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尉缭子 (一) ---中国古代军事著作 Weiliaozi---An ancient Chinese work for military strategy and tactics《尉缭子》简介
原来有两部《尉缭子》为两个同名作者所作。一个是梁惠王(公元前370-362在位)的军事顾问,另一个是秦始皇(他于公元前221年武力统一中国)的军事顾问。二书约在西汉(公元前206-24)初期合而为一。据记载原书古代有31章,现在剩24章。 1972年在山东省银雀山古墓中发现早期《尉缭子》竹简。很遗憾,其中不少字腐蚀了,但通行本中的遗失的字得据以补充。本书系按修订后版本译出,该本中有不少地方不同于通行本,更接近原著。 译者 2000-12于郑州大学数学研究所 IntroductionThis book is one of the Chinese works on the art of war written in ancient China, It mainly discusses how to make the country rich and powerful and explains the military strategy and tactics on just cause. Meanwhile, it still states the importance of the military discipline, the strict rewards and punishments and the active action of man. For more than two thousand years it has been considered as a book that must be read by military students. Originally, there were two books both called <Weiliaozi> written by two authors of the same name. One was a military adviser to Lord Hui of the Liang Kingdom (370-302 B.C.), the other was a military adviser to the First Emperor of Qin, who unified China by force in 221 B.C. The two works were combined into one in the early period of the West Han dynasty (200-24 B.C.). It is recorded that in ancient days there were 31 chapters in this book, but now only 24 are left. In 1972, from an ancient grave in the Yinque Hill, Shandong province a set of bamboo slips was unearthed, on which the early <Weiliaozi> was carved. Unfortunately, many characters there were corroded, but the missed words in the conventional <Weiliaozi> can be supplied in accordance with it. This version is translated from the revised edition, where quite a few places are different from those in conventional editions, so it is still closer to the original。 1. 天官 梁惠王问尉缭子曰:“黄帝刑德,可以百胜,有之乎?” Chapter 1: The Important Role of Man in War Lord Hui of Liang Kingdom asked Wei Liao: “I’ve heard of the doctrine of ‘xin de (penalty and moral conduct)’ set by Emperor Huangdi, with which one can be victorious in every battle. Was there such a thing?” Wei Liao answered: “Emperor Huangdi’s xing de means ‘putting down rebellions with armed forces and running the country with moral conduct, it is not the conventional xing de, which refers to <Tianguan>, i.e. astronomical phenomena, yin and yang (male and female), favorable time or geographical position, etc. In short, his xing de means the action of people. For example, suppose, now there is a city, it cannot be captured even it is attacked from all directions, can it be said the attackers have not any favorable geographical position and time? No, it is not captured just because the city wall is high; the moat I wide and deep; in the city the defenders are capable and united, their weapons are excellent and plentiful and their provisions are sufficient. Otherwise, surely the city can be captured. Thus it can be seen the favorable time or geographical position is not as god as people’s action. According to conventional book <Tianguan>: ‘ To deploy the battle array with water behind of with the hill in front means putting the army to a dangerous or powerless position.’ But while Prince Wu led his men in attacking those of emperor Zhou of Yin dynasty, he deployed the battle array with the Qing River behind and the hill in front. With 12000 me he defeated 100,000 men of Emperor Zhu’s and had Zhou’s head cut off and hung on a white pole. Can it be said that Emperor Zhou had not got any favorable time or geographical position? Certainly it was not. Zhou was defeated just because he hadn’t developed the action of his men. Once General Xin of Chu Kingdom led his men in fighting with those of Qi Kingdom. Just then there appeared a comet in the way with its handle pointing at Qi Kingdom. According to the doctrine of <Tianguan>: ‘In a battle, the side that the comet handle points at must win.’ But General Xin said: ‘What matter does comet know?. When one attacks another with a broom (In China comet is called the broom star.), one must hit the opponent with the handles pointing at him.’ As expected, General Xin utterly defeated Qi Kingdom the next day. 2. 兵谈 量土肥饶而力邑,建城称地,以城称人,以人称粟。三相称,则内可以固守,外可以战胜。战胜于外,备主于内。胜备相应,犹合符节,无异故也。 治兵者,若秘于地,若邃于天,生于无。故关之,大不窕,小不恢。明乎禁舍开塞,民流者亲之,地不任者任之。夫土广而任则国富,民众而治则国治。富治者,民不发轫,车不暴出,而威制天下。故曰:兵胜于朝廷,不暴甲而胜者,主胜也;陈而胜者,将胜也;战而胜,臣胜也;战再胜,当一败。十万之师出,费日千金。故百战百胜,非善之善者也。不战而胜,善之善者也。 将者,上不制于天,下不制于地,中不制于人。宽不可激而怒,清不可事以财。夫心狂、目盲、耳聋、以三饽率人者,难矣。
