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Enlarged Collection of Mottoes--A Primary Textbook for Children-----(四) Revised by Zhou XitaoTranslated by Zhang Hongyan and Chen Shuiming重订《增广贤文》 (四)
The calm people keep silent; still water doesn’t flow. 有花方酌酒,无月不登楼。 Drink, while flowers are in blossom; don’t please the heart on a high building without moonlight. 深山毕竟藏猛虎,大海终须纳细流。 After all, the lofty mountains hide fierce tigers and the deep sea accepts all rivers and brooks. 受恩深处宜先退,得意浓时便可休。 Retreat, before you’ve gained enough profit; 贫家光扫地,贫女净梳头;景色虽不丽,气度自优游。 If a poor family often sweeps its floor clean, a poor girl often tidies her hair, then even the family doesn’t specially decorate its rooms, the girl isn’t well-dressed still they are considered to have kept elegant airs. 无益世言休著口,不干己事少当头。 Speak little of the words that are unprofitable to the world; 休向君子谄媚,君子原无私惠; Don’t be servile to the virtuous man, as he doesn’t privately benefit anyone; 名利是缰索,牵缠时,逆则生憎,顺则生爱; Fame and gain are similar to the rein and lock, once you get involved in them and go along with them, you’ll consider them lovely; if you can’t obtain them, you’ll feel them annoying. 若登高,必自卑;若涉远,必自迩。 When ascending a hill, you must start from the foot; when travelling far, you must start from the place where you are. 磨刀恨不利,刀利伤人指; When grinding a knife, you often try your best to make it sharp, but too sharp a knife is liable to cut the finger; when making money, you always try your best to gain much, but too much money will bring trouble to you. 知足常足,终身不辱; He who is content with what he has had is always content with his lot and will never be humiliated all his life. 人非善不交,物非义不取。 Don’t make friends with those who are not virtuous, nor gain profits by mean ways. 身欲出樊笼外,心要在腔子里。 If you want to get rid of the position of confinement, put your mind in the right place. 勿偏信而为奸所欺,勿自任而为气所使。 Don’t listen to only one side and be cheated, nor be self-willed and be driven by your own temperament. 使口不如自走,求人不如求己。 Better do the work in person than tell others to do. Better depend on yourself than on others. 为富兼为仁,愿生莫愿死。 Be a man of rich and kindhearted and long for living long but not dying young. 贼是小人,智过君子。 A thief may be cleverer than a virtuous man. 壁有缝,墙有耳。 The wall has cracks and ears; be aware of eavesdroppers. 之子不称服,奉身好画侈。虽得市童怜,还为识者鄙。 That fellow wears undue garment (referring to undue government position), boasts of gorgeous dress; though he can win some admiration, yet is despised by those who know his true colors. 天下无不是底父母,世间最难得者兄弟。 There are no parents who do not love their children;in the world the closest people are blood brothers. 不痴不聋;不作阿姑阿翁; Without being dull and deaf you had better not be a mother-in-law or a father-in-law of your daughter-in-law; with being filial to one’s parents one may be counted as a good son. 处骨肉之变,宜从容不宜激烈; When happens a dispute within your family, you had better keep calm but not make it intensify; while your family is on the decline, you should exercise caution and discipline but not be dispirited. 是日一过,命亦随减。 Your life decreases with every passing day, which leaves you and never comes back. 用人与教人,二者却相反; The ways for employing and teaching are different; for the former you make use of the employee’s strong points,for the latter, you should find out where the weak points of your pupil’s lie. 打人莫伤脸,骂人莫揭短。 Don’t box man’s face when you beat him, nor rake a man’s secret faults when scold him. 仕宦芳规清慎勤;饮食要诀缓暖软。 The good principles for government officials are “honest, careful and diligent”; the key to one’s dietetics lies in “eating slowly, the food being warm and soft”. 水暖水寒鱼自知;花开花谢春不管。 Fishes know whether the water is warm or not; spring doesn't care whether flowers come out or fall off. 蜗牛角上校雌雄,石火光中争长短。 To have a contest on a snail’s tentacles and to have a bitter wangling in the light sparks (It is an idiom referring to it is only and empty dream for people to strive for fame and wealth in the world). 留心学到古人难,立脚怕随流俗转。 It is difficult to learn from ancient virtuous people; the terrible thing for a man to take a firm stand is to drift with the tide. 洒扫庭除,要内外整洁;关锁门户,必亲自检点。 Sweep the courtyard and house and make every place thoroughly clean and tidy; close and lock the gate and doors in time and examine them yourself. 