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Enlarged Collection of Mottoes--A Primary Textbook for Children-----(五) Revised by Zhou XitaoTranslated by Zhang Hongyan and Chen Shuiming重订《增广贤文》 (五)
When succeed, stop before going too far; in doing things, think over the unexpected circumstances. 有生必有死,孽钱归孽路。 Where there is life there is death; Ill-gotten, ill-spent. 得忍且忍,得耐且耐,不忍不耐,小事变大。 Be patient as possible as you can when conditions ask, or a trifle will cause you a serious trouble. 相论逞英雄,家计渐渐退。 Boasting of luxury is the cause of the decline of family financial situation. 一人有庆,兆民永赖。 One leader is fortunate and most of his followers depend on him. 见怪不怪,怪乃自败。 Face the fearful with no fears and its fearfulness naturally disappears. 寂寞衡茅观燕寝,引起一段冷趣幽思; Watching the swallows sitting in their nests on the cross beam of a lonely cottage can remind you of a gloomy feeling and melancholy contemplation; 言忠信,行笃敬。 Be as good as your words and act sincerely and respectively. 爱人者,人恒爱; He who loves others is always loved; 好讼之子,多致终凶; The man who likes to bring cases to court often results badly; the family that accumulates good deeds will certainly enjoy surplus favorable auspices. 贫士养亲,椒水承欢; A dutiful son, though poor, still tries his best to make his parents please even serve them with simple meals as bean and grain porridge; the strict father teaches his son only by just ways. 勤,懿行也,君子敏于德义,世人则借勤以济其贪; Diligence and frugality is a kind of moral excellence,the honest man cultivates himself with it, but men of the world are often greedy for money by the name of it; 于临死而无挂碍,先在生时事事看得轻; He who wants to be at ease while dying must have no inordinate ambition while he lives; 视得破,任不过;说得硬,守不定。 Man often can see through things but can’t tolerate them; still often expresses himself in strong terms, but can’t be as good as his words; 子有过,父当隐;父有过,子当诤。 When the son commits a mistake, his father should teach him but not publicize it; when the father commits a mistake, his son should gently advise him. 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。 Bitter medicine cures sickness, so unpalatable advice benefits conduct. 芙蓉白面,不过带肉骷髅; Beautiful lotus flower (a metaphor referring to a beauty) is nothing but the skeleton with flesh; 读书而寄兴于吟咏风雅,定不深心; He who takes reading as means to find sustenance in sentimental verse cannot study hard; 一人非之,便立不定,只见得有是非,何曾知有道理; If a man worries about a single man’s criticism, it may be said that he only knows how to squabble over trifles but doesn’t know the reason. 智生识,识生断,当断不断,反受其乱。 Wisdom broadens knowledge and knowledge leads to decision; he who is indecisive when decision is needed will be insulted. 人各有心,心各有见。 Everyone has his own ideas and every idea is shaped by certain reasons. 一毫之恶,劝人莫作;一毫之善,与人方便。 Don’t advise people to do any evil, even do it a little; help people do good works, even do a single one. 难合亦难分,易亲亦易散。 Hard join, hard separate too; easily get close, easily become estranged as well. 只见锦上添花,未闻雪里送炭。 It is only heard of to add flowers to the brocade, but it is not seen to send charcoal in snowy weather. 传家二字耕与读,防家二字盗与奸。 Two words for the family heirloom are “farm” and “read”, two words for precaution against disasters of the family are “being stolen” and ‘losing virginity”; 作种种之阴功,行时时之方便。 Do various kinds of unpublicized virtues and do people favors everywhere. 先达之人可尊也,不可比媚; You may respect the virtuous people but not curry favor with them; 祖宗富贵,自诗书中来,子孙享富贵而贱诗书; The ancestor’s wealth and honor flowed from the classics (generally referring to “the book of Odes and the Book of History) but the following generations often enjoy wealth and honor and look down upon the classics; 以孝律身,即出将入相,都做得妥妥停停; Cultivate yourself with filial duty then you’ll be able to handle everything well, even you are in the high official position; 水不紧,鱼不跳。 The fish doesn’t jump in slow flow. 好义固为人所钦,贪利为鬼所笑。 Just action is hoped to do by all people; 受享过分,必生灾害之端; Enjoying too much is the beginning to invite disaster; acting cunningly is often the omen of misfortune. 救既败之事,如驭临岩之马,休轻加一鞭; To retrieve a defeat is like to manage a horse that faces a cliff, don’t rashly whip it; 窗前一片浮青映白,悟入处,尽是禅机; The green plants and white clouds that reflect before the window are all Buddhist allegorical gesture if you are aware of it; 种麻得麻,种豆得豆。