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尉缭子 (二) ---中国古代军事著作 Weiliaozi (2)---An ancient Chinese work for military strategy and tactics第四章 战威 凡兵,有以道胜,有以威胜,有以力胜。讲武料敌,使敌之气失而师散虽形全而不为之用。此道胜也。审法制,明赏罚,变器用,使民有必战之心,此威胜也。破军杀将,乘堙发机,溃众夺地,成功乃返,此力胜也。王后知此以三胜者,毕矣。 夫将卒所以战者,民也。民之所以战者,气也。气实则斗,气夺则走。刑如未加,兵未接而所以夺敌者五:一曰庙胜之论;二曰受命之论;三曰逾垠之论;四曰深沟高垒之论;五曰举陈加刑之论。此五者,先料敌而后动,是以击虚夺之也。善用兵者,能夺人而不夺于人。夺者,心之机也。 令者,一众心也。众不审,则数变;数变,则令虽出,众不信矣。故令之法,小过无更,小疑无申。故上无疑令,则众不二听;动无疑事,则众不二志。未有不信其心,而能得其力者。未有不得其力,而能致其死战者也。故国必有礼亲爱之义,则可以饥易饱;国必有孝慈廉耻之俗,则可以死易生。古者率民,必先礼信而后爵禄,先廉耻而后刑罚;先亲爱而后律其身。故战者,必本乎率身以励众士,如心之使四肢也。志不励,则士不死节;士不死节,则众不战。励士之道,民之生,不可不厚也;爵列之等,死丧之亲,民之所营,不可不显也。必也因民所生而制之,因民所荣而显之。田禄之实,饮食之亲,乡里相劝,死生相救,兵役相从,此民之所励也。使什伍如亲戚,卒伯如朋友;止如堵墙,动如风雨;车不结辙,世不放踵,此本战之道也。 地所以养民也,城所以守地也,战所以守城也。故务耕者民不饥,务守者地不危,务战者城不围。三者,先王之本务,本务兵最急本者。故先王专于兵有五焉:委积不多,则士不行;赏禄不厚,则民不劝;武士不选,则众不强;备用不便,则力不壮;刑赏不中,则众不畏。务此五者,静能守其所固,动能成其所欲。夫以居攻出,则居欲重,阵欲坚,发欲毕,阙欲齐。 夫勤劳之师,将不先己,暑不张盖寒不重衣,险必下步,军井成而饮,军食熟而后饭,军垒成而后舍劳佚必以身同之。如此,师虽久而不老不弊。 Chapter 4 Ways to Victory With regard to resorting to arms, someone wins victory by political tactics; someone by military powers and someone by military force. By investigating strategy, analyzing the enemy’s situation and use of political ways to make the enemy spiritless and unable to fight means obtaining victory by political tactics. To win victory by strict military laws, clear rewarding and punishing measures, improving the fighting equipment and raising the fighters’ confidence of victory means winning by military prowess. Attacking and routing the enemy, killing their commanders, taking their cities and seizing their positions, then returning in triumph means obtaining by military force. If the lord understands the above three ways, then it may be said he has held all the ways to obtaining victories. There are five conditions to gain the victory before the army starts to attack. They are: 1.The highest leaders have wisely made strategic decisions. 2. The unit commanders have been correctly chosen. 3. The officers and men are brave and willing to risk their lives for the country. 4. The army has the ability to capture the enemy’s fortresses. 5. The army has the force to fight in battle formation. The key to handling these five conditions lies in finding out the enemy’s situation beforehand so as to take proper measurements to hit the enemy’s vital points. He who is good at commanding military operations can defeat the enemy without being defeated. Defeating the enemy results from the wisdom of the commanders. Orders are the measurements that are used to unite the will of the fighters. Without caution, orders will often change. So doing, even orders are issued, the masses will not accept them as true and obey. The way to issuing orders lies in not correcting minor errors and not explaining minor doubtful questions if there are any in them. War is realized through the force of masses of people. Therefore, without changeful orders from the higher authorities, the fighters will be of one heart and one mind. Without hesitant actions the fighters will not be half=hearted. From ancient times there have not been such leaders ho are good at commanding people can ask people to serve the country well without winning their trust, nor such leaders who can make people desperately fight for the country without winning their will to serve the country well. So, there must be principles of good behavior established in the country, then the people will have adequate food and clothing; there must be such morality and customs established in the country as ‘the father is affectionate and the son is dutiful and everyone has the sense of honesty and shame,’ then the people will be able to overcome death and get new lives. In ancient times he who was good at commanding the people must teach the people good behavior and faith in the country first, then reward them with rank and emoluments; teach them sense of honesty and shame first, then apply penalty; teach them how to love each other, then place hope on them. He who is good at using military forces must inspire his men’s morale with his own example, thus the soldiers will fight bravely and use their