Chapter 2: Guiding Ideology of Using Military Force Build cities according to the fertile or in fertile of the land. The size of the city must match the area of the country. The area of the country must match the population of the country and the population of the country must match the grain output of the country. With the above three conditions suited to each other, you can defend the national territory inside and win the enemies outside. Winning victories outside lies in the well plan having been made inside. That the final plan and the outside fight can correspond each other as closely as the two halves of a tally lies in the fact that the objective calculation is in line with the objective reality. He who is good at commanding troops must make his men as steady as the ground, as unfathomable as the sky, not be seen but contain boundless strength. Once the force is deployed on a vast field it isn’t fragile, and gathers on a narrow field it still easily put out its power. He who knows the way of “restraining people from wicked thoughts, excusing them for miner errors, opening up their source of income and stopping their crooked custom” will be able to make the world stable, the poor country rich, the refugees come over and pledge allegiance, and the waste land farmed. If the territory is wide and can be made full use of, surely the country can be rich and populous. With a large population that is well administered, surely the country can be stable. A rich, populous and stable country surely can awe the world without call out troops and using forces. Therefore, the victory is determined by the correct political strategy. The victory obtained by use of correct political strategy is the victory of the lord; the victory won in the battle field is the victory of the military of the commanders; fight and success is the victory of the subordinates; once more success analogous to one defeat. It is expensive to send one hundred thousand soldiers on an expedition. So, it isn’t the best strategy to win every fight but it is the best one to win without fight. The commander should not resort to arm by momentary impulse. He should act before estimate it is possible to win, otherwise, should stop. Better to adopt blitz tactics to end the fight. Try best to end the fight within one day when the enemy is within one hundred li (one li =50 km); to end the fight within one month when the enemy is within one thousand li; to end the fight within one year when the enemy is on the remote place. If you have the force to win the country, then attack its capital; otherwise, don’t attack its capital. If you have the force to win the world, then attack a country; otherwise, don’t attack a country. As a high-ranking general, in the course of directing a battle, he should not be restricted by the celestial phenomena or by the region, or by the emperor. He should be broad-minded and not be easily enraged. Besides, he should also be honest and clean and not greedy for money. He who is wildly arrogant, deaf (i.e. never listen to other people’s view) and blind (i.e. never notice the real condition) is very hard to command troops. The well-trained troops can win under any difficult fighting conditions, such as in narrow and winding paths, jigsaw-like places, high mountains or deep valleys. They can also win whether attacking square battle arrays or round battle arrays. When they attack in large formation, they’ll be as heavy and dense as the mountains and forests and act as irresistible as the violently rushing rivers. When they attack in light unit, they’ll be as fierce as the raging flames and act as swift as the flood, like the wall that falls and presses people and the dark clouds that cover the city. Thus they make the gathered enemy have no time to scatter, the scattered enemy have no time to gather, the enemy on the right side have no time to move to the left and that on the left have no time to move to the right, their resourceful men have no time to think of any countermove, their brave fighters have no time to resist. We have countless swords and spears, bows and arrows. Every man is in high spirit and wants to bravely march forward. That is the optimum condition in using military forces. 