天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 Plant hemp and you get hemp; sow beans and you get beans [It means as you sow, so will you reap.] The net of Heaven stretches everywhere, but it lets nothing through (It means that the mills of God grind slowly but surely, or justice has a long arm.) 见官莫向前,做客莫在后。 Don’t step forward when seeing the government officials; nor step back when you act as a guest. 会数而理勤,物薄而情厚。 Meet friends many times but should not have few manners; the gift itself may be light, but conveys deep feeling. 大事不糊涂,小事不滲漏。 Don’t be muddled in important matters, nor be careless in handling minor matters. 佳人傅粉,誰識白刃當前;螳螂捕蟬,豈知黃卻在後? A beauty with fine dressed flirts with you, how can you know she is nothing but a sharp sword! A mantis is stalking a cicada, how can it know there is an oriole behind it and wants to catch it! (It means to covet gains ahead without being award of danger behind.) 天欲祸人,必先以微福骄之,所以福来不必喜,要看会受;天欲福人,比先以微祸警之,所以祸来不必忧,要看会救。 When God wants to punish you, He often gives a little good fortune to you so as to lower your guard. Therefore, don’t be over joyous when good fortune occurs, but carefully enjoy it. When God wants to give good fortune to you, He often warns you with a little misfortune. Therefore, don’t be too worried when it happens, but manage to escape it. 算什么命,问什么卜? What’s the use to have your fortune told or to seek guidance from divination? 大俭之后,必有大奢;大兵之后,必有大疫。 After great thrift, there will be great extravagance; after war, there will be pestilence. 天眼恢恢,报应甚速。 God’s eyes watch everywhere and soon the judgement is formed. 人欺不是辱,人怕不是福。 Being injured isn’t a kind of shame; being feared isn’t a kind of good fortune. 百病从口入;百祸从口出。 By the mouth illness finds its way in, and all misfortunes find their way out. 片言九鼎,一公百服。 A solemn promise is as heavy as nine big pots. Keep your words and you’ll be trusted by all。 点石化为金,人心犹未足。 Man’s avarice knows no bounds, he can never be satisfied even he could turn the stone into gold. 不肯种福田,舍财如割肉。 If you don’t farm blessing field but take wealth as dear as your flesh, then when you are going to the other world, you’ll find you can do nothing but weep before the King of Hell. 积产遗子孙,子孙未必守;积财遗子孙,子孙未必读。 Even you accumulate property and give it to your sons and grandsons, they don’t necessarily maintain it, or you collect books and hand down to them, they don’t necessarily read. 莫把真心空计较,唯有大德享百福。 Don’t make empty plans with your heart, you should know only those who have great moral conducts can enjoy various kinds of good fortunes. 谁人不爱子孙贤,谁人不爱千钟粟,奈五行不是这般题目。 Can anyone do not want his sons and grandsons to be able and virtuous? Can anyone do not love wealth? But the five primary elements (i.e. metal, wood, water, fire and earth, which stands for natural law) don’t arrange so as his will. 恩宜自淡而浓,先浓后淡者,人忘其惠;威宜自严而宽,先宽后严者,人怨其酷。 While you treat people with kindness, gradually increase kindness, or the kindness is easily forgotten; while you treat people with strictness, gradually decrease strictness, or you’ll be considered cruel. 以积货财之心积学问,则盛德日心;以爱妻子之心爱父母,则孝行自笃。 If you accumulate knowledge with the desire to accumulate wealth, then you’ll be able to make progress in moral character; if you love your parents with the heart to love your wife, then you’ll naturally make progress in filial conducts. 学须静,才须学。非学无以广才,非静无以成学 Learning requires one to concentrate energy and one’s ability requires one to learn. 行义要强,受谏要弱。 To do good deeds require one to be generous; to accept advice requires one not to shield one’s shortcomings. 闲时不烧香,急时抱佛脚。 Don’t do the work as not burning joss stick at ordinary times in worship of Buddha but embracing His feet and praying for help in time of emergency. 不患老而无成,只怕幼而不学。 What you should worry about does not lie in the fact that you have no achievements in your old age but lies in that you don’t study in your youth days. 富贵如刀兵戈矛,稍放纵便销膏靡骨而不知;贫贱如针砭药石,一忧勤即砥节砺行而不觉。 Wealth and honor is like sword and spear, if you are self-undisciplined a little, you’ll be unconsciously have your body smashed to pieces by it. Poverty and low position is like acupuncture and herb, if you are self-disciplined and firm in hard times, you’ll be unconsciously cured of your trouble by it. 送君千里,终须一别。 Even to walk with you one thousand li [One li equals 500 meters.], eventually we must separate. 