天下无难处之事,只要两个如之何; There is nothing difficult to handle in the world if you carefully turn it over in your mind; there is no person difficult to get along with if you can examine with what attitude towards him you adopt. 凡事要好,须问三老。 If you want to do things well, you’d better heed the word of the old aged. 但能依本分,终须无烦恼。 So long as you do your duty, you’ll be always happy. 吃得亏,坐一堆; He who can suffer a little loss is always at ease; he who wants to do things well had better budget liberally and spend sparingly. 学者如禾如稻,不学者如蒿如草。 He who learns is as useful as seedlings and rice; he who doesn’t learn is as useless as wormwood and weeds. 事事有功,须防一事不终; Be careful not to lose one thing by losing a bit of more effort though usually you have done everything well; still be careful not to make a single man complain though usually you have been praised by everyone. 宁添一斗,莫添一口。 Rather to produce one more kilogram of grain than to eat one more mouth of food. 要学好人,须寻好友; He who wants to be a virtuous man must make friends with virtuous people. 勿贪意外之财,勿饮过量之酒。 Don’t covet unexpected money, nor drink too much wine. 不嫌刻鹄类骛,只怕画虎成狗。 It is not a serious matter to engrave a wild-swan but end up with a duck; however, it is a disagreeable one to draw a tiger but end up with a dog. 享现在之福如点灯,随点则随灭; To enjoy the present happiness is something like lighting a lamp, which cannot last long. To cultivate the future happiness is something like adding oil to the lamp, the more you add, the longer the light lasts. 恩里由来生害,得意时须早回头; Harm often comes from good, keep the favor you’ve got within proper limits; failure is the mother of success, don’t stop while there are obstacles you encounter。 多交费财,少交省用。 It spends much to associate too many people, while it achieves saving to associate fewer ones. 以身教者从,以言教者讼。 You will be followed if you teach others by your own example. [Example is better than preach.] It will cause dispute that you teach others by your words. 一字入公门,九牛拖不出。 One word spoken to the court even nine oxen cannot recall it. 和气致祥;乖气致戾。 Harmony invites good fortune; while perversity leads to disadvantage.. 创业固难,守成不易。 It is hard to start an undertaking, but it is also hard to keep it. 东海曾问闻无定波,北邙未肯留闲地。 It is heard that there are always moving waves in the sea, but there are no spare lands in Mt.Beimang Hill (The hill is a well known grave yard where nobles were buried in history). 争名利,要审自己分量,休眼热别个,辄生嫉妒之心; To scramble for fame and profit, you must first examine yourself,don’t covet others and harbor a jealous heart; 家庭和睦,蔬食尽有余欢; A harmonious family is always happy even lives on plain tea and simple food;; while a discordant one is always unhappy even lives on delicacies from the mountains and the sea. 观过知人,投鼠忌器。 By observing the mistakes a man commits you may judge whether he is virtuous or not, to kill the rat you must consider not to damage the vase in which it is hiding. 晴空看鸟飞,流水看鱼跃,识宇宙活泼之机; By watching birds flying on fine days and fishes swimming in flowing water, you may get the vitality of the world; 先学耐烦,切莫使气,性躁心粗,一生不济。 Learn to be patient first and never be willful; short-tempered and careless, you’ll be unable to succeed all your life. 举世好奉承,奉承非佳意;不知奉承者,以尔为玩戏。 In the world people are keen on flatteries, but he who flatters doesn’t harbor good intentions; you can never be aware that the flatterers never think you are right. 得时莫夸能,不遇休妒世。 Don’t show off while you are pleased with success, nor blame god and man while you are frustrated. 路径仄处,留一步与人行; In the narrow place, make a little room for others; while there is something delicious, leave a part for others to share. 为人要学大,莫学小,志气一卑污了,品格难乎其高; Learn to be ambitious but not narrow minded, once you get your aspirations polluted, you can hardly be a man of fine character; 争斗场中,出几句清冷言语,便扫除无限杀机; In fierce fighting circumstances, several calm words will cause you to get rid of boundless dangers; 一日为师,终身为父。 Always respect your teacher as if he were the father even if the teacher-student relationship has existed for a single day. 三十不立,四十见恶,五十相将寻死路。 If a man has no achievements at thirty, he'll have no virtuous deeds to set at forty, then from fifty he’ll be on the decline. 非意相干,可以理遣; Reasonably ask the unexpected interfering people to leave and be intellectually lenient towards the wrong doers. 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