第三章 制谈 凡兵,制必先定。制先定,则士不乱,则刑乃名。金鼓所指,则百人尽斗,陷行乱陈;则千人尽斗,覆军杀将;则万人齐刃,天下莫能当其战矣。 古者,士有什伍,车有偏列。鼓鸣旗麾,先登者未尝非多力国士也,先死者亦未尝非多力国士。损敌一个而损我百人此资敌而伤我甚焉,世将不能禁。征役分军而逃归,或临自北,则逃伤甚焉,世将不能禁。杀人于百步外者,弓矢也;杀人于五十步之内者,矛戟也。将已鼓而士卒相嚣,拗矢,折矛,抱戟,利后发。战有此数者,内自败也,世将不能禁。士失什伍,车失偏列,奇兵捐将而走,大众亦走,世将不能禁。夫将能禁此四者,则高山陵之,深水绝之,坚陈犯之.不能禁此四者,犹亡舟楫绝江河,不可得也。 民非乐死而恶生也,号令明,法制审,故能使之前,决罚于后,是以发能中利,利则有功。今百人一卒,千人一司马,万人一将,以少诛众,以弱诛疆。试听臣言其术,足使三军之众。诛一人,无失刑,父不敢舍子,子不敢舍父,况国人乎?一贼仗剑击于市,万人无不避之者,臣谓非一人之独勇,万人皆不肖也。何则?必死与必生,固不侔也。听臣之术,足使三军之众为一死贼,莫当其前,莫随其后,而能独出独入焉。独出独入者,王霸之兵也。有提十万之众而天下莫当者,谁?曰:桓公也。有提七万之众而天下莫当者,谁?曰:吴起也。有提三万之众而天下莫当者,谁?曰:武子也。今天下诸国士,所卒无不及二十万之众者,然不能济功名者,不明乎禁舍开塞也。明其制,一人胜之,由十人亦以胜之也。十人胜之,百千万人亦以胜之也。故曰:便吾器用,养吾武勇,发之如鸟击,如赴千仞之溪。 今国被患者,以重宝出聘,以爱子出质,以地界出割,得天下肋卒,名为十万,其实不过数万尔;其兵来者,无不谓其将曰:“无为天下先战。”其实不可得而战也。量吾境内之民,无伍莫能正矣。经制十万之众,而王必能使之衣吾衣,食吾食,战不胜,守不固者,非吾民之罪,内自致也。天下诸国助我战,犹良骥绿耳(骏马名)之驶,被驽马qi(髫,去召加耆,马鬃)兴角逐,何能绍吾气哉!吾用天下之制为制,修吾令,明吾刑赏,使天下非农无所得食,非战无所得爵,使民扬臂争出农战而天下无敌矣。故曰:发号出令,信行国内。民言有可以胜敌者,毋许其空言,必试其能战也。视人之地而有之,分人之民而畜之,必能内有其贤者也。不能内有其贤而欲有天下,必覆军杀将,如此,虽战胜而国益弱,得地而国益贫,由国中之制弊矣。 Chapter 3: Military Discipline In governing troops, discipline must be set first. With full disciplines soldiers will not get in disorder. When the soldiers are in the right order, laws can be carried out in clear and strict way. Thus once an order is issued, if one hundred men are put up to a full fight, they’ll be able to capture the enemy camp; if one thousand me are put up to a full fight, they’ll be able to wipe out the enemy army and capture its commanders; if ten thousand men are put up to a full fight, then they’ll be invincible anywhere in the world. In ancient times, for military units there were the establishments of five men and ten men; for fighting chariot units, there were establishments of ‘bian’ and ‘lie’.(bian and lie are names of army units).There were three kinds of military establishments for a bian, i.e. 9, 15 and 25 chariots for a bian respectively; five bian composed a lie.). There were four conditions that the conventional high-ranking military officers cannot control, they are: 1.When the battle drums are beaten and the battle flags are waved is not it the country’s brave men who ascend the enemy’s city wall and give their lives for the country first? But killing one enemy man at he expense of one hundred men of ours in fact means helping the enemy to inflict heavy casualties on us ourselves. 2. The people just enlisted as soldiers run back or desert on the eve of the battle, which thus leads to weakening the fighting capacity. 3. The weapons that can be used to kill men within 100 steps are the bows and arrows. The weapons that can be used to kill the enemy within 50 steps are the spears and halberds. But when the battle order has been issued by beating battle drums, the soldiers shout in confusion, break the bows and arrows, give up spears and halberds for drawing back.. The above three conditions happening in the course of fight are really self-defeating. 4. The battle formation of the infantrymen and chariots get in disorder, the mobile units give up their commanders and run away and the main force disperse along with them. If any man can control the said four conditions, he will be able to lead his men in surmounting over the high mountains, striding across the deep rivers and capturing the strong military positions; otherwise, it is impossible for him to defeat the enemy, like a man who wants to cross the river without boats and ships. It is unnatural that people like to die and hate to live, with strict orders and thorough legal systems you’ll be able to make them bravely march forward. With clear reward explained before the fight and strict punishment