不矜细行,终累大德。 If you are careless in small matters, eventually you will corrupt your own virtue. 亲戚不悦,无务外交;事不终始,无乌多业。 If you cannot get along with your own family members in good terms, you had better not indulge in making friends with strangers; if you always do things by halves, you had better not engage in several works at the same time. 临难无苟免,临财无苟得 If it happens that an unexpected disaster comes before you, don’t escape it luckily; if it happens that unexpected money comes before you, don’t acquire it illicitly. 气死莫告状,饿死莫做贼。 Don’t file a lawsuit even you get indignant, nor act as a thief even you were hungry to death. 醉后思仇人,君子避酒客。 While a man is tipsy, he is liable to recall his enemies; the gentleman escapes the man in drink. 智者千虑,必有一失;愚者千虑,必有一得。 Even the wise are not always free from error; even a fool occasionally hits on a good idea. 千年田地八百主,田是主人人是客。 In one thousand years a farm may have eight hundred masters, so the farm is the master and people are guests. 良田不由心田置,产业变为冤业折。 If one buys good farms by mean ways and the farms, then one will get into one’s misfortune debt. 真士无心邀福,天即就无心处牖其 衷;险人著意避祸,天即就著意处夺其魄。 The honest man doesn’t specially invite good fortune but God gives it to him because he hasn’t purposefully invited it; the evil man specially averts misfortune but God strips him of his intelligence because he has specially averted it. 权贵龙骧,英雄虎战,以冷眼观之,如蝇竞血,如蚁聚膻; Bigwigs make rapid advance in their career, martial leaders bravely fight in the battle fields, if you coldly watch them, it is just like a cloud of flies striving for the blood, a swarm of ants gathering around the smell. 客不离货;财不露白。 The businessman shouldn’t leave his commodities. Your wealth shouldn’t show to others. 谗言不可听,听之祸殃结。君听臣遭诛,父听子遭灭。夫妇听之离,兄弟听之别,朋友听之疏,亲戚听之绝。 Don’t be convinced of calumnies, or they will bring you misfortunes. 鬼神可敬不可谄;冤家宜解不宜结 Spirits and gods can be respected but not toadied; better turn an enemy into an ally than into a mortal one. 人生何处不相逢,莫因小事动声色。 People may have the chance to meet anywhere。Don’t quarrel with each other for trifles. 心思如青天白日,不可使人不知;才华如玉蕴珠含,不可使人易测。 One’s thought should be as bright as the blue sky and the sun, but one’s talent and ability are like a jade concealed and pearl reserved should be hidden and not let them be easily deduced. 性天澄澈,即饥餐渴饮,无非廉济身肠;心地沉迷,纵演偈谈玄,总是播弄精魄。 He who has an optimistic nature will be always happy and able to keep fit even leads a simple life; he who is perverse will always rack his brain no matter how he preaches profound theories and talks about metaphysics. 芝兰生于深林,不以无人而不芳;君子修其道德,不为穷困而改节。 Irises and orchids grow in the deep woods still give off intoxicating scents and don’t care for whether they are enjoyed of not; virtuous man cultivates his virtue and doesn’t change his will on account of poverty and difficulty. 满招损,谦受益 Haughtiness invites losses, while modesty brings profits. 百年光阴,如驹过隙。 One hundred years passes as swiftly as a horse leaps a gap----How time flies. 世事明如镜,前程暗似漆。 The affairs of the world are as bright as the glass, while their future is as dark as the lacquer. 有麝自然香,何必当风立? Naturally where there is musk there is sweet smell, why should you stand at the way the wind blows from it? 良田万顷,日食三餐;大厦千间,夜眠八尺。 Even you have ten thousand hectares of farm, at most you have meals three times a day; even you have one thousand brilliant buildings, you can only take several square meters to lie on at night. 救生不救死,寄物不寄失。 Save the living but not the dead; leave things to somebody-else but not leave things that other man has lost. 人生孰不需财,匹夫不可怀璧。 Can anyone not want money in his life, but a common people had better not to hold precious jaded --- (as an innocent man often gets into trouble because of his wealth). 适志在花柳灿烂,笙歌沸腾处,那都是一场幻景界;得趣于木落草枯,声稀味淡中,才觅得以写真消息。 The time when you enjoy blooming flowers and green willows, singing and dancing, is nothing but an empty dream; from the place where you are content with faded leaves and withered grass, simple meals, peace and quiet, you can get some true colors of the world. 圣贤言语,雅俗并集,人能体此,万无一失。 The above are mottoes from sages and virtuous men. They are both refined and popular ones; if you can learn the meaning of them, few mistakes can you make. (全书完) |
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