weapons as their brains and limbs. Without high morale the soldiers will not have the resolution to dedicate themselves to the country; without the resolution, they will not be able to develop their combat effectiveness. The way to inspiring the solders’ morale lies in showing solicitude for their welfare benefits; giving them munificent living conditions; honoring and handling accordingly what they are pursuing, such as ranks, wages, war pensions; paying attention to what they are concerning about, such as the lives, property, harvest grain of their families, the support of their parents, the relationship among their neighbors, the arrangement of their grave yards, etc. By doing so you’ll be able to make the soldiers of the same squad be as dear as brothers and the soldiers of the same regiment be as friends, such troops will be as indestructible as bastion of iron when defend, as fierce as hurricane when attack. The chariots rush forward in a torrent and soldiers charge forward bravely. That is the basic principle of fight. The land is used for supporting the people, the cities are used for defending the land, fighting is used for defending cities. So the lord who pays attention to farming can keep his people ample in food; the lord who pays attention to military arts can keep his cities not besieged. The above three matters are the foundations for founding a kingdom taken by former wise emperors, among which the most important one is paying attention to military arts. So, there are five principles for the military works that should be paid attention to. They are:: 1.Without sufficient military supplies the troops cannot start to fight. 2. Without excellent pay and conditions the people will not struggle for the country. 3. Without careful choice of fighters the troops will not have high combat effectiveness. 4. Without good weapons the fighters will not fight bravely. 5. Without fair rewards and punishments the fighters will not fear. By well handling these five principles you can defend your cities without throwing the troops into battle and attain your aim once dispatch troops. When turning defend into attack, the troops must be kept stable and the battlefield must be kept strong. When attacking, the force must be concentrated and the actions must be coordinated. The righteous country enriches its people. The hegemonic country enriches its people of ability. The barely survived country enriches its high-ranking government officials. The country that is close to doom enriches its national treasury, which is just like filling the leaky container with water, the disaster cannot be saved. Therefore, by choice and assignment of just and able people, everything will be all right even the lord does not choose a pleasant and auspicious day to do so. By clear and strict laws and orders and perfect regulations, everything will be auspicious even the lord doesn’t consult the oracle. By rewarding and promoting those who work hard, naturally good fortune will happen to the country even the lord doesn’t pray for it. That is to say “Timeliness isn’t as good as favorable geographical position and favorable geographical position is not as god as people’s union.” What the wise people attach importance to is the people’s union. For the army that is brave and skillful in battle, the commanders never pay much attention to their own personal gain and lose first. They share weal and woe with their fighters, such as in hot days they don’t rig the tents for themselves; in cold days, they don’t wear furs alone, on dangerous and difficult ways, they dismount and walk together with their soldiers, they drink after the well is sunk and all soldiers have drunken, they eat after all soldiers have their fit, they rest after the military camps have been built and all soldiers have rested in. So doing, they’ll be able to keep their men always maintaining high morale. 第五章 攻权 兵以静胜,国以专胜。力分者弱,心疑者背。夫力弱,故进退不豪,纵敌不禽。将吏士卒,动静一身。心既疑背,则计决而不动,动决而不禁。异口虚言,将无修容,卒无常试,发功必nu(血+丑),是为疾陵之兵,无足与斗. 将帅者,心也,群下者,支节也.其心动以诚则支节必力;其心动以疑,则支节必背.夫将不心制,卒不节动,虽胜,幸胜也,非攻权也. 夫民无两畏也,畏我侮敌,畏敌侮我;见侮者败,立威者胜.凡将能其道者,吏畏其将也;吏畏其将者,民畏其吏也;民畏其吏者,敌畏其民也.