give out from her mouth. She was so attractive and charming that made me never tired seeing even forget to have meal. So the wind god had the wind stopped; the river goddess let the ripples cease; the god mastering cloudy and fine days beat the heaven drum. Then there rose the clear singing of the goddess Nuwa. Fishes jumped out of the wate surface to guard the coaches of various fairies and the jade coach bells were jingling on the horses. All the fairies left. The fairy of the Luo Riverdrove her clound-cart pulled by six dragons,solemned and easily advance forward. Guarded by gaint salamanders and served by waterfowls, she crossed the sandbar,tramped over the the southern hillock, turned her white neck back,gazed at me with her sparkling eyes, moved her rosy lips, slowly told me about the communication principles between man and woman. It is hateful that the way of man is different from that of fairy; the two cannot marry when young. Covering her eyes with sleeve she shed tears. So grieve she was, that even the tears wetted her dress. It was so sad that this happy meet would be the separation forever. Since then we would be far apart in the different corner of the world. She could not express her love to me with her feeling, only give a piece of fine jade growing from the south area of the Yangtze River to me for memento and said to me "Though I live in the place where many goddesses are, yet in my heart I'll memory you forever". Suddenly, I could not see where she was. Her shadow disappeared and bright radiance went into hiding, which made me much gloomy and listless. So, I left this low ground, again went up to the hilock. Though I went forward, yet my heartstill remained at the origin place. The affection of mine lasts forever. I am always missing her feature and expression. Looking back at the place where we met, with a sorrowful heart and in the hope of that her figure could reappear, I drove a boat to sail upstream to pursue her on the long Luo River. Forever missing increased my love of her and made me unable to fall asleep during that long night and my dress was wet with cold frost. Next morning I ordered my attendants to prepare cart and returned to my feud. But when I grasped the reins and raised the horsewhip, I was full of melancho;y, wandered and could not bear to leave. <洛神赋>简介 Brief introduction to <The Ode of the Fairy of the Luo River> <洛神赋>原名<感甄赋>.甄系上蔡令甄逸之女,年青时因貌美有才闻名于当时,因之为当时贵公子追求的对像,最后嫁给山东,河北的权势袁绍的儿子.东汉末年袁绍和曹操争权斗争中被曹操消灭.甄被俘,她又成为曹操的两个儿子曹丕和曹植争夺的对象,最后曹丕得胜.曹操死后,曹丕推翻汉朝,自立为魏王并立甄为皇后.曹丕是文学家但也是自私的家伙.处于喜新厌旧,命令甄后投洛水自杀.数年后,曹植从他的封地去首都洛阳朝拜天子.曹丕给他一个甄后枕过的瓷枕让他枕.夜间他梦见甄后悲惨地向他诉苦.这使他非常悲伤,因之写出了这首著名的赋.曹丕死后,他和甄后的儿子曹睿即位,把<感甄赋>改为现名.该赋对后代文学艺术影响很大.例如著名书法家王羲之,画家顾凯之都用该赋做他们作品的题材. Originally this ode was called <The Ode in Memory of Madam Zhen>. Zhen was the daughter of zhen Yi, who was the chief of the magistrate of Shangcai district (now Shangcai county of Henan province). When she was young, she was well known by her beauty and talent. Thus she was wooed by many sons of high official. At last she maried to Yuan Shao's son. Yuan was a high ranking official of Shandong and Hebei then. in the last period of Eatern Han dynasty while he was fighting for power with Cao Cao, he was abolished by the latter and Zhen was also captured. Then she got the object contended for by Cao's two sons, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi. Finally, the former triumphed. After the death of Cao Cao, Cao Pi overthrew Han dynasty, came to the throne of Wei Kingdom and made Zhen his queen. Cao Pi was a man of letters as well as a selfish fellow. Owing to loving the new and disliking the old, he ordered Zhen to commit sucide by jumping into the Luo River Several years later, Coa Zhi from his feud went to Luoyang, the capital of Wei Kingdom, to pay respect to the emperor, Cao Pi gave him a porcelian pillow that Zhen had used for him to rest. At night, he dreamed that Zhen bitterly complained her hard lot to him. This made him much grievious, so he wrote this well known ode. After the death of Cao Pi, Cao Rui, Cao Pi's and Zhen's son, came to the throne and changed the ode into the present name. This ode has much affected the literature and art of the following generations. For example, Wang Xi-zhi, a famous calligrapher and Gu Kai-zhi, a master painter, all used the story of this ode in their works. 关于《洛神赋》的旧梦漫忆 还是少年时候,爸爸给我和哥哥讲<洛神赋>的故事,我深为甄后的遭遇不平.1943年我15岁,暑假中从一个农村初中考上当时颇为难考的省立高中,真是飘飘如也.我家有个多年没住人的小院.院里有间放杂物的草房,一棵高大杏树和其它树木.我喜欢那里清静,凉快,晚上拿本我喜爱的<聊斋>,一本有<洛神赋>的古文选,和一盏油灯到那里住,梦想也像书中所说的,碰见仙女.说也奇怪,倒真梦见一个年龄和我相仿的女孩,我们谈得非常投机.她说她叫Tulip(郁金香).我把我的艳遇告诉了要好同学.他郑重其事劝我马上离开那里,否则我会丧命.后来我的爸爸妈妈也知道啦,他们要我离家远避.那天夜里我又梦见她,我摹仿着<茵梦湖>的句子告诉她"By my parents hard decree, I can not be here again!" 她说"恨人神之道殊兮,怨盛年之莫当.虽潜处于太阴,长寄心于君王".后来我离家到外地求学,再后来参加解放军,再也没回过故乡.听说我走后爸妈买了贡品,香,黄表纸到杏树前磕头祝愿说"孩子年幼无知,望千万饶恕了他" 真是"可怜天下父母心".而今经过无数顺利的和坎坷道路,我已步如耄耋,爸妈,哥哥都已过世,那个小院早已属他人,回想起来,那不过是青春期的幻梦,但也总挥之难去.前些时友人邀我到公园欣赏郁金香,不禁又勾起了旧梦,也许眼前的Tulip就是当年梦中的她吧!也许'少年之时能再来,再和她相逢?真是非非可笑.今将<洛神赋>译文公于对此赋共同爱好的朋友,,聊作对少年时代的纪念吧!
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