determined after the fight, you’ll be able to win in dispatching troops and to accomplish meritorious deeds in acting. For a hundred men set a soldier-leader; for one thousand men set a sima (officer name); for ten thousand men set a military general. Thus make few leaders lead many and strong men. Try to listen to me: by this way you’ll be able to command the whole army. If you can make the punishment fit the crime, then even a father cannot side with his son and a son cannot side with his father. With a sword in hand, a desperado rushed into the market, then everyone will dodge him. I don’t think the desperado is brave and everyone is timid. Why does it happen so? The thought of the men who seek to live and that of the desperado who risks his life are different. Try to listen to me, surely all the troops can fight as bravely as one desperado and no enemy dare to prevent r pursue them. Being able to do so, you’ll be able to make the troops sweep away all obstacles. Those who can sweep all obstacles are the troops of the virtuous kings are rulers. Who has the ability to lead one hundred thousand men and be invincible in the world? It was Lord Huangong of Qi Kingdom (685-669 B.C. on the throne). Who has the ability to lead seventy thousand men and be invincible in the world? It was General Wu Qi (?-378 B.C.). Who has the ability to lead thirty thousand men and be invincible in the world? It was General Sun Wu. Nowadays, in various kingdoms no high ranking military commander commands fewer men than twenty thousand men and no one can perform meritorious deeds, either. The reason lies in that they don’t understand the way to ‘restraining people from wicked thought, excusing them for minor errors, opening up their source of income and stopping their crooked custom’. With knowing this way, if one man can win the victory over the enemy, then ten can also do so; if ten men can win the victory over then enemy, then thousand men can also do so as well. Therefore, by improving the equipment of our army, cultivating the valiant fighting spirit of our men, once we launch an attack, the fighters will act as swiftly and violently as the eagle clears the sky and as irresistibly as the water falls down from the high cliff. In a country generally it is no doubt for it to organize one hundred men. If the men of the country are not well organized, surely they’ll not be able to be used. If one hundred thousand men are well organized and managed, and the lord of the country can provide them with enough food and clothing, no doubt they can serve the country well.If they cannot win the victory while attacking the enemy, nor well defend the frontiers or cities, it is not because the men do not do their duty best, but because there are no full disciplines in the country. The relief troops of other countries look like flying steeds, in fact they are really dull horses with their manes standing upright. How can they encourage the morale of the fighters of the helped country? So you must make all the good regulations of foreign countries serve you, consolidate your military orders, be strict and impartial in meeting out rewards and punishments in your country, thus make those who don’t farm have no food and the officer who hasn’t rendered any military contribution receives no rank, so that all the people of you country will strive for farming and fighting. Doing so you’ll be invincible in the word. Therefore, issuing orders in this way, you’ll be able to establish credibility among the people. If someone says that he can defeat the enemy, don’t believe him. Try him first. If you have the intention to take other country’s territory and rule the people there, you must have men of ability in your own country. If you haven’t such able men in your country but attempt to dominate the world, you’ll sustain severe defeat. Even if you win and widen your territory by luck, you’ll make your country still weaker and more impoverished. That is because there are drawbacks in the regulations of the country. --- 待续 |
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