是故知胜败之道者,必先知畏侮之权.夫不爱说其心者,不我用也;不严畏其心者,不我举也。爱在下顺,威在上立;爱故不二,威故不犯。故善将者,爱与威而已。 战不必胜,不可以言战;攻不必拔,不可以言攻。不然,虽刑赏不足信也。信在期前,事在未兆。故众已聚不虚散,兵已出不徒归,求敌若求亡子,击敌若救溺人。分险者无战心,挑战者无全气,合战者无胜兵。凡挟义而战者,贵从我起;争私结怨,应不得已。怨结虽起,待之贵后。故争必待之,息必当备之。 兵有胜于朝廷,有胜于原野,有胜于市井。斗则失,幸以不败,此不意彼惊惧而曲胜之也。曲胜,言非全也。非全胜者无权名。故明主战攻日,合鼓合,节以兵刃,不求胜而胜也。 故凡集兵,千里者旬日,百里者一日,必集敌境卒聚将至,深入其地,错绝其道,栖其大城大邑,使之登城逼危,男女数重,各逼地形,而攻要塞。据一城邑而数道绝,从而攻之。敌将帅不能信,吏卒不能和,刑有所不从者。则我败之矣。敌救未至,而一城已降。津梁未发,要塞未修,城险未设,渠答未张,则虽有城无守矣。远堡未入,戍客未归,则虽有人无人矣。六畜未聚,五谷未收,财用未敛,则虽有资无资矣。夫城邑空虚而资尽者,我因其虚而攻之。法曰:“独出独入,敌不接刃而致之。”此之谓也。 Chapter 5 Striking Plot The powerful and invincible army keeps quiet while it is staying and concentrates its force while it is striking. Suspicion and hesitation lead to disordered action. With the weak combatant effectiveness the troops are not resolute in action and unable to totally wipe out the enemy. Commanders and soldiers should be coordinated as a man’s body, with doubt and suspension even you’ve well planned, still you cannot take any actions and even you’ve taken action still you cannot control the troops. If everyone speaks empty words, the commanders are slipshod to appearance and the soldiers are not disciplined, then the army is surely defeated once it starts to fight. Such army is called ill one and cannot stand a single blow. High-ranking military commanders are like a man’s heart, soldiers are like man’s limbs. With special attention one moves one’s limbs forcefully; on the contrary, one cannot. If the commander is not resolute in mind as the brain is and the soldiers are not as obedient as limbs, then even the army wins, it is only a matter of winning by sheer god luck not by plot. The soldiers cannot fear their commanders and the enemy at once. When they fear their commanders, they’ll look down upon the enemy. If they fear the enemy, they’ll look down up their commanders. Surely the side that is looked down upon will be defeated while the side that is feared will win He who knows this principle and puts it in practice will be feared by his subordinates When the marshal knows this principle and puts it in practice, his subordinates will respect him and fear him. When the military officers respect and fear their marshal, the soldiers will respect and fear their military officers. When the soldiers do this, the enemy will fear them. Therefore, the principle of victory or defeat lies in whether the soldiers fear or look down upon their higher officers or the enemy. He who doesn’t cherish his men cannot make his men serve him. He who doesn’t teach men and keep his prestige before them is not respected and feared by them, thus cannot command them. So, love your men, they will be loyal to you. The key to a good commander’s skill lies in making proper use of both kindness and severity in dealing with his subordinates. Without certainty of victory do not lightly put forward fight; without certainty of capturing a city do not lightly put forward attacking the city. Otherwise, it is no use using severe punishment and kindness reward. Start to set your prestige from doing minor things. So, once you have the troops assemble, don’t lightly let them dismiss; once the troops start, don’t let them return. Look for the enemy by all means as look for the lost son; attack the enemy without the least hesitation as save a drawing man. The array that falls into the dangerous situation scarcely has fighting spirit; two armies matching each other in strength hardly both win (something like diamond cuts diamond); the army that rashly launches a strike has little morale. For the just war the valuable thing lies in that we start to fight actively; for the war that is caused by private grudge the valuable thing lies in taking the manner that we have to accept the challenge. Though the enmity has been harbored, better to wait for the proper time to start to launch the fight. Once the war gets inevitable, should take the initiative by striking first. In the course of fighting, seize the opportunity; in normal time, maintain vigilance. Sometimes an army wins without specially paying attention to alert and military prowess, the reason is because the high-ranking officers thoroughly master strategy. It is the basic way to using troops to equip the army with excellent and complete weapons, to make well-conceived plans for coping with the enemy and to provide the army with complete officers. So, the army must be provided for officers according to the establishment. For five men a wu-leader is set; for ten men a shi-leader is set; for one hundred men a zu-leader is set; for one thousand men a shuai-leader is set; for ten thousand men a general is set. When the leader is killed in fight, immediately there is a successor to him. Before the army goes out to battle, the supreme command must find out the enemy’s situation and select military commanders. Generally, the troops should be concentrated within 10 days when the enemy is within on thousand li (one li=500km); within one day when the enemy is within one hundred li. They should also be concentrated on the border of the enemy’s country. After the troops are concentrated and the generals arrive at their posts, they must penetrate far to the enemy’s area, stop the enemy’s traffic, press the enemy’s big cities and force the defenders to ascend the battlements of the city wall and to find themselves in the tight corner, as well as force the people there, men and women, old and yang, to try to set up successive defending lines but be limited by the terrains. Then start to attack the enemy’s fortress by taking advantage of circumstances. If several important lines of the enemy’s can be cut off by one city being captured, try your best to capture the city. When the enemy’s high-ranking officers loss their prestige and there appear contradictions among their soldiers and officers as lots of the men disobey orders even they are severely punished, certainly they’ll be easily defeated. Under such conditions, sometimes the defenders of a city can be forced to surrender before the reinforce men reach. If the enemy have no time to build their fortress castles, install the city defending works and prepare their defending apparatus, then the city surely cannot be defeated even there is high city wall and deep moat. If the frontier force have left their posts before their successors reach, then the front castle is nothing but an empty one even there are lots of men in the city. If in a country various kinds of cattle and grain have not been levied, property has not been gathered, then it means the country has none. While in the city the defenders are weak and the assets are consumed, take the opportunity to occupy it. This is what the military principle says: “Execute military operations with miraculous skill, come and go freely. The enemy are subdued without any time to fight against us.” 第六章 守权 凡守者,进不郭围,退不亭障以御战,非善者也。豪杰雄俊,坚甲利兵,劲弩疆矢,尽在郭中;乃收窖廪,毁折而入堡;令客气十百倍,而主气不半焉,敌攻者伤之甚也。然而世将弗能知。 夫守者不失险者也。守法:城一丈,十人守之。工食不与焉。出者不守,守者不出。一而当十,十而当百,百而当千,千而当万。故为城郭者,非妄费于民聚土壤也。诚为守也。千丈之城,则万人之守。池深而广,城坚而厚,士民备,薪食给,弩坚矢强,矛戟称之,此守法也。 攻者不下十馀万之众,其有必救之军者,则有必守之城;无必救之军者,则无必守之城。若彼坚而救诚,则愚夫蠢妇,无不蔽城尽资血城者。期年之城,守馀于攻者,救馀于守者。若彼城坚而救不诚,则愚夫蠢妇,无不守陴而泣下。此人之常情也,遂发其窖廪救抚,则亦不能止矣。必鼓其豪杰雄俊,坚甲利兵,劲弩强矢于前,分历毁瘠者并于后。十万之军顿于城下,救必开之,守必出之,据出要塞,担击其后,毋通其粮道,中外相应。此救而示之不诚,则倒敌而待之者也。后其壮,前其老,彼敌无前,守不得而止矣。此守权之谓也。 Chapter 6 Defending Plot Those who cannot meet head-on the enemy by use of defending installations outside the city, nor do by use of the strategic installations inside the city are not good defenders. It means making the attackers swollen with arrogance and the defenders depressed in morale: To concentrate all the brave and skilful people, gather all strong armors and crack troops and collect all the food grains in the city, at the same time to destroy all the houses out of the city and force the people there to move into the city. By doing so, once the enemy attacks, the defenders will sustain immense losses. But the conventional high-ranking commanders don’t know this argument. The defenders shouldn’t lightly give up the strategic places. The way to defending a city is: For every city wall one zhang (one zhang=3.3 M) in length set ten men to defend, excluding odd-job men and crafts-men. Those who defend do not go out of the city to meet the enemy and those who go out to meet the enemy do not defend. Thus one man can ward off 10; 10 can ward off 100; 100 can ward off 1,000; 1,000 can ward off 10,000. When build the city wall, should not rashly pile earth only, but should build it into a strong one, which really can be used to defend. The city with wall 1,000 zhang in length should be used 10,000 men to defend; its moat must be both wide and deep. The wall must be strong and thick; the soldiers there must be well picked; the rations and forage there must be full and weapons be fine. This is the basic way to defending. Suppose there are hundred thousand men to attack the city. If there will surely be relief troops to come, then the defenders in the city surely are determined to defend; if there are no dependable relief troops to come, then the defenders will hardly have any determination to defend. If the city wall is strong and thick and there will surely be relief troops to come, then all the defenders including the benighted will be resolute to defend even at the cost of their valuable lives. The reason why the city can be long tenaciously defended lies in that the defending force is stronger than that of the attackers and the relief force is stronger than that of the defenders. If the city wall is solid but there are no reliable relief troops, then every benighted people in the city will weep in the face of the city wall. This is the way of the world. Under such circumstance, it is no use pacifying them by opening granaries to relieve them. Then the leaders of the defenders must mobilize the brave and righteous men, arm them with fine weapons and encourage them to fight at the front; meanwhile, organize the old and young people to support them in the rear. If 100,000 relief men arrive, they must cut off the retreat ways of the attackers, occupy the strategic posts, surprise the attackers’ rear and stop their grain-transporting roads. At the same time, the defenders must coordinate with them. Then the headquarters of the attackers will reverse its disposition, put its picked men backward to head-on the relief troops and the relative weak men to attack the city. Thus the defenders will win without being attacked by crack troops. This is the strategic way to defending. 第七章 十二 陵 威在于不度。惠在于因时。机在于应事。战在于治气。攻在于意表。守在于外饰。无过在于度数。无因在于预备。慎在于畏小。智在于治大。除害在于敢断。得在于下人, 悔在于任疑。孽在于屠戮。偏在于多私。不祥在于恶闻己过。不度在于竭民财。不明在于受间。不实在于轻发。固陋在于离贤。祸在于好利。害在于亲小人。亡在于无所守。危在于无号令。 Chapter 7 12 Experiences and 12 Lessons The key to setting prestige lies in not rashly changing orders. The key to bestowing kindness lies in doing it in time. The key to flexibility and quick wit lies in acting according to the change of conditions. The key to defending the enemy lies in inspiring your men with fighting spirit. The key to winning victory in offensive warfare lies in attacking the enemy by surprise. The key to strongly defending lies in well building the defending works. The key to avoiding careless mistakes lies in well consideration. The key to not landing in an awkward predicament lies in well preparing beforehand. The key to prudence lies in nipping the evil in the bud. The key to wisdom lies in well designing the whole situation. The key to removing the evil lies in resolution in action. The key to winning the masses’ heart-felt admiration lies in treating people modestly and politely. Deep regret results from hesitation and losing the good chance. The sin results from discriminately massacring the innocent. Unfairly handling affairs results from selfishness. Ill omen results from hating other people for pointing your own faults. Limitless expense results from using up the blood and flesh of the people. Blindness results from readily receiving the discord apple given by the enemy. Fruitless operation results from taking measurements without careful thought. Stubbornly adhering to your opinion and shallow knowledge results from drifting apart the virtuous and able people. Courting disaster results from being close to flattering and toadying fellows. Destruction results from not garrisoning. Danger results from ambiguous orders. --- 待续 |
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